Chapter 13: System Notification


❗System Alert!

⚠️ Warning, the King of Absorption's life force is about to die. Please healed immediately. Else the fairy system will be taken away.


Reign felt his body burning sensation inside his body, and the feeling of his father dying in his hands still replayed in his mind.

His sight turned dark, and his breathing thinned out. His body started to feel both numb and heavy. He wonders if this is how death feels.

❗System Alert!

Reigan Dela Rosa's candidacy of being king is taken away and is transferred to Michaela Dela Rosa.

Initializing transfer

❗System Alert!

The host is dead, the transfer successful.

❗System Notice!

The host has killed a player, because of it the host, Reigan Dela Rosa will reincarnate as a player. Please choose which race you will be.

Reigan furrowed his brow. So noisy! Ah! He just died, now the weird thing like a system keeps on popping in his mind! Why would the weird thing make him want to still continue to play! Ah!

He will just go and die, what reincarnates to play? No thank you. He would rather just die peacefully. As if knowing the fact that he just---

The sound of the system notification once again disturbs his mind.

❗System Notice!

The host has killed a player, because of it the host, Reigan Dela Rosa will reincarnate as a player. Please choose which race you will be.

Reigan felt a little bit annoyed. It was as if the notification was insisting and won't stop until it got it answered. He felt so sad that he was just about to die but this thing keeps on making noise in his head.

His mind wanders if he will be reincarnated, obviously there is only one dream he will always, and want to have. To become a normal person! "...normal..." He spoke in a soft voice.

❗System Notice!

Identifying the player word.

Norman race.

An ancient human with a natural capability to fight. A strong body with high attack and defense. They are very capable to wield combat arms for they are natural fighters.

Are you sure this is what to become Norman?

[Yes] [No]

What Norman? Strong capabilities? Wait, that is not the point. He just wants to be normal! Ah! Not norman.

❗System Notice!

Norman race:

An ancient human with a natural capability to fight. A strong body with high attack and defense. They are very capable to wield combat arms for they are natural fighters.

Are you sure this is what to become Norman?

[Yes] [No]

The notification pops in his ears making Reigan irritated. "Shut up..." He shouts in his head but a small voice could be heard coming out from his lips.

The notification still insisted, not wanting to keep quiet in his mind. Who is sadder than him? Dying with a noisy thing in his mind. T^T

"Okay... So just shut up..." Reigan answered giving in but the system acted as if not noticing it and continued with a robotic voice.

🔹 System announcement

Congratulations on The Player Reigan Dela Rosa was the first to become Norman. Please bear in mind to level up to 50 to join the real game.

🔹 System announcement

Congratulations on The Player Reigan Dela Rosa was the first to become a Norman race. Because of that, you can hide your identity race.

❗Player Notification

The player Reigan Dela Rosa had formed a blood pact. To know more, please reach level 75.

❗Player Notification

The player Reigan Dela Rosa gets the power of the blood pact because of it, the player can choose a specific power of the player's pact partner.

Please choose which power you will receive.

•Knowledge [see more for details 🔻]

•Wisdom [see more for details 🔻]

•Flaws check [see more for details 🔻]

•Rule bind [see more for details 🔻]

•Time rule [see more for details 🔻]


Once the power has been chosen, the player can't change it.

Reigan wanted to cry because the ping sound didn't stop, and to irritate him more it even popped into his head. He couldn't even have even a bit of space. Just let him go okay.

But the notification, as if teasing him more, insisted him to choose.


Life is unfair, death is noisy! Ah!

Ah, let's just check them all out!

❗Player Notification

The player Reigan Dela Rosa gets the power of the blood pact because of it, the player can choose a specific power of the player's pact partner.

Please choose which power you will receive.


The power-on knowing how to use a certain power faster. After discovering your enemy's special ability, you can learn it if you have the book of its skill, but can only be used for a certain amount of time and mana capacity.

Do you want this to be your pact power?

[Confirm] [Cancel]


Raising one's mana capacity at every level, and learning how to use the skill of the player's special ability after being able to analyze it. The number of able to learn depends on the player's level.

Do you want this to be your pact power?

[Confirm] [Cancel]

•Flaws check

Discover your enemy's weaknesses for a certain period of time, and learn how to use them against the enemy.

Do you want this to be your pact power?

[Confirm] [Cancel]

•Rule bind

When you use this, the players will have to spin the wheel who will set the rules, and the player needs to follow the rule.

Do you want this to be your pact power?

[Confirm] [Cancel]

•Time rule

For a certain time, the player can make the enemy obey the rule the player host set.

Do you want this to be your pact power?

[Confirm] [Cancel]


Once the power has been chosen, the player can't change it.

Pact power? Celine?

'Ah, so we become blood pact now. Hmm. Here I thought she left me. I feel so touched! I thought that she would leave me after also dying. Ah, but where is she? Is she shy because of me? tsk tsk. Celine, don't be shy. I know you are attracted to my handsomeness now and don't want to leave me. You shouldn't feel bad about showing your care for me.' the thing that roams in Reigan's mind, but no Celine could be found, making him feel a little down. Oh well.

Reigan watched the box floating in front of him, and tried to touch the screen but nothing happened, he got no hands.

Wait. No hands?

Not only does he have no hands, but his body also becomes a fog.

Reigan's mind: What the heck is going on?! Ah! How am I supposed to choose?

Reigan wanted to cry but he didn't even have a physical body.

He keeps on saying the words in his mind. Knowledge confirm! Ah! Wisdom confirm! Flaw check confirm! Rule bind confirm! Ah!

He is starting to get annoyed. What is wrong with the system, not allowing him to choose. "...Time rule confirm..." he roared in his mind but a soft sound from his lips.

He felt flabbergasted when he saw the notification.

Are you sure you want 'Time Rule' to be your pact power?

[Yes] [No]

What the heck! It felt like the system was playing with him ah! This is unfair.

He roars in his mind saying 'No' still no voice could be heard from him.

Ah, he really wanted to punch the annoying system notification. This thing makes his blood boil. Should he even choose the word "...Yes..."

Reigan: .....

Okay, this system is truly biased!

Time Rule

The player can set a rule for at least 3 seconds. And the enemy needed to obey it. It can only affect players and monsters lower than the host. Chances of being so are 75%

If used on the same level, there is only a 50% chance it will take effect.

If used to level higher than the host there is only 25% or lower of activating it.

If the rule fails to activate, the host enemy can either be the one to set the rules and the host needs to obey half of the time the host's ability time limit.

Reigan reading the notification didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The system felt like playing with his maiden heart and shattering it to pieces!