Chapter 5: Help

I have been looking at the floating green screen in front of me. It was actually transparent, I could see the things behind it. It was like a floating green light and some words were written on it.

When I say some, I mean these words.


🔹Daily Mission🔹

[Accept] [Cancel]

Warning: If the mission was not done within the allotted time, there will be a punishment.


What punishment? "Celine!" I called out to her once again, but I couldn't even hear her.

I don't wanna check the daily mission. I don't wanna!!!

I wanna know what is punishment first so I can weigh if I should give in and accept this troublesome daily mission or not.

If I can handle it, then it is okay to receive the punishment, but if not?


All I want is to have a normal life, why do I need to handle and worry about the troublesome matter. Let's just take some rest and wait for us to get back home after.

Yes! Let's do just that!

Celine: *grinned*



"I will go home now okay,"

It was already 6 pm, ah. "Okay, mom~ take care."

My mom sat beside my bed and kissed my forehead. "I will go ahead. I left some bread, biscuits, and water there." She pointed to the food on the bedside table. "Take care baby." Then mom left.

I wave my hand at mom and look at the food.

It was so good to be in the hospital, the only annoying thing was the smell of disinfec...tant.

This thing again? Why is this thing floating in front of me?


🔹Daily Mission🔹

[Accept] [Cancel]

Warning: If the mission was not done within the allotted time, there will be a punishment.


Maybe if I ignore this there will be no punishment.

I nod my head with such a thought.

"Ah, but I feel so bored. Ah, yeah. That's right. I have a phone. Let's just watch some videos!" I took the phone from the drawer and saw some messages.

It was an international message. It was sent when there was an important news relay.

I click the read message and my eyes shrink with what is written.




Please be careful about going home alone. Some people have been killed when they are alone.





Some ability users killed other ability users, the culprit is still unknown, please never leave at home, or walk alone.




Fr: Filemon

Please help me!

Please help me!




Fr: MooCow

Help %%#-%




Fr: Diane

Please be careful everyone. I am safe as of now, but there are some ability users who wreck the house and kill ability users at home.

I am safe for now.


"Oh~ looks like others are already starting~" Celine suddenly spoke.

Others... Starting...

"Welp, those guys sure are excited. Well, I also want us to start but if we did, you will just easily be killed~ so we need to train you up~"

"What's up with the stiffness? And your body turned cold." She asked.

"Those... Are they..."

"Not gonna answer!" Then Celine giggles. "Oh well, if you die I will just find another host to stay in~"

My eyes darted on the floating blue box in front of me.

"This... What will be my punishment if I am unable to fulfill it?"

"S.E.C.R.E.T.~ Ne, Reigan. Wouldn't it be fun to discover that on your own?" She beams.

But those smiles feel like a devil's smile. I clenched my bed sheet, feeling the numbness on the tip of it.

I peered again on the floating blue box.


🔹Daily Mission🔹

[Accept] [Cancel]

Warning: If the mission was not done within the allotted time, there will be a punishment.


I closed my eyes and opened the 'Accept' button.


🔹Daily mission🔹

10 kilometer run: 0 km

100 push-up : 0

100 sit-up : 0

100 squats: 0

Warning: If the mission was not done within the allotted time, there will be a punishment.


"Oh~" Celine said as if watching a good show.

10 km run, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats...

You gotta be kidding me!

100-meter dash already tired me out. I can only do 5 push-ups, my sit-up record is only at 15, and squat. Ahhhh...

This thing is a fraud!!!