Chapter: Twenty Nine: In another Reality part three

"They exist people who you should never mess with within this world: King, Grandmaster, Banker, Succubus, black Trader and  Messiah to name a few. If you they are near you leave if you can." 

Those were the words Hades spoke to me that day, since then it has been stuck inside my since. Even as the shogun of the Ryu clan those words humble me. Now one of those people is near me right now and I'm too injured to move.

"Miyamoto, gather all of our men together." I say leaning back on Vishnu. 

"Yes, my lady." Miyamoto says bowing then leaving. 

"We need to figure out a plan to escape, King will not just hold back while fighting that thing." Sai Yamamoto says looking at the intense staredown before the fight.

"First administer the antidote to our men so they can at least retreat without worrying away." I say to him causing him to turn around look at me and sigh.

"My great plans are ruined then, ( World Tree)." With his word, a giant cherry blossom tree grows out from the ground and begin to give off tiny particles that slowly absorb into our skin.

"A great power wasted on you." Kentaru says sighing them sitting down.

"Arguing right now will not change our situation, since we are all here we should agree to a truce at least until we are all out of here." I say to them and they both agree. 

"That's the real issue is that we can only advance forward and it's blocked." Yeah, we can't just barge through even at full power that wouldn't be possible that's how powerful they are.

"In a few minutes my aura will be partially restored and I can put a shield how powerful it will be, I'm not very sure." I'm not sure if you at full power would make a difference not like we got any other choice.

"I will put Vishnu in defence mode it's not very big but it can work, the problem is that we will be bunch up together." Sai holds rubs his chin then nods.

"It can work but it will require a great sacrifice." I agree with his words but as the leader I don't want to do it, using them like shields is no better than our ancestor hatred we received many years ago. 

"It's a Shogun duty to protect their subordinates but it's also their duty to defend their clan. Your death will not do any of those." Miyamoto why at times like these you are much more collected than myself.

"My men will gladly die for our cause." Kentaru says looking at Mashiro who is drinking heavily from a glass bottle filled with alcohol.

"Yes my lord, death before dishonour." Yeah, your inability to stand straight doesn't convince us or anybody else. 

"Okay, I will begin." Kentaru then begins to cover himself in a blue aura. 

"Hey, Miyamoto hold me all my bones are broken." I say to Miyamoto who puts me on his back with zero hesitation.

Despite all this peaceful interaction going between us the air around us get's more and wild. 

"I've given you Insects more than enough time to escape as a king sometimes you show mercy, the time of mercy is over."


Suddenly an ear-piercing scream is transferred from his black axe then multiple chains of explosions go off at once.

"Let's get going now!." I scream at the other two who nods then everyone goes into a square formation with us the leader at the centre. I'm sorry everyone your sacrifices will not be in vain.

"(Crack the earth I command you, Night Wolf)." I feel all the aura in the air suddenly get sucked into one area then boom! 

"(Heavenly Retribution)." Right before we were hit by the explosion a white shield appears right before us blocking it. Mostly we have lost a sizable portion of men to that attack we've barely reach anywhere and it's like this already.

"This axe was one of my favourites, well time to change it ( open vault)." King says throwing away his axe then drawing a trident darker than his already dark armour it even gives off a weird feeling of nothingness like I'm being destroyed just looking at it.

This entire time the monster hasn't just been sitting around doing nothing, it has been throwing out its hands like crazy creating massive craters that send debris everywhere. Even the white spheres would have been sent everywhere if the two-person wasn't using their halberd to block them. 

"(Trisula)." Despite being a simple word the connotation behind it's devastating because right as it was stated a giant black sphere, is formed anything it touches just disappears from existence human, swords everything the only reason we are alive is the fact we very far away from it.

Despite everyone Hope's the only thing that happens to the monster is that one of the white balls has disappeared.

"I see I thought that those spheres were just that spheres, but guess it a sign of your life. Now let's test it l, your false immortality vs Me the greatest well anything to ever live (open vault), (come forth 1A,2B.)" With his words, two young girls dress in maid outfit appears one with black hair and with white both holding brooms.

"Master, the vault is very dusty please send us back to clean it."

