CH1184: Royal Flush I


CH1184: Royal Flush I


{A.Q: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.}

{Enjoy the chapter!}


ASB Main Training Base,

Location: Harardhere, North-Central Somalia.

Time: 1:20 pm (local time)

Operation Typhoon Time: 90hrs 20mins/ 100hrs


The ASB might be classified as an insurgent terrorist group in the international community, what was undeniable was that each of its troops was well-trained and, to a large extent, well-equipped, even when compared to the standard State-sponsored militaries in the Horn of Africa region.

At the heart of this success story -if you want to call it that- was Elman Adan, the Jack of Diamond.

Elman Adan was the Chief Instructor of the ASB.

He was a former Ethiopian Army drill sergeant of Somali descent.