Chapter 4: Celine

I woke up feeling my whole body, not like mine.

I cuss a lot in my mind because this pain felt as if my body was shredded into pieces, and was just barely holding on to be intact. And my head was being pounded down by a big hammer, and my eyes started to tear up.

If there is a good thing, it is that my bed is soft on my back.


That voice, was mom?

I opened my heavy eyes and saw the beauty in front of my eyes. She has a pair of green eyes, pinkish hair, a young-looking face that is around her '20s. You will not think that the person in front of me was actually my mom.

I looked beside myself and saw that my hand was in dextrose.

What happened?

"Don't move yet. We found you on the ground near the sphere-shaped object." Mom explained.

"Sphere-like objects?" I don't remember such a thing.

"It was like a floating orb, and you were under it. I am happy that you were alive. Some who were found under them were either burned down or died on the spot. Only a few were able to survive. And you are one of them." she said holding my face, with love. "They said that those without the ability were the ones who survive. I never would have thought I am happy that you have no superpowers. I am so happy" then mom embraced me.

I could feel her tears wetting my shirt. I don't know if I should pat her or not, but my hand ended up on her back, patting her. "I am okay now mom," I tell her.

"Of course you are okay! If I didn't heal you after the pact, you would have died at this moment. Hmph." sounded the childish girl voice I heard in my head. It was the same voice I heard before I lost consciousness.

"What is it?" My mom asked. "You became stiff. Do you feel something wrong with your body?"

"Who is that lowly ability user, hugging you?" said the voice once more.

"Who are you---" I stopped halfway, seeing my mom looking at me puzzled. "You can't hear anything?" I asked her.

"Hear what?" My mom asked, you could even see the confusion in her eyes.

"A girl's voice?"

My mom shakes her head. "There is none." she then put her palm on my forehead, so does on her. "You seem normal. Maybe you are still feeling weak. Take a rest for now, okay." Mom smiles kindly. I will just go and do my work. I will come back once I have time. Take a rest sweetie." She kissed my forehead and left.

As for the voice, she keeps on nagging on and on.

"Who are you?" I asked toward the voice in my head.

"Me? I am the Kingmaker! Celine at your service!"


"Correct! I will make you into a great king, We will rule the world, take their power and possession, and be the strongest!"

"I don't wanna." Who will want to become a king? Take power and possession.

I don't want to be a thief!

What I want is a normal life, a normal family, having a lovely wife, and work in a good-paying company! as in normal. I don't want to become a king!

"Huuuuuuhhhh???? Wait wait wait. You said you want to be normal?"


"Baka~ idiot~"

"Who are you calling baka and idiot!"

"Obviously it is you! Because you are!"

Why this little?!

"By the way, Starting tomorrow you need to do your daily mission. We need to strengthen your body first. Else, you will be killed before you know it."

"And why should I obey?"

"Pact. You made a pact with me, remember?"

Pact? "You mean to say..."

"If I wanted to kill you and those people around you, I could do so. By using your body~" Celine giggles.

The faces of my family pop out in my mind, and they are dying with my own hands looking at me asking why.

"Take a rest, for now, little guy." Celine hindered my thoughts. "You need to train up tomorrow. Well, I wanted it today, but that weak body of yours, can't handle it."



"Why did you choose me?" Why not others?

"Dunno, you just happen to be my partner, so that's why. "

"So you have no other choice?"

"Well, I have. That is to kill you and then find another host. Actually, you are a very lucky ability user. You have powers but you were able to still take me in you. Although your ability is super dormant, that's why it doesn't manifest."

"What ability?"

"You keep on asking and asking. I don't wanna answer anymore" then her voice suddenly disappeared.

What the heck did I put myself in? What I wanted was just a normal life. Why did these things need to happen?

Give me back my normal life!!!