"Don't listen to her master she's lying I'm the only one cleaning, although the vault Is a little dirty." 

What's going on here? Where did those two come from? What cleaning are they talking about? Who cares let's go. We begin to move very quickly around them but suddenly the monster turns its head towards us.

"Prepare to fight!." Sai shouts then with his words the monster jumps straight into us and begins to wreak havoc among our ranks. 

"(Dancing swallow)." Being the only one who can fight uninterrupted Mashiro chooses to engage with the monster first.

Clashing into the monster, his aura going wild all around him despite his best efforts the monster can just too much place at once making it impossible to stop its destruction.

"(World Thorn)." Trying to alleviate the situation Sai unleash his attack into the mix but it's blocked by five white spheres. 

"(Heavenly Tribulation)." Kentaru then gives up on defending then begins to also send his attack into the mix in Hope's of doing something.

"You have to fight." I say to Miyamoto with a hurried voice.

"No, your safety above all else."  Don't try to play smart, not now.

"If we try to split from the group we will be singled out by that thing, if we stare here to fight the same will happen. You need to fight or else we die here." He sighs then place me on the ground and Vishnu comes and hold me up. 

"( Awaken within me become an invincible warrior)." With a great explosion, Miyamoto aura begins to engulf his body. 

"Show them the pride of the dragons." I say to him and instead of responding, he disappears.

With Miyamoto presence blocking the monster become much easier and everyone begins to move forward with the march regardless of all the attacks coming towards them. 

"(Raising Swallow)." Mashiro continues his assault with an attack that sends the monster straight into the air. 

"(Book Five: lightning)." Five years, that's how long since I've seen him use this move. Even with all the time passed it's still very beautiful. Nothing more beautiful than the scarlet colour of the lightning surrounding his sword. 

With that, he begins to blitz around the monster dodging all of its arms directly going for the head but it keeps blocking with the white spheres. 

"( Swallow Cry)." Suddenly the elephant head falls right off and Mashiro sheathes his sword. 

"That's eight." He says watching the monster's head regenerating and one of the orb disappearing. 

"He's still kicking, so don't let up you drunk." Miyamoto says stopping a ball coming towards us then appear behind the monster with inhuman speed slices the monster in half again. 

"(Nacht)!" Suddenly a black beam is fired straight towards us and the monster. What was that? Where did it come from? 

Before we get the answer another beam, this time white is fired towards us causing even more panic in the group. 

"What's happening?" Kentaru asked but before we get an answer king drops in front of two swords in his hands, one black one white. The maids from earlier no were to be seen. 

"(Black wave)." He sends a wave of aura straight towards the monster who blocks backs away and use one of its six spheres to block the attack, at least that was what we thought was about to happen. Instead of blocking it, the sphere disappears. 

"A lowly creature like yourself dears challenges my precious 1A, ridiculous." King says approaching the monster at speeds that make Miyamoto earlier display looks like child play. 

"(White shot)." This time it's the monster being dragged towards him with all its effort to not move become futile. 

"(Book Six: Ice) this time Miyamoto sword is covered in white ice as he slices right through the monster creating sculptures out of the monster while at it.

"Insect if you wish to die continue along with this foolish endeavour." 

"Even an Insect wishes to slay a king, and I'm no different." Miyamoto says with his smile up towards its highest possible point making him look deranged.

"Then let me oblige you ( Licht)." Another beam gets fired off towards the monster knocking it back straight into the wall. 

That never happened before what's going on. Don't tell me it's transforming. 

"Now insect I will personally award you if you survive this round." King says unleashing his aura causing everyone here to drop to the floor holding their breath. 

"( I am the one who stands above all creatures, I was born to rule and I'm the embodiment of perfection. Now bow)!" 

Suddenly everyone stops holding their breath and gets on their knees and bow towards him. I'm not sure what's happening because I can't look up towards his all I'm seeing is a flash of golden light all around me. 

"(Vault) (King Solomon Grimoire)." The aura in the area begin to build up even more making an already bad situation even worse I can even hear some people besides me choke to death,  despite all this I can't look up. Is this the power of an Apostle?

"( BA'AL) 


(King as defeated black star)