Chapter 12: Family

A/N: ⚠️ Warning ⚠️

the latter half has brutality in it, read at your own risk.


"Where is it?" Reigan had been searching for the boxes in his room, but already feeling frustrated. He couldn't find his arms.

"What are you doing?" Celine asked him.

"Finding my power-up."

"Power up? You. Don't tell me that..."

"Ah, it is not here. Where the heck is that?" Reigan stood up and went to his sister's room. "Mica, Mica!"

Mica peeked between the door, glaring at Reigan. "What?"

"Did you see the black box?"

"Black box? It was in the attic."

"Oh thank you."

Mica just slammed her door, while Reigan walked upstairs.

"I have been wondering. You are a masochist, aren't you?"


"... Forget what I said."

"Oh, I found it!" Reigan then brought out a black box.

"What's that?"

Reigan grinned. "My power-up!"

"Power... Up?"

"Ehem. So this box shows my powers when I use it." He even stands up and raises his hand, holding the box.

"Oh... So humans can create powerful arms, that's interesting. Then show it to me." Celine spoke haughtily.

Reigan places his hand on the top of the box. Then closed his eyes as if meditating. "Woo... Abrakadabra Zoom zoom zoom. Kimbumba ari anto bagum!" Then he took off the cover of the box showing the stick inside.

Celine: ...

Reigan grinned. "So here's my power up! My tonfa!"

"I feel like an idiot talking with you." Then the illuminating fog disappeared.

He scratches his head, peering at the tonfa he played with when he was around 4-7, it is also the reason why people thought he will become a powerful power ability user, but the truth slapped him painfully.

He got no superpower. He is just a simple human.

Going downstairs, he decided to practice his tonfa for now. His step paused with the sudden box pop in front of him.



[Open] [Cancel]


"Announcement? Let's see it then."



As one of the chosen Kings. You can have at least 100 players under you and share your power with them.

Number of players: 0


"So this is how my players could come up. With this, my parents will be safe. This is good. Ah, I should thank Celine after." He thought to himself, but for some reason, he has this uncomfortable feeling. He didn't understand why.

He furrowed his brow then shrugged it off. First thing first, he needs to practice using his tonfa. But this thing is too small but bearable. He will show off to Celine that he does power-up with it.

It was already night, and the feeling of worries was still in Reigan's heart. It was as if something bad will happen.

He shakes off such a thought. That was impossible, his father will be home with her mom. And her sis is at home.

Wait, at home? He has never felt her presence at home.

His heart raced, "It can't be that." He entered the house knocking on his sister's door. "Mica! Mica!" But no noise nor answer could be heard.

His heart raced in fear. His sister shouldn't be killed, right? She is the beauty of their class and has many suitors. She also got many ability users' friends. They couldn't possibly.

He took out his phone dialing his sister's phone, it was ringing, but no one answered. "Mica, answer your phone. Ah. Else you will become an ugly duckling." He has been tapping his foot, feeling jittery.

Maybe... Celine could help.


"What are you doing in front of my room?!" The voice of Mica was heard behind him, making the fear in his heart loosen. He faces behind him and sees the girl with a bathrobe and towel on her head, glaring at her.

It felt as if something about her changed. He just couldn't pinpoint it.

"What do you need?" She crossed her arm in front of her while facing his brother rudely.

In the past few days, since he got home, he noticed the moodiness of his sister. Maybe it has something to do with the childish voice in the sky.

"Mica are you okay?"

Mica arced her brow, then rolled her eyes. "I am always fine. If you got nothing else to say, get away in front of my door and I need to dress up."

He rubbed his head awkwardly. "If... If you need help, I will always be here okay. I am your big bro after all."

"A loser for a big bro, and powerless at it, wanting to help me. You gotta be kidding me." She scoffed.

His brow formed a thin line, not liking the tone Mica had been using to him. "Hey, you are becoming ruder, Mica. I am still your elder brother."

"So what?"

"Mica." His voice already had a tint of warning.

"What's going on?" Their mother's voice comes in the ear.

"Mom, it was-- ouch, hey." The door slammed in the face of Reigan, making him rub his face in frustration. "Welcome home mom, dad." He beamed at them.

"I will talk to Mica." His mom, Angela, smiled at him with an assuring smile. "Go and help your father outside."

"Okay, mom." He walked out sighing. He didn't understand why his sister was acting like that, maybe it was the time of the month again. "Ah, girls are too troublesome." He walked out the door hearing a sudden shout, making him suddenly dashed.

What he saw outside was two ability users, wearing a black and white mask, and his father being stabbed by the black-masked guy.

His sight went to the three people, sprinting toward them with his tonfa. The white mask used his ice power to fire at him, he jumped to the side and went in their direction.

The black mask guy fastly evades. Seems like his power is agility.

"The guy was still alive." The black mask guy said.

The white mask guy nodded and brought out a 3 diamond shape and went in his father's direction. Reigan diverts its direction with its brute strength.

The door behind him opened, bringing out her sister's dress up, and covered with blood. "What happened here?" Mica asked

"Mica, help me out. These people were trying to kill father." Reigan told her.

Mica glanced at them, then walked in Reigan direction. "I see." She spoke in his ears. "Then why are you still alive? Ne, big bro Reigan..."

"Huh, what---" the feeling of something cold poke in his stomach, and Mica was the one holding it.

She grinned at him wickedly. "I really hate you, big bro." Then she forcefully takes out the knife. "Bye-bye, big bro. Ah, before that. You should know first how to kill, it will be a good experience." Her sister spoke as if it was the voice of the devil. His hand was now holding the dagger. The next thing that happened was his hand pierce through his father's neck, and him falling down on the ground.

He faced the dead body of his father and his sister turning her back on him. "...why..." He questions in a soft voice. As his sight fell to darkness and the sound of the system popped out.