I Love You

Jiro was already waiting for her outside, near the elevator. He has a cup of coffee in his hand. Some glances and faint giggles were heard as women murmured about the tall man, waiting outside the door. She grimaced, 'he wasn't that handsome, though,' she thought to herself, then glared at the women whispering about Jiro. 

"You're quick," she lamely said as she couldn't think of anything witty to tell him. 

He handed her the coffee he was holding and she felt giddy with the thought that he got her coffee. Yet, her expression remained stoic. "Thanks." 

"There's a rooftop bar in this building, do you have time to spare?" 

She nodded. Although she was thinking of having a conversation in private because she sometimes couldn't handle her emotions when there's a confrontation, she'd preferred running away rather than facing her problems.