Chapter 6: Status

"Fif...teen... Ah... Sixteen... Seventeen..." I have been doing my sit-ups, so far I have done a few push-ups, and now, relax for a bit and do my sit-ups...

"You know... I already know you are weak, but... I never have thought you are this weak." Celine spoke.

Ah. This is too tiring, okay. I haven't exercised for many years now.

"Twenty! Ah!" I can feel my body heated up and exhaustion overwhelms my body.

"Why the heck did I end up with a chicken? Tsk. It has already been 20 minutes and you only start 2 things. Sigh. This is too boring~ boring~ boring~"

"Shut up! Ah!" This girl should try being on my shoe. I can't even move after.

"Are you really a man?"

I wanted to roar on that Celine's face, but I couldn't even see her. Ah...

I can't believe a weird being is mocking me.

"Excuse me, I am not a weird being! Hmph!"

Did I speak that out loud?

"You are weird, your whole family is weird! Hmph. Hmph."

"Then what are you?"

"Me? As I told you I am the King's maker."

Kingmaker your face. You just want me to exercise. Ah...

"Even exercising was too hard for you. So weak." I can even imagine her looking at me with disgust. "Why does a noble lady like me get stuck with a weakling that can be easily blown away. You definitely can't stay alive for a week. Maybe I should find another partner during that time..."

Noble lady?

Wait, this girl is being too much! I'm definitely gonna live and have a normal life.

"Really baka, idiot," she said in disgust. "Ah, you are too boring to watch. Hope you will stay alive. Bye-bye." then her voice was gone again.

Ah that Celine!

I ruffled my hair and then put my arms on the floor, and did another round of push-ups, but my arms were already wanting to give in.

Ah, this is too much!

How many did I make already? How am I supposed to check it?

That Baka, idiot Celine---

"Ouch!" I rub the back of my head, feeling as if someone just smacks it. "What the---"

"You dare to curse me while I am gone?! You don't want that small life of yours! Hmph, hmph. See if I won't help you out!" Celine's voice passed in my ear.

"I've been wondering about it, but Celine... You can read my thoughts?"

"Really, baka, idiot... You just notice. Obviously, I can. After all, we made a pact." Celine ridiculed me.

This thing! "You made me agree with the pact but what do I get from it?! It was obviously a fraud pact--- Ouch! Why did you hit my head?! And how did you do that?" Hiss, is this thing an ogre looking...

Maybe she looks like a monkey or a gorilla with strength.

Ah, I can imagine her with the face of a gorilla and hands the same big ones, big pointy teeth from the lower teeth, and a body of an ogre, wearing a mini-skirt and tube.

Pft- "hahahahaha. That is one funny look! Whahahaha..." My tears fall down on the corner of my eyes because of laughing.

That is one epic look!


I don't know why, but shivers run to my spine.

Did I make the gorilla-ogre girl?

"Who are you calling a gorilla?! And an ogre! You ugly lowly being!" Celine bellowed.

"Wah wah, the heck am I floating?!"

"I am not able to harm you, but I can hinder you at least to finish your mission!"

"W-Wait, you mean the punishment is?"

"Kyufufufu... I hope you die in punishment, you lowly being!"

"Let's talk it out! Celine! Let me go! Ahhh! Let me go!"

"Hmmm~ let's see how many hours remain? Hey, lowly being, say Mission windows."

"I don't wanna, let me go first!"

"Ah, you can't even break free from such low-level telekinesis. And it is just a level one to boot. Sigh, how weak can you be? Well, up you go!"

"Waaaah! Omph!" My face, it hurts so much. I think my nose was dislocated because of that fall. That Celine---

"Oh, what about me?"

"Stop reading my mind!"

"Ah, if I were you I would finish my mission first. Ah, sleepy. Bye-bye." Then I feel her presence gone again.

Ah, I don't wanna say anything with that weird being, Celine. I got no privacy, even a bit with my mind.

Who is more pitiful than me?

Anyway, what did that Celine say? "Mission status"


🔹Daily mission🔹

10 kilometer run: 0 km

100 push-up : 25

100 sit-up : 20

100 squats: 0

Warning: If the mission was not done within the allotted time, there will be a punishment.

Remaining time: 4 hours and 46 minutes


So when I say Status Mission, this light blue box will pop out?

How about? "Status Window"


There is none? Why is that?

"Reigan Status! Status shows! Abrakadabra status achubachu! Stupid status!" Why the heck there is nothing showing my status?!


"Status Pact."

I jolt with the sudden appearance of the blue windows again, but this time a weird word is written on it.


Pact: Temporary

[See more for details 🔻]


My brow furrowed.

What is this? Temporary?

What does it mean?

I touched the red arrow down to check what it is all about.


That Celine really is a fraud! Ah!