Black Lightning

Kami and kiato were terrified for one reason only the calm emotionless face of leo had cracked and showed his first emotion to them, Fear.

"What's wrong with kuno?" kiato blurted out "it's not kuno" leo replied to the surprise of Mr. Shuji "what?" "I'll try to explain later but think of that as a different person" leo pointed to Negative. The four were in a line, Mr Shuji on the far left, kiato on the right of him, then leo and kami on the far right.

Negative look up and grinned, his eyes fully black, as black lightning crackled up and down his body. He opened his mouth but then sharply closed it with a grin of frustration but impressed.

Negative rushed up in front of kiato and using his momentum punched kiato in the chest which made him fly backwards knocking him out, he stared at his fist as if expecting something else to happen but quickly moved back before the three could act. As the hit impacted kiato horror fell upon leo's face but seeing that kiato was only knocked out he breathed a sigh of relief and stared at Mr Shuji "nakano is holding Negative back" Mr Shuji nodded understanding that leo knows the situation because he used Negative's name.

Mr Shuji put a capsule in his mouth and his speed tripped, no quadruple as they saw Negative's forearm break in three places and he just stared at his arm before bringing his arm to his chest then in one smooth-ish motion straightened it as black lightning covered his arm, the bones snapping and cracking back in to place then tensing his hand and realising to show that it was fine then slowly walking toward the three with the same devilish grin of his face.

Mr Shuji rushed up at incredible speed rivalled by few, attacking many times but without fail Negative blocked them all then returned with his own flurry of blows but one attack landed throwing Mr Shuji into the side of a building. The two students still standing amazed by the strength of their 'friend', Negative ran up to leo about to strike when lightning jabbed into Negative's back but didn't disappear. A long tether of electricity connected Negative to a device that Mr Shuji was holding with one hand the other on his side, the electricity pulsed through Negative as he dropped to a knee and grabbed the whip-like electricity wrapping his hand around it and tried to yanked the device from Mr Shuji but failed.

The pulsing of the electricity through Negative's body got faster but the electric whip started to flash eventually, Mr. Shuji looked at a small energy reading on the device showing that it was almost out of electricity then the yellow electricity turned black firing back at Mr Shuji into the device destroying it. Mr. Shuji looked at Negative the electricity still pulsing up and down his body and then the electricity sunk into his body, he's body started jurk and move on its own. Negative gave Mr Shuji a dirty look as his eyes turned back to normal.

Kuno stood up and looked at kiato who was now surrounded by kami and leo then started to run towards them but black lightning gathered at his fingertips and shot back up his arms knocking him out. Mr Shuji, leo and kami ran over to see that from the tips of kuno's fingers, up his arms, to just above his shoulders were covered in black Lichtenberg figures (the scars formed when someone is struck by lightning).