"The city of sin more like the city of piss and Alcohol." Princess says to I Hades while drinking wine from her silver glass.

"Don't disrespect the city like that it might be overrun by crime and corruption, but hey what good city isn't." I say taking a sip of mine.

"Hey, this is our date, not your reunion with this pisshole." She's so cute when she's jealous and angry.

Speaking of date I'm wearing a nice black tuxedo suit with a nice red shirt under it, meanwhile, my lovely wife is wearing a red ankle-length dress that compliments her now fiery red hair she's also wearing silver earrings and a silver necklace along with her gold wedding ring. 

"So how are you feeling, with that witch inside you?" I ask staring at her she leans back and hold her head then says.

"Like my head is being used as a drummed by tiny little fairies." 

I see so the transfer process hasn't been completed,  the last time I saw something like this it didn't take as long as this. I wonder if it has something to do with the witch or Princess.

"Enough about that now, this place is boring to let's get out of here and dance." Princess says getting up from the table with her silver and red handbag and begins to walk out of the restaurant. 

"Cheque please." 

While slowly walking with Princess clung to my arm we begin to appreciate to beautiful lights of the brightest city in the world or at least that's the official slogan. Anyways the mixture of red, blue and yellow lights really sparkle, along with all the shops that are filled with customers going in and out shouting gallantly, the man who is being beaten to death and the occasional breeze caused by cars passing through really relax one's soul. 

"Oh remember the Pink Apple club it's owned by that woman family we should visit there, even though that woman is detestable the service they offer is top tier." Princess says with a slightly playful look on her face while rubbing her head on my shoulder. 

"The Pink Apple it's been a while since I've been there, five years I think. " I say while rubbing my chin with nostalgia running true my veins.

"Alright then let's go." 

The Pink Apple how should I describe it. Well, it's a mixture of Futam design philosophy of tall and modern and Nippon's of Ancient and traditional. Making it one of the few double philosophy buildings in the world and its Pink colour and Apple logo on the Front make it the go too club in Delmare. Measuring at around Fifteen stories tall it's quite the sight compared to the other buildings it surrounds but when it comes on to pure entertainment nothing comes close.

"Welcome to the Pink Apple I'm Miko our dear customers. " A woman dressed in a slightly revealing Nippon dress called a kimono and with her hair held by a long bamboo stick, the same orange and red of her kimono say to us while bowing down to us.

"We would love all access and a private room for one night." I say handing my card over to the receptionist who takes it then let out a big gasp.

"Sir Hades you don't have to pay please go ahead, here are the presidential suite keys." The receptionist says while visibly sweating, am I that scary I don't think so.

"I'm sorry but a premium suite is more than enough for me." I say to the receptionist and she begins to sweat even harder than before. 

"Please sir take it if our madam found out I didn't give you the presidential suite she will have my fingers." The receptionist says while constantly having her eyes dart around the place like a scarred cat.

That sounds like her she's has quite the different morals standards.

"Alright, then I will take the keys." I then pick up the keys and place them in my pocket then with Princess in hand I head to the room closest to us. 

Entering they are people dancing around us, music being played at really high levels and more uniquely Futam the dark room with flashing lights. 

Without hesitation, Princess takes me by the hand and drag me towards the crowd with a beautiful smile on her face her glasses long since been removed. Without any hesitation, she begins to slowly move her waistline to rhythm, her hands in the air flowing along with her waist, her eyes reeling me in like an invisible line.

With no hesitation I allow myself to be pulled in and begin to walk towards her. With zero hesitation she turns around and begins to grind on me, as time goes on we slowly begin to as one she goes left I go left she goes right.

For some reason, the DJ begins to play much much faster music and being how it was hectic before with Princess but now she was like an unleashed beast but at least I was able to keep up till the end.

"That was fun but exhausting." I say while leaning over the sidebar a giant bar. 

"To think the powerful Hades was defeated by a simple dance." Princess says taking up a glass of champagne in her hand.

"You didn't have to dance with yourself before your movements are unpredictable." No matter how much I tried I was always one step behind making my moves look awkward. 

"Look it's Asami Ryu, what is she doing here and is that the famed Miyamoto Musashi?" 

"Oh my, Asami looks beautiful as always." 

With all the commotion behind me, I turn around to a very very familiar face. Wearing a white dress around knee tall, filled with black flowers, with two black and white sword on her hip. Along with her tall hair and white eyes makes her look like an avatar of equality and duality. Although beautiful she has a more rougher look, unlike Princess more softer look. 

Besides her reaching at around 6.5 feet tall wearing a  red suit with a black shirt underneath along with a red tie. Along with his four white swords on his side and his long hair tied into a knot he is the standard Futam-Nipponian.

