Flesh-eating monsters

My feet had brought me into the living area that I'd been trying to avoid. I knew Lisandro was sleeping on the couch and it made me feel like a ruthless woman for letting him sleep without changing his clothes.

I should have at least told him to take a shower and used some of my unused sleepwear for tonight.

I must wake him up and let him sleep in my room. There was still enough time and I would stay on the couch until I fell asleep too.

"Wake him up, Andy. Can't you see, his legs were too long enough and it won't fit into the couch!"

"Yes, I know! I know what to do, so please, stop barking!" I raised my arms in the air like a criminal who had just surrendered. My mind tried to sabotage my plans, but I had the best since then.

At that moment, I took a deep breath and went closer to the couch where he slept peacefully. Lisandro slept perfectly with a white sleeve on.

It was folded up to the elbow and he unbuttoned two right on the top. And the worst thing was he didn't even dare to take off his shoes.

I'd always wanted to hit hard his head, but I ended up not doing it because of his cold, strong gaze.

There was something in his eyes that attracted every woman and would chase him wherever he goes.

"Such a poor boy," I said and tapped his face for the nth time. "Wake up and sleep back in my room, Lisandro," I told him and I hoped he would follow what I'd just said.

He moaned, moved his arms, and touched my hand. I didn't know what it was but I'd loved the way he touched me. His warm palms had stopped me from moving. I then bent my knees low and knelt to the floor and waited for him.

I'd tried my best not to stare at him, but his charisma seemed indestructible. His thick, glowing eyelashes, his pointed nose, and those thin, kissable lips fascinated me the most.

"Why are you here? You should be resting right now!" Lisandro suddenly mumbled that flattered my heart again.

He looked surprised that I was there with him in the middle of the night. "Answer me, Andy." His deep voice brought me back to reality otherwise, I would live in fallacy.

"Uh," I mumbled. "I was awakened by the cold wind. I forgot to close the window, so I get off from bed, closed it until I felt dryness in my throat." I explained. And I felt happy when his mood changed the moment he met my gaze.

"Cold wind? Did you hear loud voices?"

"No, there's no such loud voices from the outside! I mean, there's nothing to be afraid of Lisandro. I'd been living here for how many years and this place is safe!"

I didn't understand why he suddenly became aggressive. The window was left wide open and if I was awakened by the wind, there was nothing suspicious behind it. After all, I'd used to sleep while I always left it open.

I sighed, stood quickly from the ground, and turned around on him. Lisandro acted strange, we were supposed to be in bed, sleeping peacefully until the sunlight shone into our faces.

"Let's go to your room and let me check it!" he said calmly.

There was no trace of fear and anger on his face. Thus, he was determined to go to my room without a doubt. I didn't know what was going on, but I trusted him–and I will, always.

Right then on, I led the way into my room while he followed me from behind. He was trying to prove something that I must believe in.

But what would it be? What would be his biggest secret that he had kept for so long years?

I was occupied by those questions that kept flashing into my head. We'd known each other for how many weeks; knew nothing deeply about his past, his ancestors, and even friends.

This may be sound strange, but I'd wondered if he's truly a human being or a legendary creature who lived with humans for so long?

But everything has vanished when he poked my back with a strange expression flaunted on his face. He said, "What are you thinking of? You looked serious." He narrowed his eyes as he waited for an answer.

Lisandro shouldn't have to know about those questions unless driven away. I should disclose the truth before anything happened.

"It's n-nothing! I… I just barely remembered an old story of my late grandmother." I lied. And every time I lied, I looked away from his deep gaze before it was too late. "Did you find something suspicious?" I asked him after he closed again the window and checked if a thief was hiding from the dark.

He sighed, sat down on the edge of the bed, and shrugged off his shoulders when he found nothing, but the chirping birds.

Disappointments have drawn on his face as he face-palmed out of frustration. It felt different, yet I'd chosen to be silent and waited for his explanation.

"I'm sorry, I thought there was someone who came after you," he said and looked at me with those regretful eyes.

He then crossed his legs, intertwined his hands, and placed them on his knees. He looked like a calm king who would surpass and win every battle.

Curiously, I walked towards him, met his gaze, and held back my breath for seconds. "Why would they come after me? I didn't steal, kill anybody or do something vicious to other people. Who will come after me, Lisandro?"

The moment he heard those questions, I saw him gulp countless times as he tried to be calm and still. I had a bad feeling, strong instincts that he knew something that I shouldn't disclose

I couldn't go back to sleep with these questions inside of my head.

"Who will come after me?" I raised my voice out of desperation. My heart thumped too fast like there were hundreds of enemies behind my back.

Lisandro cleared his throat, stood quickly as he turned his back on me. His broad shoulders were shaken until he finally mumbled words that left me speechless.

"Monsters are after you! They will chase you, Andy Carter!"

"Those evil flesh-eating monsters are coming to the humans' world!" he whispered, yet, I heard everything that came out from his mouth.