CH1185: Royal Flush II 


CH1185: Royal Flush II 


{A.Q: When you want better, you do better, you attract better and better outcomes.}

{Enjoy the chapter!}


ASB Main HQ,

Location: Hobyo Fort, Hobyo District, North-Central Somalia.

Time: 1:20 pm

Operation Typhoon Time: 90hrs 20mins/ 100hrs.



The Hobyo Fort was a medieval structure which has much of the Hobyo area's history. The Fort had changed hands as many times as the ruling power of Hobyo had changed.

At some point, it became the norm for anyone with ambition for the Hobyo area to first take this fort. It was at this point the Fort became to be called 'Fort Hobyo' as a marker of the importance of the Fort to the area.