Chapter 9: Melancholy

"Gay monkey-dog? You really have a few loose screws aren't you?" Celine said in disgust.

Ah, what do you understand? That man distinguishes where I am through smell.

"Well, of course. He is half-dead. He is a special being too. Well, you could actually get his ability, but with that feeble body of yours, you might even be his midnight snack."

"I can get other people's ability?"

"It is an ability of mine. When I made a pact with you, you also got that ability. Absorption. You can absorb the super ability of others and make it yours."

"You actually have such! Then why not use it now?"

"Baka, idiot. Really an idiot. With that fragile body of yours, absorbing other's abilities will just make your body pop out like a balloon. Just completing the Daily mission already made you tired. What more if you receive the powers of others? I don't even understand why I was partnered with you, normally they will partner us up according to our strengths. You obviously are weakling. Ah, I am so pitiful."

This thing- ah, always looking down on... me...


Failed to do daily mission.

Initializing punishment.



"Hey, you! You actually an ability user. Never I have thought I will have a good haul today." the gay monkey-dog grinned at me.

He opened his mouth once more but I was unable to hear his next words because everything turned silent and the floor I was supposed to be stepping on vanished. The feeling of falling indefinitely and internal organs rumbling around made me nauseous. Everything turned dark and my body started to feel heavy.

Insecurities took over me, and the feeling of fear produced in my mind.

I don't know how long it was.

It feels like hours or maybe days staying in such a position.

Then the feeling of hopelessness traveled in my heart. Help...



My sight, hearing. And even my voice was hindered.

Loneliness partakes in my mind and heart, it is as if no one wants me, no one likes me...

I am alone...

There are voices trying to enter my mind, telling me how bad I am...

That I am alone...

No one will help me, it makes one heart fall from the deepest pit.

Alone huh?

So what of it?!

I am alone, so what?!

I can move forward and up until now, I am still alive and kicking. Ah, I don't know where these thoughts came from.

When I was at the age of 5 to 7, a lot of people always admired me. I am fast learning and very strong. People even thought that I would awaken with powerful abilities, but when the day of my awakening happened...

People turned 180 degrees. It was just simply because I have no superpowers.

Now that I think about it, most of the people in our place are ability users, and only 10% or so are non-ability, but no one dares to insult them openly, rather those people who have no ability like me, either treated with pity or disgust. That's why I rather want to have a normal and simple life.

I never told my current school about having no ability. They never asked... And they only go for knowledge, with this world which is too peaceful, of course, there is no need to have superpowers...

Having power means having responsibility, but... I honestly really am jealous and envious of them, but what can I do? I have none of such...

Ah, Reigan... This is not like you...

The emptiness in my heart grew larger and larger that made my body weak and cold.

If only I had great power my little sister would respect me. My parents will feel proud and don't need to experience other people mocking, because of me...

Ah, but those are too troublesome.

Having great power was good and bad...

Now, I don't know if it was a good thing or bad...

But being on the top seems lonely...

I wonder why many want that when living a normal and simple life is far greater...

Ah... This loneliness and pain in my heart are too much...


In the real world...

Celine is inside the hospital bed, because their enemy is just a low-level power user, she was able to get away.

She sits on the side of the bed. Making the food float on the side and taking a bite on the biscuit. "I wonder which punishment is it? Well, those punishments are more like tempering for him anyway. If that frail guy is able to break free or win over the punishment, he will become much stronger after coming out." Then Celine opens the bottle and makes a drop of water float, and she drinks it.

She waits for her partner, feeling bored.

"But if he wasn't able to, he might die or his spirit broken, not being able to carry special ability. He could even be like that low-level ability. Being half-dead. Ne, Reigan... Let me see what you got." Celine chuckled in the air.


In the black space where Reigan is...

"Why do you need to live? Even if you are gone, it was all the same." a sarcastic voice asked in his ear.

"Reigan, why do people need to be distinguished with two types. Just because we got no powers... Why Reigan? I never want it."

"Pathetic, a non-ability user wanting to get respect. Stuuupid. Weakling like you have no rights as a human."

"Just trash human. Thinking he is mighty when he is just some trash that can't even beat us."

"You want to date me Reigan. Ugh, you gotta be kidding me. You got no powers, nor strength, and you thought of dating someone like me? Disgusting."

"I feel bad for his family. He is the oddball, and the weakest one. Sigh, looks like the Dela Rosa family will go down the hill. Especially with that child."

"It's okay, Reigan. It-It's okay... It's okay." Then my mom started to weep.

"I hate you! You are a loser! I hate you! I hate you! Because of you! I hate you, big bro!"

Hate me huh?


These voices are so annoying.

I might not have power but...

I stand up facing the darkness.

"So what?" I told the darkness in front of me.

The darkness then forms in a gory human body. It was as if his body was made up of shadows. I could even feel his sadness and pain going through my soul.

Ah, this man is too troublesome. Acting pitiful and all. "You." I exhale. "So what if people hate us because we got no powers? So what if we got no ability? So what of it? In the end, all of us are human. Have the same internal organ, have face and senses. The only difference is that they have power.

I don't care if I have an ability or not, I don't care what other people say. I am me. I am the protagonist of my own story.

If you keep on looking and listening to your negative emotions, what good will happen to them?

Sigh, I can't believe I will talk this long.

Hey, Not because they said you are trash and weak, meaning you are one. You can always get up. Move forward. Strengthen yourself. So stop being Melancholy. It is not as if you are the only one facing such a situation.

Everyone does, but it is not what the situation made us, it is how we face the situation that makes us who we are.

Do you get what I mean?"

This dark human shadow smiles at me with his body changing with mine. Have no eyeballs, and his mouth is full of darkness.

Ah, I would have never thought I am this handsome.

"That's why, rather than staying on what negative people tell us, it is much better to improve ourselves." I even give him a grin while raising my thumbs up.

The darkness appears in front of me.

"Then I hope you will improve, and become the next king." The sound of a girl coming out from me, I mean this guy's lips.

"Please accept my gift for you."

Then a sudden light shone upon me and the warmness in my heart melted the coldness of my body.

So warm...

The next thing I knew was that the sky turned into a dark cloud and red moon...


"What the!!! Waaaaaaahhhhh!!!"