A simple request

Sael glanced around the cozy looking room while processing the Demon Lord's request.  After a long pause, he turned his attention back to the tentacle faced monster.  "Let us pretend I believe you.  Why ask me? Better yet, why do you think I can or would help a Demon Lord?"

Demon Lord Metti's chains rattled in what sounded like a laugh. "Is the thought of two Demon Lords working together so strange, Twilight Lord?"  Before Sael could respond. "As for why I think you would help.  That is because we are not so different, you and I."  Sael's disbelieving expression must have been obvious.

"Do you not think we know about you?  Not all of us rush off to prove ourselves or dive headlong into battle relying on our brute strength.  No, we Demon Lords are well aware of you.  One that would wage war against the world itself just for a silly human woman.  Even for an Arrived, you are a strange one."