Chapter 19: Memories

The feeling of not being able to control the gravitational pull, and the pressure of the air made one have a hard time taking in air. Reigan had been falling for a few minutes now and the first thing he saw was a bunch of trees. He fell in between them, receiving a lot of slaps from the branches of the trees, then suddenly paused, and felt choked because his collar was hung on one of the branches.

He didn't know if he was unlucky today because he just fell and almost died in the process, or thankful because he was still alive. Well, it was better to choose the latter part, than to be pessimistic at this time. Besides, who will encourage himself, except himself? Just like before.


Reigan felt his body going lower and lower, when he looked below there was a black liquid. He has been wondering where that awful smell came from. He thought it was his, but seemed like it was below him.

The crack became larger and larger, but what made him pale in fright was that when the leaf fell on it, it created a sizzling sound and burned.

He roamed his eyes to see any ways to save himself, but nothing of the sort. The feeling of helplessness flowed from his heart, making him a bit muddle-headed.

The next thing that happened was a splash and his sight saw the vastness of dark. He didn't know how long it was, but from that darkness, Reigan saw something.

It was a 4-year-old child brawling with the 8-years-old child, and the funny thing was that the younger one got the upper hand. The older one started to feel frustrated so he used his fire to shoot at the younger kid, but the smaller kid evaded it and used his kick to hit the stomach, and tonfa to punch the special ability older kid's chin. The child smirks at the ability user who already lost consciousness, and faced the child behind him.

Reigan was surprised to see the face of the young child because it was his.

"Hey, are you alright?" His younger self asked toward the beautiful kid. With blue hair, big blue eyes, and round eyeglasses.

Reigan didn't know what to feel at this moment. This memory was an embarrassing memory. He didn't want to remember what the whole story was, but it was also a special one because this day was the time he first met his childhood friend, Andrew.

Andrew was a beautiful child and he used to be a crybaby. He and his family decided to stay in their town because of his father's mission according to him.

Then the surroundings become distorted and the scene changes...

This time he was five, and there was a competition that only happened once every 5 years, and their town was chosen to hold the said competition. The 5 empire's representatives went to their countryside and a lot of children from all over the country joined in.

He got curious because they said that there were a lot of strong children, and he didn't believe that there were children stronger than him. He was that arrogant.

He wanted to watch the said competition but halted when he saw a child being bullied. It was a child who was 2 years older than him. He had red hair, red phoenix eyes, white skin, and an arrogant nose. He was the typical handsome, cool kid. It was Eugene. Around him were 5 children, some faces were disheveled while others were still okay.

Those children were older than Eugene who was already beaten and cornered but still standing. His eyes showed that he won't give up that easily.

"You were all being arrogant a moment ago, but you are just a measly genius. Heh," Taunted one of the 8-year-old ability users, toward the red-haired boy.

"You had made my two subordinates almost cripple. So we will do the same to you." Spoke to the 10-year-old boy.

There were a lot of other teenagers and children around but no one dared to stand up. Then a 5-year-old seeing such couldn't take it and shout at Eugene's enemy with a voice full of righteousness. "Hey! How could you guys bully one person?!"

"Eh? Who was that?" Then the 10-year-old boy faced the child's direction. "Ah, a pipsqueak," Then they all laughed at him.

That Pipsqueak... It was him! Ah. He wanted to stop this. It was another shameful moment in his life.

"Well, this pipsqueak will make you guys suffer!" Then he ran toward them, while the 5 children started to bombard him with their special ability. Those children shot might be strong but we're very crude so it was so easy for him to dodge them. He even smirked cheekily.

Reigan felt so embarrassed while watching these memories of his. He used to act like some kind of 'kid of justice'. He might seem cool but it was embarrassing, okay! Watching it made him want to dig a hole.

What was he thinking when he was a child? Some kind of superhero.

In the end, he beat them down. Well, he was a tad stronger than them before, so of course, he would beat them.

The image changed again. This time, it was the leaving of Andrew and Eugene.

Seeing this memory made him want to find the "X" button. He didn't want to see this! Where was the pause button, ah no the stop button? Shit. Stop, stop, stop!

But rather than stopping, the scene continued.

"Rei, sorry." He heard Andrew apologize.

