Chapter:Eleven: Hell in a hole

"So our objective is to protect them while they search that place for treasure." Hammerhand ask flipping a coin in his.

"Not entirely we will split into groups of two, group one's job is to destroy the Spirit beast along with all the surrounding mana beast around it, meanwhile group two's job is to search the rest of the area for anything of value." 

I gio . .   I mean Hades says to all the members of Flock, despite going up against a Spirit beast they pretty relax most people would be scared but I guess that's what makes them special.

"The first group will consist of myself, Warmonger and Hammerhand while the second group consists of Gunslinger, La puppeteer and Princess, any questions? " 

After a few seconds, no one raises their and like that we are all prepared for what's about to happen at least I'm almost sure.

"Hey boss can you allow me to let loose this time around, last mission I was put on the back burner and I'm not too big on that." 

That's true originally the Gucci kingdom coup should have taken us longer than it had but it never truly did. 

"Sure just remember that we have allies with us." I say staring at the man dressed in a red mask and a small bat on his shoulder. 

"Don't mind us, you youngsters should be vigorous and bold not laid back." Red Wolf says then laugh out loud.

"Alright then old man (God hand:second stage!)" Gold plates begin to cover up all of Hammerhand arm while a blue lotus design begins to cover it up to his arm. The transformations only end when his entire arm is filled with gold.

"It's been too long since I've used this, I feel I'm getting rusty boss." He says staring at me with pure undiluted madness. 

"I know but it wouldn't be fun to use the same thing over and over again ( knights who watch over the king of the bow, I summon you from your silent grave Wolfguard!) 

Listening to my command entities begin to rip through the dimensional fabric creating thunderstorms in this underground area. Finally stepping out from the other side is Ten-four armed knights covered in bone armour with jewels, in each of their four arms are flaming swords blue in colour.

"The knights of Samaria it's been decades since I've seen them since Samaria was wiped out by a mysterious "meteorite".

Yeah, me neither I wonder who would do such a thing it's not like they were known for being cannibals. That person probably deserves a reward or something.

"Doesn't matter the longer we take to defeat the beast the stronger it gets, Warmonger go scout ahead and Hammerhand let loose." 

Hearing my statement Hammerhand unleash a massive amount of energy from himself and charge deeper in while Warmonger dives into my shadow. Time to rumble.

Reaching deeper in I see Hammerhand frantically ripping apart human-like figures, they look human until you see their head they have teeth the size of swords and horns red like blood while their skin is charcoal literally.

"(God style: Shotgun)" Hammerhand says releasing a wave of energy that shreds through a group of beasts that rushing towards him.

"Quite powerful he is but he's quite conceited to call his power of the gods." Red Wolf says shaking his heads in denial, even the bat is following too.

"It was named by Don Troule who happens to be Futam head of Religion." I say much to both of their surprises.

"That bastard is a Religionists don't let me laugh, he simply uses it to his whims to smuggle drugs and human into this country." 

"Either way Hammerhand was his God son so I suggest you keep your comments on the low note." I say walking towards Hammerhand location.

"It would seem our journey ends here." Hammerhand says given off enough steam to melt steel while staring at a wall of sand blocking his way.

"Not quite this is my doing I will undo it so step back a little youngster ( Sand Art: shattering shard)" The old man says turning the once sturdy wall into tiny diamond shape pieces.

Then immediately we are all hit with a deep and unforgettable heat followed by a nauseating amount of aura over following us. This feeling guess he was right this is a Spirit beast.

We step forward into the hole created by the old man's earlier ability to be immediately attacked by mana beasts who Hammerhand destroys immediately.

"Mana beasts are getting lesser and lesser as we approach the Spirit beast but they sure are getting stronger and stronger though." Hammerhand responds with his earlier madness is slowly going away. 

"Yes, but be warned they are s class mana beast the deeper we go, they also seemed to be very good at using fire." Red Wolf says.

"Doesn't matter old man even if they are Spirit beast or even mythical beast I will destroy them with my bare hands."  I agree with Hammerhand although mythical might be a little troublesome.

"I found our target boss although he's strangely surrounded by sss class mana beast. " Warmonger says finally returning from her scouting mission. 

"Anything else to report?." She shakes her head meaning no. Then let's speed this up.

There was our target lying in a pool of lava standing at ten meters tall, its humanoid figure covered in red scales. Its black horns extending its overall height to ten meters and beside it is a five-meter long flaming sword buried deep in the lava.

Beside it are creatures of different origins. A black dear with four horns and eight legs, a red spider with many many eyes, a white bear cover in a black exoskeleton and final an orange eagle with four wings and three heads. All measuring around three meters each with the bear being five meters.

Noticing our presence the spirit beast sends the dear after us. It slowly and proudly walks towards us while observing us with its red eyes.

"Let me handle it boss I will destroy it instantly."  Warmonger suggests coming out of the shadow with a long black scythe in hand.

"Sure but we don't have to do things on their terms Hammerhand bring me the bear and the spider is mine, old man would you please. " 

"Leaving the things to the old how typical of the young then let me oblige ( Sand Art: Sinking graveyard)."

Suddenly all the ground around us slowly turns into Sand and black crosses begin to spurt from the ground creating even more sand from it. The strange thing is the once hot lava is slowly being covered in the sand it gets extinguished. Surprised of what's happening the Spirit beast begins to swing its sword at the ground but it's futile since everything has been set into motion.

Realizing my plan Warmonger uses that opportunity to run at the dear who sees her and prepare to charge at her.

"(Shadow world: chaos strike) Warmonger says easily removing two of the deer's legs Leaving behind a strange fluctuation with her slice.

"(God style: sniper)" Hammerhand fires a large laser beam blasting the bear right through the wall then jump on it and begins to pound away.

Meanwhile, the spider is being harassed by my knights although it's not struggling which is surprising since my knights are equivalent to a gold rank adventurer.

On the other hand, the eagle has been torn apart by sand and a creepy smiling old man.

"That was boring hey Hades hand over that spider will you." That crazy old man says staring at my prey but I ignore him.

Suddenly the spider spins out a web of lava towards us causing everyone to scatter. Unfortunately, one of my nights was too slow and was caught up in it and destroyed.

"Haha, I told you come on man, hand that spider over right now or your arrogance will be our downfall." Your impatience will be your downfall old man.

"(Return)" I say causing a black fog to return to me and creating a black gauntlet on my arm.

"That's one." 

While this was happening the deer that was fighting Warmonger is slowly crawling back to the Spirit beast while crying.

"(Shadow world: pitch black night)" suddenly the deer gets covered in a pitch-black sphere. The only thing that could be heard is demonic screaming.

"Well that's was something, destroy it." I say commanding the remaining knights to attack the spider, and they do so without care for themselves.

Then out of nowhere a head is thrown towards the Spirit beast.

"Boring it died before I went to the third stage." Hammerhand says coming out with barely a scratch on himself. 

Guess it's time for a gang up.