Chapter Twenty-Five

It was easier for MeiAnne to ignore the eyes on her as she went through life with Soman. The voices she heard all around was a different story.

"Why does she get a black dragon?"

"Didn't her partner die?"

"She doesn't deserve it."

"That stupid general is playing favorites."

"She'll kill this one too. Watch."

Each one was an arrow in her back. Each one heard everyday when she was just trying to exist.

Soman wasn't ignorant about it either. He was always on edge walking with MeiAnne. Trying to put himself between her and others.

In only a week he had grown another hand in height at the shoulder. That along with his glare was enough to keep people from just out of reach, sadly not ear shot.

Thankfully Gen was allowed near MeiAnne. Soman liked him, with good reason.

"You should be proud of him." Gen loved to flatter Soman.

Today they were traveling to the feeding grounds together.

"He is already standing at Jusa's elbow. Looks like he's a month or two old at just one week."

MeiAnne knew if Soman wasn't paying so much attention to the red dragon he was walking with she would've seen that face again. Soman has the most smug expression, but only when Gen compliments him.

It was nice seeing Soman enjoy the company of another dragon without fretting. MeiAnne was grateful that Jusa enjoyed the company despite being much older.

MeiAnne hadn't seen much of Raba and Loola during the past week. Gen had explained it was what MeiAnne had said. Not about taking it slower, but about the mysterious man.

The high ranking officers had been deep in debate and discussion from what Gen said. Usually it left Raba ready to explode so he and Loola would take long flights immediately after to get away.

MeiAnne could only hope that was the only reason he was staying away.

"Do you think Soman will be quick to pick up on other skills like he is at growing?" MeiAnne was only speculating, but it would be very nice for the pair if Soman did pick things up quickly.

"I can't be sure. We will have to see what pace he sets for himself."

MeiAnne could already see that Soman was ready to fly. As Jusa was circling in the air looking for that day's meal Soman was locked on. He didn't move his head or neck, but his eyes darted around to keep track of the older dragon.

Soman had his wings folded, but they were still raised in the air. They moved gently as if he was practicing flying without taking up too much space.

Just as with other hatchlings, Soman already instinctively knew how to fly. It was just getting old enough and confident enough to give it a try.

That day wasn't his first flight, but the partner pair didn't have to wait long to see Soman off the ground.

As expected it was food motivated. Seemingly Soman had grown tired of watching other dragons be self-sufficient and decided he wanted to be the same.

As he held himself aloft, gliding in a slow circle to hold his balance, MeiAnne had an amazing view.

His wing membrane on the ground appeared just as black and opaque as the rest of his scalehide. However, when the sun shone through the membrane it was a translucent gray. It lightened the black to appear more like the gray of a storm cloud.

As MeiAnne had been keeping his hide oiled as he rapidly grew, the sun glistened off his back. The underside, by contrast, was cast in shadow. So dark MeiAnne could barely make out any of the features she knew were there.

It wasn't just MeiAnne's stare Soman had gained. Many of the others at the field's edge had their eyes glued on the sight.

The only ones not concerned with a rare dragon were the other dragons. They were too busy eating or trying to keep another from scavenging.

Soman dove at a calf that had strayed too far from cover while eating and hadn't noticed.

MeiAnne took a step forward with her mouth agape at the sight. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Soman wasn't slowing down like every other dragon as they dove.

Yet, the sound of a sudden crash did not come. Rather it was a loud snap as Soman unfurled his wings just moments before reaching out with all four clawed feet.

He was carrying the now crying calf back up into the sky with him.

Soman looked down at the ground as he hovered for a few seconds. MeiAnne swore she could see the sun glinting in the green and orange of his eyes. It was clear, even from a distance, that his claws were buried deep into the calf.

MeiAnne, still breathless, watched as Soman let go of the calf. The poor creature turned and tumbled in the last few seconds of its life before colliding with the ground.

It was a horrid sound of shattering bones and pulverized flesh.

"Where did he learn that?" MeiAnne wondered aloud as she watched Soman slowly fly down to his meal.

He was feasting on whatever he could get in his maw, bones and all. The sound of them crunching was all MeiAnne could hear.

This time it wasn't just human eyes staring at Soman. A few dragons had looked up when they heard his wings snapped and had yet to look back at their own food.

It was strange. MeiAnne was proud at knowing Soman could fly, and so well, but this was different. She had no idea where he could've learned to hunt like that when all he's seen is the other dragons. They for sure do not kill food like that.

Most dragons kill in the same way. Diving from above, but slowing enough to precisely land on top of the beast. If it didn't die from the force of the impact, they would finish it off quickly with a swift, strong bite.

"Wow." Spoke a voice behind her.