Chapter:Thirteen: Hell not in a hole 

"This bastard is too tough." Hammerhand says to everyone. For some reason the once calm Spirit is now going on a rampage forcing everyone to be on their guard. Five more of my knights have been destroyed making the entire upper half of my body covered in black armour.

"(Sand Art: crushing death)" The old man says creating an arm made of sand that slams down on the Spirit beast but it does nothing. 

"Your all talk and no bite old man (God Style: sniper!)" Hammerhand says launching a beam of aura that knocks the Spirit beast into the wall but it's still spotless.

"You too you damn brat." Red Wolf responds with a snarky and begins to build up his aura. Unfortunately, I'm not able to do anything until all my nights are destroyed sigh. I then easily dodging a sword swing from the Spirit beast. 

"(Shadow World: chaos strike)" Warmonger unleash a wide-sweeping strike barely missing the Spirit beast head but remove its horns.

"That's right your ability ignores physical matter." Come on Hammerhand you were told this many many times.

Probably enrage by losing its horn it begins to wildly swing its sword around threatening to destroy the cave. 

"Everyone it's time to leave now if we stay any longer we will get crushed." I say then everyone begins to run everyone, except Red Wolf who is Flying on a giant four-winged bat.

"See you younglings at the top." If only he knew if only.

Finally reaching the surface we are met with other members of our group and Princess with ruby eyes.

"I will ask later but for now we should get ready for combat." I say to everyone who nods readying their weapons.

Rawr!! right on time, the ground begins to collapse and coming from it a fiery monster straight out of myths holding a giant flaming sword in hand. 

"(Gravity bullet.)" Initiating the first move is Gunslinger who fires a bullet that once it hit the giant begins to be overwhelmed by gravity.

"(Connect)" Gloomy Runes say adding his sphere to the equation sticking it on one of the beast arms.

"(Disappear)" like that one of the beast arms Disappear into thin air.

"(Lizard queen use roll.)" The giant lizard listens to its master command slamming into the Spirit beast who begins to fall but it manages to hold itself and swing its sword.

"(Swap)" before the lizard could be decapitated it place is swapped with one of my knights. 

"I will prevent anyone from being in danger so keep it up." Princess says while fixing her glasses and like usually it's shining.

"That's good now let me in on the fun (God Style: Shotgun)  Hammerhand says literally diving headfirst on the Spirit beast and blasting it away. 

"(Return)" I say taking in the destroyed knight meaning that's three is left. Oh, the armour piece is on one of my legs.

"(Sand Art: Sinking graveyard)" like before the old man summons giant black crosses that keep spewing out more sand but unlike before it doesn't overwhelm the lava pool. 

"It seems the bastard is getting stronger and stronger." 

Yeah but they're something else happening wait. Where is the core of the other beast? 

Right on cue the monster roars and popping from his back is eight orange wings and its destroyed arm has been fully restored and with it, a black exoskeleton begins to form around it. Adding to its creepiness it waist begins to expand and being added to it is more legs. Finally, a red shield with many eyes appears in its hands.

"So does this mean it's a divine beast?" La puppeteer asks while sweating like crazy.

"No it's very close though, Unfortunately, this does mean our trip here is finished, Princess teleports everyone out of here old man let's end this thing here."

"(Transfer)" listen to my orders Princess opens a portal that everyone begins to walk through one by one.

"Guess I can no longer sit back and relax (release)." Under my command, all the shadows get released and begin to form different parts. Like the other leg piece, helmet and more importantly the sword. A black sword filled with white sparks. 

"Interesting not only you have Samarians knights but also you are using their fusion technique." The old man says rubbing his mask where a beard is supposed to be.

"You're not making any sense the Samarians were wiped out two hundred years ago no way I could have done it." Besides, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Yeah Yeah (release and bring forth a never-ending sandstorm)." So the old man is releasing his inner self should I - Nah that would be overkill.

Realizing the change in atmosphere from the two of us, the Spirit beast charges forward with no hesitation destroying the ground beneath us. 

"Old man it's your job to protect the area around us from damage caused (one arm style: blade hurricane.) I say releasing a sword wave that slices off one of the Spirit beast legs. 

"(True Sand Art: sand barrier)" Under the command of the old man the sand begin to pour from the cross and begin to enclose us like a sphere.

Realizing what is happening the Spirit beast tries to leave by slamming his sword into the sand but it just forms itself back again.

"My barrier can withstand a thousand heavy canons bombing it for two hours straight, let loose youngling." 

Alright then let me take up that offer. I say charging at the Spirit beast who raises his shield blocking my initial strike, it then counters by swinging his sword at me forcing me to back off.

"The heat he can produce is too high I can't commit to anything." Especially with all this armour, I'm wearing but that has a purpose. 

"You seem to be struggling let me help you a bit ( True Sand Art: heaven crushing spear)."  From the sand sphere, multiple sand chains come out and grab the Spirit beast dragging it in to the ground. 

"(One arm style: thunder slash!)" Within a second the Spirit beast loses one of it's leg and the sand barrier is sliced in half. Despite how powerful that attack was I can only use it two times per day due to it's requirements and that bastard keeps avoiding a fatal blow even when chained. 

Parts of the armour begins to fall and I drop to the ground bloody and hazy if a normal person used that technique death would immediately take them away but due to special circumstances I can use it more than once even then the armour won't survive two. 

"Quite the technique that was but it seems to be hard to connect no worries if you guarantee that you can use that technique again I can. Guarantee that it won't miss." 

I like were you are going, old man. Let's live up to our name.

I charge at the Spirit beast who raises its shield suddenly all the eyes flash if I was only a second late I would've been burned to a crisp, like the sand sphere behind me. Still, that won't deter me.

I keep the Spirit beast in my midst dodging heat rays and sword swings, while behind me the old man is building up his aura to an incredible degree.

"Come old man do better than that if it was me I would have been long since finished." I say dodging another swing and even a wild charge.

"Alright, then youngster let me show you the power of the elderly ( True Sand Art: Ra hand)." 

With the old man words, the sand barrier begins to form into many hands even the chains unwrap from the Spirit beast and become part of it. Seeing this the beast tries to use this opportunity to escape but it is immediately pounded into the ground constantly by giant hands.

"(One arm style: thunder slash!)"  Using that opportunity I unleash an attack that's so strong it turned the once lush forest into a barren place. At least until the trees begin to fall from the sky. What happened to the Spirit beast it's been destroyed leaving only a giant steamy hot red core.

"Well, that was exhausting." I say watching my armour disintegrate. Oh, that's right my clothes, guess I'm going home naked. Now to deal with the core.