Chapter 11: Game Mechanics

"Hey, you are actually adapting well," Celine spoke in Reigan's ear as he was about to finish his 10 km run. He wipes his sweat and inhales.

The monkey-dog he saw last time is nowhere to be found. It seems as if he vanished, but there had been numerous news of special ability users dying in the news since he got out of the hospital 9 days ago.

Most of the power users now were either hiding in the corner, and the people who were brave to roam in the street were non-ability users. If there were those who were on the road, it was either by two or three people in a group.

About the egg, he notices something.

First is that the egg couldn't be broken no matter what they used. He tried numerous ways of breaking it to see what's inside. He even burned it and boiled it but it has done nothing.

Second, he couldn't throw the egg or leave it a meter away from him, because it will suddenly pop back inside his pocket if it is non-pocket. It was in his, ehem, underwear. When Celine knew it, his name changed from baka idiot to Perverted baka idiot. Making him sigh helplessly.

If there is one thing that was good with the weird egg, it is that when he is holding it, he has noticed that Celine seems unable to read his mind, making him glad about it. Only if this egg will give him space.

He looked up at the cloudy sky. These 2 weeks of daily missions are a bit tiring, but he could do them easily now. His brow furrowed, noticing the change in the clouds. A circle shaped cloud was forming.

It got his attention for a simple reason, that thing seems to be alive. With empty eyes and a creepy smile on its face. It was like an emoji face

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" The sound of a child once that he hadn't heard for these 2 weeks had been heard across the world.

Reigan held his head because the sound seemed to be input in his mind but what made him shiver was that the round shape cloud lip-syncs with the sound. It didn't stop just in that, it's empty eyes brought out a black bead that looks like an eye.

Its hands had 4 fingers in it, and feet with shoes, waving at them playfully.

If it is a tv show it will be really cute, but terrifying when you see it move in the sky, grinning at them, and its eyes turned to a crescent shape.

"Hello everyone, I am here again. Did you miss me? Did you? Did you?" The weird thing in the sky giggles. Staring down at them, as if what it is looking at was inside of them, making him so much uncomfortable.

'Is it always been like this?' Reigan thought. He couldn't remember how it felt when he had heard the voice for the first time.

Somewhere the children saw it got excited by its cuteness, but the elders felt otherwise.

Reigan's body started to cold sweat and the egg in his pocket also shivered. He wanted to take it out, but it stayed inside his pocket, not allowing him to bring it out.

"Ah, I don't miss you tho~" he spoke in a pout. "So I am here to give our mechanics of the game of survival! Ah! I am super excited about it! So excited! Super excited! Are you excited? Are you? Are you?" He giggled as he spoke in a monologue manner, not caring about the curses from the people. "The mechanics are pretty simple, really really simple. Either you become the King candidate or be a player."

Reigan's blood gone cold with the word King candidate. He didn't know but it seems that this weird being in the sky will ruin his dream.

"Oh oh oh. How to become a King candidate? There are three ways." The emoji even showed its three-finger to emphasize. Then raised up its forefinger. "One is to kill the lucky King candidates, Ah they are truly blessed." He grinned, but it felt like it was a snake smile. "They are the people with a fairy system with them."

Fairy... System...

The name 'Celine' flashed in the mind of Reigan. He couldn't help but remember the word Celine told him. 'I am a kingmaker.'

This kid... He actually wanted him to be killed, ah!

"Second, kill at least 100 special ability users."

Reigan's eyes shrink with those words. The news and the things that occur these past few days pop into his mind.

"Oh yeah, there seems to be some who triggered the hidden quest and been included as the king candidate. there are already an additional 5 king candidates as of now." He spoke as if what he was telling them was no big of a deal. Then chuckled with excitement. "Oh oh oh. There is a third way, that is to take the candidacy from the sphere that I have put in each place." Then the circle-shaped emoji grins at them, but its teeth turn jigjag, and its color is bloody red. Its eyes change into a dark abyss, sending fear toward them.

Then it blinks as its eyes change to bulb-shape. "Ah, yeah I talk about the king candidates. This time let's talk about the player. A player can start from the lower level, and can fight the living organism so he can join the game! Ah, it is the same as RPG, but you need to be at least level 50 to join the true game. So good luck everyone. I will be waiting!"

Then from the sky, a timer pops out. 100 days. "After this time is up, the true game will start. So let's go, let go and do an elimination round!" He even pops out small sprinkles that fall on the earth.

"Ah, By the way... Those who are already king candidates can take their time and just level up to be strong. Bye-bye." then the voice was gone, but the timer in the sky started to lessen in seconds, and the emoji turned to a normal cloud.

Reigan clenched his fist. That creepy child is really perverted. It was very obvious that being a King candidate is much better than being a player.

And living organisms only mean 3 things, humans, plants, and animals.

"Looks like we need to fasten you on becoming strong. Else you will die." Celine suddenly spoke.

"What will happen to those who couldn't become a king candidate?" Reigan asked Celine.

"Eh, why would I care? My mission is to make you a king."

"What will happen when you receive my haul, and what about those with non-ability users?"

"They can wait for their deathbed. Weak people should just go and die." Celine spoke those cold words casually.

Weak people should just go and die.

"How would a person become a player?"

"Player? Why should I answer you? You couldn't even see me, so why should I tell you?"

Reigan lowers his head, as his family pops out in his head and his two childhood friends who are in the empires. "If... I could see you... You will answer all my questions, right?"


"I see..." Reigan glared at the clouds and continued to finish his run.

He didn't know what that weird being had done, but he was sure of one thing. He will make that kid pay for ruining his dream life! Ah!