Chapter 10: Lay egg

"Waaaaaahhhh!!!" Reigan shouted in fear. His breathing thinning out because air pressure had been disrupting, the supposed to be oxygen, he should inhale.

Some tears already trickled down from the corner of his eyes. He couldn't accept the fact of not being able to fulfill his dream, and the second time falling from the sky. His body was already feeling numb, and his mind already thought that it was his last time to live.

He closed his eyes, ready to accept the painful death of falling. Who will believe that the cause of his death is popping out of nowhere after his so-called punishment in the air?

But the supposed splattering body and dying on the falling didn't happen; rather the feeling of abruptly choking felt around his neck, because his collar was held up! He is lucky enough that he didn't die from the falling but looks like he will die from suffocation! Ah.

"I can't believe this. How come you pop outside of the hospital, not inside?" Celine's voiced coming from behind him was heard.

His heart wavering in joy, although he was willing to accept the fate of dying but being saved felt good. "Celine..." His voice almost cracks out. "I thought... I thought I was going to die just now." He said, the tears and snot were smeared on his face making Celine look at him in disgust.

"Ugh. Ah, why are you, my partner!" Celine spoke with undisguised repulsion. But rather than feeling bad or annoyed by Celine's way of speaking, gladness overtook Reigan's heart. After all, he was saved from the brink of death just now. Although, his neck still hurt a bit from the sudden pull.

The window opened on its own without Reigan noticing and the next thing that happened was a man being harshly tossed inside, named Reigan himself.

His head hits the floor almost making him feel like his head suffers from a mild concussion. He wanted to roar at Celine for what she did but he couldn't see her. Only a weird white fog that was floating near the window was visible.

It caught his attention because the fog was crumpled in one place and luminous. It had no shape, just a fog floating. He wasn't even sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him, because it felt like, from that place, someone was staring at him.

"You... Change..." Celine spoke with a tint of surprise.


Reigan peered at where the voice came from, and he was certain that it was from that fog white light. "Celine. So you're actually a weird fog!" He said in excitement. As if he found out something fascinating.

"Oh, looks like you can see me a bit."

"So that is actually your real look."

"Real look? You- Baka idiot! This is not my real appearance. The only reason this is what you see is that you are too weak to see my real appearance."

Reigan pouted in Celine's direction, making her fiery in anger.

"You... You are imagining me again and calling me in your mind as a gorilla-ogre!"

"Ah, I told you to stop looking in my mind. You pervert!" Reigan jokes around.

"Not just because you were able to get a little power means you can say anything, you lowly human!"

"Yes yes, I am a lowly human." Reigan even showed his serious face to agree with Celine. Honestly, he was too tired after what happened today. He would rather take a rest than fight back. He stood up and a weird sound of 'thud' fell near him.

Reigan just shrugs it off. He just wanted to sleep, he didn't know that Celine was looking at him and the one that fell weirdly.

"You... No wonder... you are a weird creature."

"Yes yes. I am a weird creature." Reigan replied he wanted to just go to bed and sleep so to receive his most-awaited rest, he will be a yes sir just for today. If Celine wanted to read his mind, so be it.

"Oh..." Celine smiled wickedly. "Then you are a guy who likes to lay an egg."

"Yes yes, I can lay an egg---" he faced the weird fog and roar in his mind. 'What lay an egg, I am a man! I am not a chicken! Ah, say whatever you want. I am just going to sleep!' He thought, then closed his eyes.

Celine laughed out hard, making him mad.

Ah forget it, she still becomes his savior today, so he will just let it slip. Besides that, this day has been too tiring.

But sleep didn't even want to visit him, staring at the ceiling for an unknown time.

His mind wanders on what had occurred. Although he told that to the weird shadow that you should look forward to, he himself didn't really know-how. And those words were originally not his, but from the weird guy, he met when he was 12. That was the time that his little sister hated him, and because he loved his sister, he also thought that he was just trash among the trash.

The weird guy came to him and told him not to think too much. that he is not trash, that he could be a protagonist of his own life

He seems to be an ability user, so he shrugs it off, but just like Celine he still talks back, reading his mind.

He still remembers what he said: "Kid, I envy you, having powers means having responsibility. And having no powers means having a normal and good life. But then again, I knew a lot of people who are non-ability users. They got no power but they are stronger than of those ability users.

So I thought that all humans are the same. All have an internal organ, all breathe the same air, all have faces, which means that it is not what situation that makes you, it is you who makes the situation. You should stop thinking about what other people said and just think how you should improve." Then he patted my shoulder. "If they call you trash, then show them what kind of trash you are..." After that, he left.

He had been reflecting on those words and thought that maybe, he can change his future. But the world kept on slapping him one cheek after another.

He knew the truth. In this world, only the strongest could have a voice. Maybe... Just maybe...

"Maybe what?" Celine's voice went in his ears.

He looked where the voice came from, and a weird egg was floating inside the white fog. He slit his eyes, thinking that Celine can actually lay eggs. He never had thought that while he was thinking, Celine had been giving birth to an egg. Ah.

"Ouch! Ah, why do you need to throw things at me!" He rubbed his hurt face. His handsome face has been ruined by this weird laying egg creature.

"I didn't lay that egg, you baka! It came from you! You chicken hen!"

"How could a guy like me lay an egg?!"

"How would I know?! Ah! It came out from you when you stood up. I even asked you if you lay an egg, and you said yes!"

"I don't lay eggs okay! I am straight, male, I got every man's features. You can even look to see it! Ah!" He was about to open his pants to prove himself.

"You! You! Pervert baka! Chicken lowly human! Pervert! Disgusting pervert! Rouge! Ahhh!" The next thing Reigan felt was that great air pressure that made him float and the back of his head slammed on the wall, making him lose his consciousness.

The next day, he was scolded for being too loud last night. Reigan wanted to refute but he was unable to prove his innocence.

First, he had no solid proof. Second, no one could see Celine, so the poor him been reprimanded for almost half the day. Who can be as unfortunate as him?

When he was left alone he brought out the weird egg that Celine said he lay. It was black and gold with some dark red writing on it. He had no idea what it was all about, but he just kept it for now.

He peered out the sky and sigh, remembering what happened these past 2 days. "Everything was not a dream after all." He whispered sadly.