'Treasure' Hunt

The class still stuned, decided to go into the common room were in the centre of a coffee table there is a page. A young man with platinum blond hair and hazel eyes steps up and confidential says "right so we have five hours to find our stuff, it looks like it's a riddle " "first of all hi I'm Okada now let's get started, who ever is good at riddles come round the coffee table and we'll try to decipher it". A few go over to the coffee table this includes kuno, a girl with long black hair and smokey grey eyes sits down then a small girl with short ligh purple hair that fades to black and with squre glasses.

Okada begins to read "All your things are lost not found, scattered around the campus grounds. Found in the forest and gym, surch the places you have already been". Kuno says "why did you gather people it's clear what we have to do" "well I thought we could get more people involved" okada replied feeling insulted and then the girl with black hair said "it was really dumb, you should have down this" okada feeling attacked sits defeated on the couch then the girl continued. "We are  separating into three groups" "group 1 will go to the classroom, group 2 will investigate the gyms and group 3 will surch the woods. Everyone with a quirk that can help surch and everyone who is strong will be in group 3, then just evenly split the remaining between group 1 and 2".

In the teachers lounge Mr. Shuji is chatting with a woman who asks him "so what did you do to your class this year?" with a smirk he answers "I told them there stuff was stolen and give them a fake riddle. " "and let me guess there stuff is in there rooms?" she says knowing the answer "yea" he replied brushing off the question then stands up and starts to walk away, "try not to terise them to much "she says as he is walking "I'll try Seta" he replied walking out of the teachers lounge.

The three groups are about to leave when kuno sees kiato relaxing on the couch. Kuno walks over and says "are you not going to help us?" "no, my stuff wasn't stolen I'm moving in tomorrow so non of my stuff is here remember", "actually half of your stuff is here so I would be so cocky" kuno says with a smirk. 5 hours pass when the class returned to there dorm finding nothing they saw kiato talking to Mr. Shuji, kuno shouts at kiato covered in mud and leaves "you know I really do hate you" " no you don't, you should've look in your room before going out".

The entire class looks defeated and exhausted, Mr. Shuji stands up and says "this was a lesson, before going out on a mission make sure the information is useful not miss leading".

"Those of you who are staying here tonight can go to your rooms, if you are going home travel in groups and remember by tomorrow you all should be living in the dorms" with that Mr. Shuji took his leave. Kuno walked over to kiato and said "see if I wasn't so tired i would punch you but I'll do it tomorrow, good night kiato" " see you tomorrow kuno sleep well" after that him and a few others from the class walk out of the dorms. Most of the class was moving in tomorrow but some stayed the night this included Leo, the girl with purple hair, and Kuno. Kuno took a shower and collapsed on his bed.