Chapter:seven: battle of two silvers part three

"I haven't been this cold since I went to the southern islands even then it wasn't this cold." Hammerhand says to I Hades.

We haven't changed location this is most likely due to FrostWolf Codex due to dressing for a warmer climate a lot of people in our group and allied soldiers are currently struggling for warmth.

"Hammerhand fall back to protect the prince, Warmonger with me since your used to this cold."I say Hammerhand nods and begins to fall back but the prince step forward and say.

"As the future king of the Gucci kingdom, I will stay and see the battle to the very end even cold of this level will not stop me." He says while shivering to no end the smart move would just be to destroy this place and just end this battle unfortunately political reason won't allow it.

"Okay, but stay close." I say to the prince who nods.

"Warmonger no matter what happens grab the prince and leave this place." I say to Warmonger who nods then disappear into the shadows.

"Your subordinates are truly useful how did you manage to get them." The prince asks while rubbing his hand together due to the cold.

"On many many travels plus pure luck those were good times especially when I met Hammerhand." I say remembering the excitement of that time.

"Sometimes I wish I could be an adventurer but I can't not only I have a duty to my family and country but I don't possess a Codex as you do."

Everyone has the potential to awaken but few do, some die trying others never will and one awaken it is a burden but once you do your whole world will change.

"They are through the door stay behind me Prince (black bones)." Eight black arms surround me like a prison with the prince behind me everything is set with that a black arm appear from the shadows with a stick of lit TNT after a few seconds baam!

"Damn it he's still alive quickly reload." A soldier dressed in red says but their time is already over.

"Warmonger fetch me their souls." On my command, multiple shadows appear from the ground and begin to rip the soldiers apart.

"Let's go ." I say to the now terrified prince who keeps looking at the soliders who are screaming for help.

"Once her ability is cast it cannot be undone theirs no point in worrying over them." I say walking forward, this is just war their's no good ending for anyone.

" Your finally here my traitor younger brother." A man says holding a sword in his right hand his silver hair follows down to his hip, like the prince beside me he's wearing royal blue unlike the one beside me he's much more muscular and have a violent aura about him he's most likely awaken his codex recently if that's the case he could be dangerous.

"( come forth lion who rules over all bring justice to all those who defy your name.)"

To confirm my decision the prince goes about summoning a silver lion. He's an Earth-type meaning that his lion ability will not be straightforward like it seems it doesn't matter. All eight of the black bones unfold from around me and begin to give off an Aura blacker than night itself.

"I will only say this once give up now or face the consequences." The 2nd prince ignores my words and raises his sword, alright then let's party.

With speeds faster than any human eye could react with I use one of the arms to launch a quick blow swatting away the lion who is charging me then with two more hands I try to grab the prince but I'm stopped by a block of ice.

"Warmonger where is Frost wolf?" I ask the shadow beneath me and it responds with a strange statement.

"I can sense his presence near me but for some reason I can't feel his life force or anything of him for that matter."

That's strange is it due to the ability of that lion or is it something else.

"Come on now third brother is that all your dog can do, he didn't even scratch my lion." The 2nd prince says I can't see his face but I can tell that it has a big smile on it.

"Hades by order of the future king of the Gucci kingdom I grant you the authority to destroy him." If that so then I will take you up on that offer.

Like earlier today the entire area gets dyed in black as dark as the night sky. The once-only bonny arms begin to grow flesh on them, appearing on each palm is an ancient rune that only people from a forgotten time will remember it simply means death!

Like before I command one of the arms to attack like before it's faster than the human eye can predict. When it finally connects with the prince ice block it shatters with such force I'm forced to use to the others to block the shards from harming everyone. While I was blocking the shards the lion tries to attack but I have eight arms and I only need one to deal with it.

I use one of the free hands to knocking it to the roof and pin it there it tries to struggle free but it's unable to. The 2nd prince tries to use that opportunity to strike by summoning spears of ice but he's immediately hit by an arm knocking him out cold.

Sensing its master defeat it tries to break free even harder unfortunately destroying it would most like kill the prince as well since he's probably not used to his codex yet. I then did the most reasonable thing any human would do. I launch it outside through the roof due to him being an Earth-type the distance would automatically cancel their connection or it will fall and crack then prince dies either way my job here is done.