CH850: Taking the West Barricade Fort


CH850: Taking the West Barricade Fort

A direct frontal assault against the West Barricade Fort was possible for the Horus Army in Bazaar, however, it would cost too much lives and resources if Horus did so.

Fortunately, thanks to Temitope, the militant wing had another way into the fortified location.

The Erebus Chief knew of the secret tunnels running from the Friv gap to the Fort from reading the memories of the deceased Demons.

It was exactly through this tunnel that Avalis, the Demons and the Death Troops arrived on the battlefield without Echo 3 catching wind of their presence.

The Alphas planned to make use of this tunnel to stab the Bedlam forces from within.

For this plan to work, the Horus Army had to split into two groups. 

One would draw out the hostiles from the Fort and distract them while the other would use the tunnels to arrive at the heart of the Fort.