She is Esmeralda's first daughter with her first husband, Jody Sandi!

Jason Kim had been standing restlessly by the fish pond, waiting for Nesia. She didn't hear the word that Gibson was married.

He didn't notice the tension on the faces of the Marlie Kim family. At this moment, Nelly Kim was sitting with a pale and trembling face.

Jason Kim didn't hear the whispers of the Kim Corporation company people invited to the event.

In the corner of the table, far from the table of Kim's extended family, 5 young men were gossiping.

They were surprised that the third young master Kim One had gotten married. Among them are even guessing who will be the wife of the third master Kim One. Which lucky girl has won the heart of the young Kim family who is famous for many boyfriends?

"Wait ... what's wrong! Mr. Gibson was reported to have turned!" said the young man who had a dark face.

"What?!" his friends were shocked.

"Shhh! Don't be so loud!" the young man reminded his friends. "Where did you get the news? If what I hear is different ... The young master likes women. He has lots of girlfriends!" said a man among them.

"Yes! That's true news. Where did you get the news from?" asked the others to the dark-faced man earlier.

"You don't make gossip carelessly!"

"Mr. Gibson likes Freddie Mercury ... in his pavilion filled with pictures and paintings of the musician!"

"What does that have to do with Mr. Gibson?" Asked another friend.

"Freddie Mercury is gay...!" said the young man with a dark face.

"Ah... you talk... Mr. Gibson... wins like music. He's a fan of Queen's music... but that doesn't mean he's a follower of the musicians... his musical character. I'm also a fan of that music... but I'm a woman lover! " said a man among them. He entered the senior company at the Kim Corporation. Get to know the Kim One family members well.

"That means... the allegations of many people are wrong, please! Mr. Gibson is said to be a playboy, too. Where does Playboy want to get married!" said one of them.

They stopped talking when the emcee mentioned young master Gibson.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome young master Gibson and young lady Nesia!

The guests and the Kim family stood up.


Jason Kim looked at Nesia in amazement. Nesia is so beautiful. With a minimalist and natural makeup. The light brown long dress covered her body perfectly. Nesia is like the daughter of an ancient European aristocrat. Graceful and charming.

But there is something wrong with this!

"Nesia... Gibson! _ Jason Kim was startled. Nesia join hands with Gibson!

What is this?

Jason Kim opened his eyes and ears. Pay attention and listen to what people say.

Is it possible...! Jason Kim shook his head. Not. This is not possible! Jason's heart ached and broke. He really couldn't accept this fact. Gibson has married Nesia. She was late. Gibson had preceded him to take Nesia.

At the Marlie Kim family table. Nelly Kim, her beautiful face changed color. From pale white to dark red. I think Nelly Kim wants to cry. His heart ached, his dreams were destroyed. Gibson is married!

Not. Nelly Kim's hands went cold.

It's like a nightmare !. Is it true that Gibson is married? Did he marry Nesia? Impossible! Oh my God, why did this happen? Why did Gibson marry that adopted grandson? They must be just playing! This marriage is fake! Gibson's just playing!

I refuse to believe it! Nelly Kim wasn't ready to accept this news. She couldn't accept reality.

Opa Kim One and Grandma Kim stood up, welcoming Gibson and Nesia. The newlywed couple walked hand in hand, affectionately. Budi Sandi walked behind, accompanying their steps. The three of them took their seats at Opa Kim and Oma Kira's table. Budi takes an extra seat for him. There were only 4 chairs available at the table.

Who is that young man? How dare he take a seat at Mr. Kim One's table.

The important person in the Kim family didn't dare to act like that.

This young man was so shameless. Isn't he just Gibson's assistant. How arrogant he is!

The people from the Kim Corporation company did not think that Budi Sandi was a substitute for Nesia's parents, Nesia's guardian parents. He's Gibson's brother-in-law.

The Kim Corporation company workers were busy whispering back.

So... this is young master Gibson's wife?

If this is Young Master Gibson's wife? Isn't she Opa Kim One's assistant?

Hey... isn't that girl Mr. Kim One's adopted grandson? This is surprising. Were they arranged?

Various questions were raised by the invitees and Kim's extended family.

The emcee of the show was dumbfounded, he forgot to invite people to sit back down.

"Lady's and gentlemen... please sit back!" Mr. Alvi Kim spoke

"Oh forgive me... attendees are welcome to sit back!" the emcee apologized.


Mr. Kim One stood hitting the glass with a spoon.

"Good afternoon! Sorry, our lunch was late.

Today is very special. I want to introduce a new family in the Kim One family.

First, I want to introduce my daughter to her little family. So far they have lived in America, so of course, many of the policymakers in Kim's company don't know him, even though some still remember it for a long time... introduce my daughter Esmeralda and her husband Aaron, and their beautiful daughter, Shakira!"

Esmeralda, her husband, and daughter stood bowing to salute the guest.

"Hello, good afternoon!" Esmeralda and her family greet guests.

"Good afternoon!" replied the invitees accompanied by clapping hands.

Esmeralda and her husband and children sat back down.

Opa Kim One is still standing, he looks very excited.

"Honorable guests and guests of the Kim family, I also want to introduce my other grandson, Nesia, she is my grandson, the first daughter of my second child Esmeralda!" the families and the invitees made a fuss. They mumble and talk with their spouses or with company colleagues.

"Calm down.... calm down ... everything calms down... Nesia is my biological granddaughter. She is Esmeralda's first daughter with her first husband, Jody Sandi!"

The back garden is like a wasp's nest. They were in an uproar. Shakira was pale. She couldn't believe her listener, her sister Nesia.

No... no... This must be wrong! She heard wrong. His mother has other children besides him. Nesia is her brother. Oh no. Shakira was devastated. Shakira couldn't accept this. Shakira stood up about to leave the dining table.

"Shakira ?! Where are you going?" Esmeralda grabs Shakira's hand and holds Shakira's hand firmly. Shakira was helpless.

"Do not go!" Esmeralda said sternly, Shakira sat back down with a sore heart. Why did her mother never tell her that she and Nesia were brothers? Shakira looked at her father's expressionless face. He must have known for a long time. Shakira's beautiful face turned gloomy. His mother has the heart.

Opa Kim One smiled happily, but he had not delivered any other news that was still being suspected.

Further announcements are still waiting, but some of them have lost their appetite for food.