CH767: 2nd Round 


CH767: 2nd Round 

As the Bravos made for the greenery, Bravo 1-1 and Bravo 1-6 dropped back to bring the rear. They figured between the two, the hulk of muscle which was the second mercenary would be the one to take point in chasing the squad of now nine surviving Bravos.

They intended to use the chance to draw the hulk mercenary away from the others. The other Bravos focus on taking down the mercenary leader, or at least hold him down till the gunship arrived.

As they expected, the hulk made the first move. His thick legs dug into the ground as he tried to chase after them.

Bravo 1-1 recalled something else the Army General told them when he briefed them on how to take down a Chaos Master. He gave Bravo 1-6 by his side a signal when he saw the hulk mercenary's poor body coordination and lack of control of his newfound immense strength.