Behind them are men dressed in black with white ties with flowers on them. The famed flower dragons of the Ryu crime clan. Along with their rifles, it's quite the sight. 

"Long time no see Hades." Asami says going beside me then ordering a drink from the bartender.

"The same can be said to you especially as the Shogun of the Ryu clan." She smiles hearing what I said and takes a sip of her drink. 

"I wasn't just sitting down doing nothing those five years." She has changed so much since I've last met her the once angry and sad she is gone or at least repressed. 

"Hello, Asami your still looking like your a beaten dog." Princess says to Asami who's earlier facade disappears. 

"Your here, you dyed your hair it looks quite shitty." Asami responds while staring intently back at Princess. 

You would think five years is enough to end their feud but no these girls are still at it. 

"A monkey-like you don't have anything call taste isn't that right hubby." Princess says then hugs me from behind and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I've had enough of your bullshit I Asami Ryu daughter of Katashi Ryu challenge you to a no arms duel." Asami says pulling out one of her swords from the sheath. 

"Isn't that a little unnecessary?" I say trying to dispel the situation, unexpectedly Princess escalates the situation.

"Alright, then I've always wanted to close that monkey mouth of yours." Princess says then quite violently rips part of her dress of then wraps it around her right hand then does it again to her left.

"Under the authority of I Miyamoto Musashi authorize this duel no weapons, no killing, no serious bodily harm and respect your opponent." Musashi says then both girls begin to approach each other while holding up stances.

"Come on little monkey throw a punch use your famous codex." Princess says throwing a punch to Asami who dodges then with her arm covered In a strange black aura tries to hit Princess but it's blocked and she is forced to back off with a right jab from Princess. 

"Surprised that your codex didn't trigger well don't (warp!)" With Princess words, a small orange portal appears and she sends her fist through without hesitation.

On the other side of the room a fist appears out of a portal and strike Asami cross the face, instead of letting up Princess begins to unload on Asami from a distance.

"Your codex only enables you to control things you have touch so, with a little preparation, a once worthwhile ability becomes useless." Princess says still not letting up with her punches on Asami.

"All your pride has gone to your head (attraction)." Suddenly a table flies from across the room comes forcing Princess to dodge it.

"Do you really think a table would stop me." Princess says getting ready to restart her assault but she is suddenly knocked to the floor by around shiny ball.

"You may be prideful but Hades choose you for a reason so I can't hold back don't die." Asami says with a white aura covering both of her hands and the shiny ball spinning.

"( Vishnu: guardian mode)" Asami says holding her hands together with the ball then turns into a metal knight holding a shield that immediately charges at Princess who manages to step to the side then use that opportunity to create a portal launching a vicious right hand to Asami causing her blood fly across the room.

"This is getting out of hand now." I say about to walk towards them but Miyamoto pulls out his katana then says.

"Sorry but the duel is a sacred gift from the gods I can't let you interfere even if it's you Hades." He says with a big smile on his face knowing him he could care less about this duel he only wants to fight me.

During that period Princess gets knocked over by the metal knight who begins to beats her continue without mercy. 

"If anything happens to either of them you will become my enemy, Miyamoto." 

"With pleasure." He says sheathing his sword. 

"Give up I may hate your prideful attitude but you are still important to Hades." Asami says wiping the blood off her face.

"Think for your own safety first (transfer)." Suddenly the metal knight shield disappears from above Princess then slams right into Asami knock her across the room.

"Look who's pride got them now." Princess says getting up wiping her face off.

"Vishnu punch." With that  Asami command, the knight slowly but precisely punches Princess in her face apart from hitting her it wasn't effective though. 

"Your pride is still inbound, let me tell you a secret my repel can be used on Vishnu." Like that, a black aura covers Princess as she falls to the ground fill with sweat. 

"I won't use it to its fullest because I don't want to injure you or even kill you so this is my victory." Asami says walking away then staring into my eyes.

"We will meet again, also all damage will be billed to you, Miyamoto let's go." 

Now the room is being slowly cleared of people some staring at the fallen Princess in pity while others goes out smiling. 

"Let's go home, my little Princess." I say walking towards her this will be a troublesome time here.

"That hurts!" 

"If you didn't prolong the fight you wouldn't need this, when la puppeteer returns I will have him heal you." I say adding ice to her swollen face. 

"I don't like her she's just a snake under the grass waiting to pounce, be gentle!" She says looking on with her with slight agitation. 

"It's been five years will you let that incident go." It pains me how much of a grudge women can hold sometimes.

"Never! she's bad for you to avoid her I'm willing to see you with anyone else but her."

"Is that so?" I say getting closer to her face with a small smile.

"Anyone else."  She says with a mischievous grin.

You know what happened after that.