CH849: Before the Gates of the West Barricade Fort


CH849: Before the Gates of the West Barricade Fort

The West Barricade Fort.

This was the newest of the Bedlam strongholds built close to Bazaar's border with Turkey and Syria.

The fort was just a few kilometres west from the Friv gap on the tallest hill in the area close to the path that led from the border into the Bazaarian lands.

The Fort served as a custom stop of sorts.

Anyone who had something to do in Bazaar, coming in from the west of the country, had to first stop at the fort for an inspection. 

Failure to do so, and overlooking the towering fort ahead, risked being attacked by forces located within the fort.

Well, that was in the past now.

On this day, the West Barricade Fort became the last bastion and stronghold still hoisting the Bedlam banner in the face of the Horus machinery of war.

However, the Fort was at the weakest it had ever been since its construction.