The Tour

Kuno turned around to see a face to familire. A young man a with tan skin and white hair that reached just below his eyebrows, he had silver eyes.

" 'Kuno', interesting I didn't  know you changed your name".

"A new life, a new name Leo. I'm not the same person you knew" leo tilted his head at kuno "really hmm, because you look like the person who destroyed my life or am I mistaken". "I didn't destroy your life leo" kuno's face was cold and calculetive, a complete 180 from what he normally was like.

"When you do-" leo looked around the room seeing there were a few people close to him "-somthing like that, people who knew him are still shaken". Leo looked kuno directly in the eyes "especially if they have noone else"

Leo looked up and saw kiato walking towards them "it seems like your 'friend' is coming back, we will talk later nakano" "don't use that name" kuno said but leo had already walked away. "Who was that?" Kiato say looking at leo "Nobody, just an old friend" kuno said with a smile.

"Well anyway who's our teacher?" kuno asked normally, almost like flipping a switch, "some old guy called shuji" kiato brushed the question off but kuno pulled him back "wait a second nayama shuji?" "yea I think so" kiato replied. Kuno opened his mouth but kiato Jump in "wait! kuno before you tell me this guys life story will it be useful" "yes".

"Fine go ahead and fanboy" kiato said rolling his eyes "I'm not a fan boy, I just like gathering information on pro heros" kuno says with his eye twitching. "Just talk" "alright, so the man you say is our teacher is a retired hero called Bitter when he eats or drinks something containing caffeine he gets a burst of energy, it lasts longer the stronger the caffeine". Kiato looks uninterested but actually wants to know everything he can about heros. As kuno is blurting out information a man in his mid to late forties with gray hair and a coffee cup walks in to the classroom, with a soft but sturn/serious voice he says "please take your seats, hello everyone I am Mr. Shuji" (if you want to know what he looks like Mr. Shuji is baced off Ozpin from RWBY)

"But it seems some of you prefer 'old man' " Mr. shuji glares at kiato. "Today i will be giving you a tour of the school classes, gym's and the dorms. Today is you settling in to U.A. lessons will start properly tomorrow. " a small murmur of people whispering yes. "It seems that we have everyone" Mr. Shuji says but is thinking "off on your first day, just don't break anything in your entrance" in a hushed voice kiato says "weren't all the  classes 15 students?" "yea" kuno answered "then way are there only 14 of us?" "maybe someones off " "on there first day!?".

What sounded like someone clearing there voice came from behind them as Mr. Shuji looms over them "If you would like to follow me like the rest of the class " in a hurried voice they both say yes sensei. Mr. Shuji watches them leave the class room then sips his coffee in a blur he rushes past kiato and kuno to the front of the class group "we will be heading to the gyms and then walking around the U.A. campus. When we reach the dorms you may unpack your luggage" he explained.

He lead them to the gyms were the class was shown their training ground and equipment, they then walk around the U.A. campus to arrive at the dooms. They reach the door and Mr. Shuji says to them all "It seems that your luggage has been stolen. I do wonder if the thief left a note in the common room, well see you at night fall." and with a sip of his coffee, refilled of course, he was gone leaving class 1-A with befuddled faces.