Chapter 14: World Announcement

🔹 System announcement

Congratulations on The Player Reigan Dela Rosa was the first to become Norman. Because of that, you can hide your identity

The system suggests that you hide your identity.

Reigan poker face. After this system played with his heart, it was now giving him a suggestion. He wanted to roar and wrestle with this robotic thing!

But to annoy him more it gave another notification. He wanted to ignore it but what was written on it piqued his interest.

Please choose which realm the player wanted to start.

• Natural Realm 🔻

• Fantasy Realm🔻

• Supernatural Realm🔻


Once the player chooses the Realm to live in, the player can't be undone by what the player chooses.

There are three Realms in it. Natural Realm seems good, it reminded him of normal life, but for some reason, the Fantasy Realm and Supernatural Realm made him curious.

"What are the- oh, I can talk now! Ah, you annoying system. How could you just make me talk right now?! Ah. I wanted to speak since the beginning, but then you just made me speak now. Ah, you should at least compensate me!"

System: Please choose.

Reigan keeps on and on, nagging on how stupid and annoying the system was. How fraud and unfair it was.

🔹System Notification

The Player Reigan Dela Rosa from Norman Race chose to live in Fantasy Realm. Initializing the transfer ⏳

Reigan stares in a daze at the box giving him news about him choosing the Fantasy Realm.

"You- You Fraud system! How dare you choose Fantasy Realm without my knowledge?! You really are against me, aren't you! This whole thing is against me, aren't you!" Reigan accused with rage.

Unfortunately, the system didn't care.

System: Idiot

Reigan who was called an idiot by the system: ...

"Why you system--- Aaaaaahhhh"

The sudden intrusion of heat burns up his body. It was as if he was soaked in oil, with every skin being a prick in hotness. Then turning hotter and hotter in every second, It was as if he was being smoked, but with fire. Normally the longer it was, you would start to feel your body turned numb.

Reigan senses, on the other hand, turned higher making him anguish in pain and heat. The next moment the ice-chilling coldness that made him shiver was felt. It was as if he was inside the freezer. If he got a body, he definitely will be having snot.

Then the coldness became lower and lower, it was as if he was stabbed by millions of needles.

Then it reverses 5 times, and what frustrated him, he was unable to lose consciousness, ah!

All he wanted was a normal life, but what he was currently experiencing made him wish to just go and die.

❗System Notification!

Because the Player was able to stay awake in 100% sense synchronization, his endurance rose.

Fire resistance raise!

Ice resistance raise!

'Raise your face! Ah, this is living torture!' Reigan squirmed, but he couldn't even move his body. He wanted to lose consciousness, okay! Who would want to experience hellish pain?

In the next moment, a body started to be enclosed in the fog, where Reigan is, it was as if a warm feeling caressed him. It felt good.

The system should have done that from the beginning.

The thing that enclosed him was the skeleton first, then his internal organs started to grow from small blood, next was muscle meat, the last one was bronze skin with weird writing on his chest. His look was the same when he was alive on earth, only that his body has more muscle in them, and the once wheat color skin turned to bronze. His face became more masculine, and on his forehead had a weird bloody color gem that entered his skin, after a few seconds...

His focus changed from the physical sense to audio.

Will you want to hide your race as a Norman?

[Yes] [No]


The player can change the status.

His consciousness was already wavering, because of such a comfortable feeling making him want to moan. The system in front of him became blurred. His mind was already feeling confused because he didn't understand what was going on anymore but he did hear the word hide making him say a lot of things but only "... Hide..." Was the word that came out from his lips.

Player Reigan Dela Rosa hides his identity.

🔹System Reward

Because the Player is the first Noman Player and first blood pact player, the system gives the player Reigan Dela Rosa a special reward.

System: Good luck with staying alive.

Reigan didn't know why those words were the last word he heard from the system, but he could hear the scorn tone from the system. Like cursing at him.

Ah, he wanted to kill the system and even that child. But he never killed anyone before. The darkness overtook him.

Meanwhile in his original world.

His body was starting to turn into ashes after 3 days, from his head to toward his legs, it was as if the air was taking those tiny particles away but no one knows where. There are no bones nor blood left behind that could be found, even the stuff that is in his body disappear. Not just him but every person who was killed.

Then a big announcement pop into the sky. It caught all the attention of each race and world.

It was 'the World System announcement' that made every being heart pound in excitement. Their eyes become bloodshot, and others started to do research. While others feel bad for the unlucky race.


🌐 World System Announcement!

💠Special Event💠

A powerful Norman was on the go. Please kill it.


•Instantly becomes level 50 if Norman is still not in level 50.

•If you are already a king candidate, you can make 1 person be a player that could join instantly.

Days left for killing the Norman: 97 days


The announcement rang out 3 times in all 3 realms, and the poor Reigan, who was deeply asleep, was put in such a curse he will surely hate. But it will make him despise the system more was that knowing what kind of pit he was put in, making him unable to fulfill his dream of normal life!