Nakano Hitari

After the cameras went out class 1-A began to run to where this was happening but by the time they had arrived everything had already taken place. Kiato and kuno were brought to the nurses' office where Cleric full healed kiato but did what she could to help kuno.

Kiato, leo and kami were brought to a meeting room later that night as they had many questions well except leo. "Leo I think you should explain now" kiato said with a stern voice very much confused, leo looked at Mr Shuji "I would actually like to hear what you know leo" Mr Shuji replied with a nod

"what you saw was Negative, a sort of second personality from nakano" leo tried to explain "why do you call him nakano?" kiato said with frustration but Mr Shuji intervened "I'll take it from here leo but please if you have any more information than what I'm about to say, tell me".

"This doesn't leave this room ok?" they all nod with uncertainty "Kuno hiroki's real name is Nakano Hitari" kiato reacts to the last name so slightly that no one noticed but he did react, "his sister runs the yakuza gang known as live wire. At the age of 12, he was put in foster care" "why?" kami interrupted but she did notice leo's fist tighten as she said it "his father was killed then his sister was taken in by the yakuza to later become their new leader" "why wasn't he taken in?" kami interrupted again but leo and kiato were deathly quiet "kun- *sigh* nakano killed his father"

"He was not prosecuted for the murder it was deemed manslaughter and he would become a hero to offset what he had done. So that's why he's here at U.A. but nakano said that he wanted to be a hero any way". The room was silent as Mr Shuji explained this but the only one in shock was kami "the device I had was to give nakano back control if Negative took over, as his name implies if electricity is pumped into nakano's body when Negative is in control it will knock out Negative giving nakano back control"

"Leo how did you know that nakano was holding Negative back?" leo trying to calm himself looked at kiato "if he wasn't holding Negative back kiato would have been disintegrated at the contact of Negative's fist. Nakano's quirk is conduit with one catch he can drain electricity out of people, disintegrating them" kiato hearing this was terrified that he could have been killed by his friend no less. "That's the only extra thing I know sir" a hint of disappointment in leo's voice.

"That's all we know about nakano, he hasn't told us anything else and he is the only source of information we have about him" the room was in silence and in awe at how little they knew after that they went to the dorms the rest of the class asked about the battle and what happened but they had to say that the villain was the one they were fighting not nakano. The class got a few days off after that and the three visited nakano and to their surprise he was awake but they were only allowed in one at a time, kiato went in first and when he sat down nakano wouldn't look at him "kun- nakano it's ok Mr.Shuji explained that it wasn't you, it was Negative".

Nakano winced at the sound of kiato calling him by his real name "I really sorry kiato I didn't mean to hurt you" nakano was laying on the bed his back raised, the Lichtenberg figures still prominent on his arms but they had receded from his shoulders to just above the elbows in the past few days "it's ok I believe you but why didn't you tell me who you really were?" "I was scared that you would be afraid of me" "I mean I am, I wouldn't want to get in a fight with you" they both laugh a small bit trying to make light of the situation "I'll let leo come in so you can take to him", nakano apologised to leo and kami.

A day later Mr Shuji came in to talk to nakano "I have a small bit of good news, we found no evidence that kiato is a part of live wire" nakano smiled and thanked Mr Shuji for telling him and it had been apparent that while the scars were on his arms nakano couldn't use them, they were limp. "How are you to day kuno?" kiato said with a sarcastic tone "better than you when I can use my arms again" they laughed to themselves as kiato pulled a chair over "you seem happier than normal" kiato stated because nakano had a smile on his face "I got so good news" "what is it?" a smirk formed out of nakano's smile.

"I'm not the only one with a secret"