Chapter 20: Land of Dead

"...gan sama! Reigan sama! Wake up! Reigan sama! Reigan sama!" Shouted the voice inside his head.

Who was that? The voice was too familiar. He didn't know where he had heard it.

"Reigan sama!" Shouted the voice once more.

"Re-Rei!" Andrew? Why was Andrew here?

"Rei" Eugene?

"Wake up, you stupid big bro!" Mica...

"Am I asleep?" Reigan thought in his head. He opened his heavy eyes and closed them. His lungs felt heavy, a little more he would drown.

He needed to swim-


The water was too shallow to dive. He sat, coughing the water he had accidentally intakes. When he had stabilized his breathing, he was surprised where he was. It was the black lake, and around him were skeletons of different species.

He gulped and stood up, but his legs almost gave away. He held on to the nearest post, but the one on his hand felt cold and smooth. When he faced it, it was a tree with many skeletons of different beings, the same in the black lake. Some were imbued in the tree, while others were hanging on the branches. And the one he was standing on seemed to be its roots.

Does that mean that the branch he hung just a moment ago, and this tree was actually... He gulped with the sudden realization that popped in his mind, but what made it numb and blank was that all the heads of the skeleton faced his direction!

Fuck! He didn't know that he went inside the horror movie!

The skeleton teeth started to clatter, making an irritating sound, then the fog started to surround him, at the same time the green transparent box popped in front of him.

System Alert!

You discovered the land of death. Because you are the first one who discovers the land of death, you will be given divine protection, and every kill will give you double the points.

Level restriction: 75 and above.

Player's Mission:

Escape the land of Death without dying.

Failure to do so will bound the player's life to the Land of Death.

"Without dying, bound to the Land of Dead, level restriction..." He whispered while repeating those words as if it was his death penalty.

Reigan was a very tough man, but at this moment he really wanted to cry. With a level restriction, it only meant that this place is very dangerous. How the heck is he going out of this place! He hated the system, hated the one whoever it is that made this stupid game that their life on the line. And hate the luck that was given to him!

He was still grumbling when he heard the sound of cracking. Then the supposed to be skeletons that submerged in the black lake with their body parts scattered all over the place as if they knew where to go and what to do, join each body to form distinguishable species. And not just that, those things started to move as if he was watching a zombie show with a skeleton body!

Reigan cursed out loud to his mind. This place was truly a real-life horror movie!

He never really liked watching horror movies because all of the cast always die in there. It was not fun to watch people dying! but it was not also enjoyable dying and staying with the stiff-looking skeleton!

He needed to escape, but didn't know how to get away from this place nor what should he do to run away, then he remembered the Treant he had killed. The system made him choose which of the two will he accept, the arms or special ability, and he chose the weapon because of the natural capability of the Norman tribe. "Open storage!" He shouted but regret it after because those skeleton eyes started to shine with red color! "Shit shit shit." He searched what was inside and what he saw were 8 two-colored feathers, 26 boar meat, 20 boar skin, 12 blue potions, 5 white potions, 3 green potions, 30 fruit, 1 egg, his tonfa, and a fly swatter!

The Treant actually gave him a fly swatter for a weapon! The fuck would he used it! swatting the insects on the skeleton skulls!

And that egg in his former world, why was it in here?! He thought that once he dies this weird-looking egg also will disappear, but his thought was stopped when one of those skeletons popped in front of him, making him jumped back in fright, however, his back touched another skeleton. He couldn't help but curse in his mind and decided to bring out his tonfa, he knew it was his because his name was written on it!

The egg that was supposed to be in his storage also came out, then jumped on his head and rolled inside his shirt!

He wanted to roar in anger at what the egg was doing but couldn't because of the sudden attack of the skeleton of whatever beast in front of him, its head had the skeleton of a bull and its body was a big skeletal bone that fit its form. He leaped back, and in the corner of his eyes saw that another foe of his was behind. He used his tonfa to it.

He roamed his eyes because, after that, another enemy of his went in his direction, not one by one nor two-by-two but more and more. He twirled his tonfa and hit every skeleton that came his way. He was glad about this body plus the natural capability of it, else he needed to retrain in order for him to use his tonfa for brawling. Well, it was also thanks to the child that trained with this tonfa, so it was fair!

He attacked them while his eyes were searching for an exit.

These skeletons were easy to beat, the only annoying thing about them was that after some of their body parts were ruined, they still moved!

"What are you, zombie skeletons?" Reigan couldn't help but speak what was in his mind. Who wouldn't with those skeletons that were supposed to be beaten down were reforming themselves and going for another charge to him. He had been cursing the skeleton while twirling and stabbing them with his tonfa. If these things continue, he will get tired before he is able to get away from this place.

"Hey, guys! Give me at least a breather- hey, don't suddenly punch- dammit!" He kept on evading while fighting back.

Reigan then felt that something fell from his body but disregarded it. He had no time to check what was that. He already had a hard time getting out of the encirclement, while finding any route to escape.

He started to notice that the number of his enemy rather than lessen, it just kept on growing.

"Not good," Reigan had made a wrong step and his body fell on the ground, watching the ax coming for his face. He raised his tonfa, but what could a wooden tonfa do with a metallic blade?

Reigan watched his death once more in front of him...

Maybe it was the end of his life...

Dammit, what end of his life? He is still breathing. He evaded the ax by moving to the side.

He was unwilling to die. Not until he found himself a wife and spread his sperm. Ehem.

"Hey! My head was almost cut off," Reigan yelled at the one holding a sword that suddenly slashed behind him, if he didn't feel the pressure coming from it, he might be already headless Reigan.

Now that he thought about it. The first wave was only brawling in hand-to-hand combat, why now it got a weapon!

With such realization, he didn't want to think about what was next. He needed to get away from here before he die.

He ran toward the biggest skeleton who was charging at him and used its arm to hop with the right momentum and went toward his head. He jumped from one head to another while avoiding their weapons that were trying to stab him from below. But some of the skulls were a bit brittle, almost making him fall on the ground, but able to stabilize himself by stepping to another head bone of theirs.

He didn't like this even a tiny bit.

Then an arrow went toward his left, making him step at the side of another head. He leaped while evading from above and below. But his eyes widened with the next shot, it was a special ability shot! Holy shit!

Because of the rapid thing that occurred, he missed a step, causing him to fall, and his hip being sliced by a blade.

He hissed in pain while gritting his teeth, but those foes of his didn't give him any time to react, going after his head. He watched the blades while his body had no place to escape. He had no way to protect himself, his tonfa was far from his place and he was surrounded. Is he going to die like this?!