Marriage is Illegal

Opa Kim One didn't say anything else, he only invited the families and guests to eat the dishes that had been served on the table on their left and right. There are many kinds of Indonesian, European and Asian, Chinese and Japanese dishes.

They were waiting for Opa Kim One to announce something else, but it seems like Opa Kim One didn't say anything else.

They ate quietly, only the sound of a spoon meeting a plate could be heard. This is weird. This lunch went differently than usual. Usually, they mingle with each other and talk intimately with each other. Now they were silent and talking in their minds.

Jason Kim, he's voiceless and doesn't have an appetite to eat either. He harbored heartache and disappointment. What can he do now, the girl he dreams of in his heart already belongs to his cousin. Gibson is really lucky. He has everything, property, position, honor, affection, and love. Jason regretted the fate of being born from the descendants of the misan cousin of Opa Kim One.

Families and guests take their food they want, not served. Imelda was annoyed. "You just have to stand and queue like an invitation!" Imelda grumbled.

"Just relax, honey... don't bother, let's get some food for us first, just think of it as a culinary feast!" Marlie Kim said coaxing Imelda Kim. Nelly Kim doesn't want to get out of her chair to get her food. The girl lost her appetite. She was very angry, hurt, and disappointed. She loves his cousin, Gibson. Who would have thought that the man he grew up with was married to Nesia, who was none other than Esmeralda's child?

On the Esmeralda family table,

Shakira sat quietly, annoyed with Esmeralda. His mother plays secretly. During this time the relationship between him and his mother, Esmeralda, was very close, they used to share stories. But why could his mother lie to him about Nesia? Nesia, the girl who became her rival for Kim One's love, was her sister.

"Mommy is so firm!" Shakira's tears melted.

"Why didn't Mommy come clean about Nesia. Shakira was betrayed by Mommy!" _ Shakira lowered her head. Aaron Smith did not have the heart to see it.

"Did you know this, Daddy?"

"We'll talk about it later!" said Aroan Smith said quietly.

Shakira was not satisfied. This girl was very disappointed.

Why didn't her mother want to talk about her past and her grandfather Nesia? Shakira already didn't like Nesia.

Suddenly, Shakira felt that she never knew her mother again. Her mother Esmeralda is a mysterious figure she doesn't know about.


Nesia was nervous, today Opa has announced his status in the family. She is Esmeralda's grandson, Opa's second grandson, indeed Opa has not explained his relationship with Gibson. Is it possible for Opa to delay announcing this? Nesia was relieved.

Aroan, Esmeralda's husband, looks around him, there are many people he doesn't know. He had just entered the Kim family circle. He didn't even know much about each person's background in this family. Her eyes looked at Brenda's figure. They met the gaze, Aroan smiled sympathetically. Brenda felt uncomfortable. The gaze gave off a certain energy. It can't be expressed in words.

Budi Sandi, paying attention to the looks on everyone's faces, in this place, is only an outsider who does not have a special relationship that is great. He is not from the Kim family, not an important company official. He is just Nesia's brother, Gibson's brother-in-law and good friend. He could not see the look on his suspicious face, could it be that the perpetrator of the crime against Gibson came from within his own family?

Everyone in this park is done eating. The sound of the glass being hit with a spoon. Alvi Kim stands up. All eyes are on him.

"Brothers, I have something to say..!"

The elders of the Kim family opened their palms to allow Alvi Kim to speak.

"I apologize... I want to tell an incident that happened 6 months ago in my family. My son Gibson was in a fatal accident and nearly claimed his life. Someone tried to kill him in a plot!" The back garden of the lunch area became suddenly noisy. Everyone turned their eyes to Gibson. How could Gibson have an accident that nearly got him killed?

"Who did it? What was the motive? Terrible!

Alvi Kim hit his glass again. The people looked back at him, the noise subsided a little. Then gradually calmed down.

"My son Gibson is now fine. But a few months ago he was like a living mummy. His whole body was bandaged. Both of his legs were broken, more precisely the attacker broke his face. His face was damaged so he had to undergo plastic surgery. The people were noisy back.

"Luckily in that bad situation, someone helped her and rushed her to the nearest hospital so she is who she is now. That's when he met Nesia and then married her!"

Alvi Kim recounts the events that happened to Gibson, but he did not mention the plan of someone who wanted to destroy the Kim family.

Marlie Kim family table,

Nelly Kim rose from her chair, her eyes red as if she was drunk. He stared aloud at Alvi Kim, "Marriage is Illegal!"

.They were excited. Nelly Kim is making a fuss.

What's wrong with Nelly Kim? Does he look like he's drunk?

Marlie Kim carried Nelly who was drunk into the big house of the Kim family and laid her into Nelly's room. She wondered why Nelly could get drunk, even though the luncheon did not serve alcohol. Marlie Kim rummaged through Nelly's handbag. Meet. Creme cacao¹.

Did nelly bring the drink herself to this family event? But where did Nelly Kim get that drink from?

Since when have you been drinking like that?

Marlie regretted that he lacked control over Nelly all this time. He missed. Marlie felt ashamed of Opa Kim. What is clear is that Nelly has changed her temper since moving from Opa Kim's house to her house. Nelly messes up the lunch with her babbling. The girl is unconscious!

"Dad .... Gibson hurts my heart. He has the heart! He married that nurse girl! Why didn't he choose me? I love him so much...!" Nelly Kim is crying. In a drunken state, the girl shared her heart shamelessly.