Shit. Reigan didn't want this to continue, but as if the memory had life on its own, it continues to play.

"Why?" The 6-year-old asked, wanting to wipe those tears away.

"I can't stay anymore and... and... and... I am not a girl so we could never be married!" Andrew shouted in with a red face.

Reigan, who was watching the whole situation, face already turned beet red while watching.

Ah! This was the reason he didn't want to see this. When he first met Andrew, he did think he was a girl before, so he was trying to court him, and asking him if they could get married once they grew up. He was acting cool, saying that he can think it over first, but then he discovered he was a guy! And it was also this day that he discovered it!

Eugene laughed at the side. "So our Master Rei asked Drew to marry him off! Hahaha"

Reigan's childish face showed disbelief. "You are a guy..."

Andrew's face blushed and nodded. "Mn."

Eugene on the other hand kept on laughing at him.

"Shut up Eugene!" He roared in embarrassment. "And Drew, why didn't you tell me?! Ah!"

Andrew scratched his chin. "Because every time I did, you would cut me off."

Reigan became speechless. "How could you lie to me?! I thought that, that."

"Rei, I'm sorry! Please forgive me! And also I am sorry because I would not be able to watch your awakening. I will leave today. That's why I decided to tell you before I leave everything." Andrew told them, bringing surprise to their faces. "I'm really sorry Rei! I'm sorry."

Reigan turned silent. He felt complicated at this time. He was both mad and hurt, but seeing his childhood friend, Andrew, tearing, he just sighed, pouted, and turned his back. "Stop saying sorry... I, I already forgive you and besides... It was just awakening. It was no big of a deal." He almost whispered the last two sentences.

He knew that was otherwise at this time. Every child's special occasion was their awakening. It was one of the dictators of their future, but now he was glad they didn't see that pathetic awakening of his.

Eugene walked behind the child him and ruffled his hair. "If not, then why are you crying?"

"Shu-shut up! Who was crying?! I am a man who will become the strongest, so why would I cry over this?!" But the trickling liquid on his cheeks betrayed his childish face.

Eugene smiled at him. "Yes, yes, our Master Reigan is the strongest. He will become a king someday."

"You are making fun of me Eugene!" Reigan shouted between his gritted teeth.

"Hahaha. I am not." Eugene chortled.


"Okay okay, you win. I just don't want our farewell to be sad." Eugene grinned at him.

"You... will also leave?" Reigan asked. He felt bad and sad. Why would both of them leave?

"Stop with that ugly face, king Reigan. It's not as if we won't be meeting again. We will just go home, we could always visit you in the future. Wouldn't we?"

Reigan raised his chin while biting his lip, trying to stop himself from crying. "Mn."

The picture changed this time, it was the day of awakening.

All of the kids were holding an orb. It was an orb helping them to see their dormant power.

He closed his eyes, not wanting to see this painful day, but no matter how he closed his eyes, he could still view and hear everything.

Everyone already lights up their orb with different lights coming out from them, showing their special ability, celebrating. And him, the young him, eyes were still close, at first, he was calm until he started to feel desperate finding his light. Seeking his power, but it was already night, people were snickering at him. Everyone was mocking him.

They called him 'the fallen genius' or 'king of clowns'.

They were the talk of the town. He was the failure of the family.

It became worse and worse. Their neighborhood started to gossip about them, while a lot of special ability users tried to bully him, but none of them could beat him.

Until his sister started to hate him. He loved his sister, but she hated him. She said why to choose to be high and mighty when he was just a non-ability user, why not just choose to become normal.

He felt so down at that time. His parents, seeing the situation was not good, sacrificed their work, and decided to leave the town, living on the other side of the country.

He knew he was at fault, and he hated himself for it. Because he dreamed way too big, because he wanted to be the strongest, because of him, his family left their family heirloom. Although his parents never said anything, but he knew that they were feeling hurt.

That's why it was much better to just be normal. If you are normal, those things would never happen. He stopped everything. He became a neet and decided to just dream more achievable dreams.

Reigan's eyes started to rain.

If only he didn't become full of himself before, his family would never leave their land, his parents would never be questioned, his sister would not be bullied. Everything was because of him.

His heartfelt being constricted. His mind started to feel numb. His HP also started to go lower and lower. As his body felt heavier and heavier.