CH768: Loss and Sacrifice


CH768: Loss and Sacrifice

The mercenary leader was unfazed by the numbers disadvantage. 

He slid past the first Bravo who tried to attack him with his rifle. His right hand dragged on the ground as he slid.

He rose quickly to face the second Bravo who threw a kick at him. He barely dodged the kick which only missed him by inches. His left palm opened, sending sand into that Bravo's face.

It turned out he drew sand into the vortex when his right hand dragged on the ground.

The Bravo wasn't expecting this and instinctively dodged. 

This was enough for the mercenary leader to locked the Bravo's arm and go for his rifle. He used the rifle, still strapped to the Bravo, to open fire on the next two incoming Bravos. Fortunately, they were protected by their Titan Shields, which repelled the bullet. The force at close proximity pushed them back a little though.