CH1132: Temple Raid


CH1132: Temple Raid


A large contingent of men and vehicles rolled into the Temple city.

Blood and gunfire was left in their wake as the invaders killed all the opposition in their way.

The Temple's security was sorely under prepared for the attack.


Explosions went off as the invaders blew up important security infrastructure on their way to take over the city.

They quickly reached the city centre before they faced any form of organised resistance.

After the initial few minutes post the surprise attack, the city's defence forces finally got their act together and set up defensive lines to slow down the raid of their city.

Also, high-powered reinforcements in the form of Shamans and trainee Shamans arrived to help them.

Even though the Trainee Shamans were risking losing control and being killed by their very Spirits, they didn't hesitate to join the front lines.