Chapter Twenty-Four

"A black dragon?!" Gen shouted excitedly as he stood in the stable entrance.

Soman raised his sleepy head to look at whoever woke him. MeiAnne was still taken aback at how bright his eyes were, made even more apparent by his dark scalehide.

Raba didn't seem to be with Gen, but that didn't stop him from coming in and admiring the hatchling still on MeiAnne's lap.

"He's huge. No doubt he's one of Loola's" MeiAnne could see the thoughts developing on Gen's face while he thought them. "Oh! He also hatched the earliest of Loola's clutch. But he looks healthy enough."

Soman just kept staring at Gen, content to lay on MeiAnne.

"What's his name?"


"An ancient name to befit such a handsome dragon. Look at those already prominent features." Gen grazed the eye ridge on Soman and trailed it down to his shoulders. "I wonder if he will match Loola in size."

"Honestly, I hope not. Can you imagine me trying to ride such a large dragon?"

"An ant is on that dragon!" Gen teased pointing a finger in the air as if he were watching a dragon fly.

It gave them both a laugh at the thought.

"Alright, but you will have to live with knowing he will still be larger than average." Gen grew more serious again. "There is no way such a large hatchling turns out to be average."

"Fine." MeiAnne said, smiling down at Soman again. She was excited to get to know her new partner. He was already nothing like Molis with how energetic and playful she was.

"Have you seen Raba?" MeiAnne looked back up at Gen.

"Only long enough to guess what you told him this morning." He sighed. "He really likes you, you know. But take your time. I bet he thought he could sweep you off your feet like his mentor here." Gen smirked at his self complement. "You let me know if he acts like a butt to you. I'll get onto him."

"Thank you, but I doubt he will."

"Ah yes, because we definitely can't stand to lose a friend such as you." Gen smiled at MeiAnne.

"You don't have to flatter me you know." It was MeiAnne's turn to give a slight smirk.

"True. Well you enjoy some calm time with Soman here." Gen stood and left them, probably to make sure Jusa was fed.

"Are you hungry too?" MeiAnne softly whispered to Soman.

His head perked up in answer.

MeiAnne was not surprised to find that her large hatchling ate ravenously. The first few bites disappeared down his gullet without him sparing a second to chew.

MeiAnne noticed as she watched that unlike when Molis ate, the blood did not seem to stain Soman's mouth. In fact the blood clinging to him just looked like dark water until it dripped and she could see the bright red.

Now that his egg tooth had been dislodged MeiAnne could see that Soman truly did have strong features for a hatchling. His maw was already wide, strong ridges from his eyes to the back of his skull, and somehow he already had strong flight muscles.

As he gulped the same kind of first meal Molis had, MeiAnne felt the same pride.

She watched as his muscles worked and released, constricted and relaxed, and knew that Soman would be a dragon that would hold power.

His presence alone would command power, as the only other black dragon being the one the Admiral rode.

Both black and white dragons were rare and held in an almost mythic stance. However, the white dragons were not considered the ominous dragons. That honor went to the black ones.

Their ability to disappear into the smallest shadow, even with their partner on their back, was threatening. For now though, Soman was still a vulnerable hatchling.

Walking back to the stable with Soman was a struggle. He was ready to doze off again after filling his stomach, and wouldn't move unless MeiAnne picked him up. Soman clearly didn't realize that with big hatchling size, comes big hatchling weight.

"You need to grow up already." MeiAnne grumbled.

Soman just kept his eyes closed and kept trying to find a comfortable spot in her arms. Everytime he would twist and roll, MeiAnne had to stop for fear of dropping him.

"Didn't you just get that egg?" A familiar pair was walking towards MeiAnne and Soman.

"Not an egg anymore Yama." MeiAnne tried to speed up, but couldn't with Soman weighing so much in her arms.

"No shit. Wonder how well this time will turn out if you can't even carry this hatchling."

MeiAnne just held her breath as she went by. She could hear Yama and Elan continuing to joke and mock as they headed the other direction.

"What is their deal, huh? I've never said a mean thing to them. Never." MeiAnne thought out loud.

Soman looked up and held his gaze on MeiAnne's eyes for the rest of the walk back to the stable.

As MeiAnne went to set Soman down he struggled in her arms. MeiAnne felt his forelegs press against her chest moments before she felt herself falling into the straw bedding. Soman made himself comfortable in a instant, with his head on MeiAnne's stomach and the rest of him curled on her legs.

"You win." MeiAnne grumbled.

He may not be as rambunctious or energetic as Molis was, but they did share this trait. Molis used to love resting on MeiAnne, even if it was just her head once she got too big.

It looked like Soman would be the same way. MeiAnne would just have to make sure she taught him not to push her on the ground again.

That would be for another day. She forgot how easy it was for Yama's words to ruin a day. Insinuating that she would lose her chance with a second partner did not sit well with MeiAnne.

Rather than let those words settle in her heart and mind she joined Soman for a quick nap.