A Stupid Mistake

She was fighting the tears that were about to fall any minute by thinking of some shitty memes she could remember. Jiro stood up abruptly when she blurted out 'I love you' and he hasn't come back. She was too stunned that she didn't bother to follow him with her gaze when he left. 

She looked down when she saw the waiter approaching their table. Jiro had asked for their bill for they were about to leave but now he left her alone. She bit her lower lip to stifle a sob. "Here you go," she mumbled as she gave the waiter a one thousand yen and got up. 

She heard the waiter calling after her for her change but she ignored him and briskly walked out. She dialed her phone, calling her driver. She needed to get away from here—fast! She then dialed the number of Madame Bae's pilot to tell him that she's ready to leave.