Chapter 21: Force

He wanted to retaliate but what could he do, even if he wanted to evade it, his place was too small to move. All he could do was watch everything unfold before him, but he just couldn't accept that. He wanted to at least fight back before he dies! This was not his loved ones, this was just a bunch of corpses trying to kill him. He was ready! Ready to fight---

His back felt pulled behind along with his body behind him. His body had been ramming something behind him making him groan in pain, not just his body, even his head. He had no idea how many times his head and body bumped into skeletons behind him.

He didn't know who or where that force that pulled him came from but if he knew he would really gonna kill whoever that culprit was.

He couldn't protect his back but he could protect his head. He hugged his head, protecting it from anything that could hurt it, in a fetus position. In the end, he regretted his decision because he was rolling, making him groan in pain. He decided to stop his stupid fetus position and run but only to cursed in anger.

He couldn't control the force that was pulling his body, making him almost stumble and kiss the floor. He used his hand to push himself up, and when he faced upfront, there were some skeletons that were hindering his way.

If he couldn't control his momentum then he would just use it to his advantage. He jumped up and raised both his feet, and used the momentum of the pull toward the skeleton that raised the spear and sword at him. His feet kiss the head of those beings, being busted. You could distinguish how fast and strong that said force pulled him in.

He grinned at his idea. As long as he did that, jump and kick then he could get away from those skeletons.

His eyes got excited with the next prey, but first thing first. He needed to adapt to this stupid force that kept on pulling him.

He leaped, moved side by side, and kicked everything that came his way. He felt exhilarated with this setup. Although that culprit pulling him was very annoying, at least it helped him from destroying these immortal skeletons.

Unfortunately, his happiness didn't continue, because a big rock was in his way. He wanted to postpone his splattering but couldn't. All he could do was watch his body turn into a paste.

He turned his back so that his face wouldn't be the one to be destroyed first, only for his scalp turned numb. He thought that these skeletons were done up to using elemental power, but they actually rearranged themselves and turned to become bigger!

Behind him was the big stone, in front of him was the giant skeleton that was so fast, going after him. Shit!

He didn't know what was much better. Wait, nothing was better.

He kept on cursing on his head trying to find ways to get away, but his body was nearing the rock. He gritted his teeth ready to at least take the slam on his back, but the supposed to be paste Reigan, didn't happen rather, it was the sound of a splash.

The Rock was actually a liquid, ah! This fantasy realm was full of surprises.

He could not stay fascinated for long because the water suddenly entered his nostril. Making him almost drown, and the water around his body was so heavy. Making his every move felt like a burden.

He wanted to leave but he was at ease in this place. That thought travels to his entire being making him have the illusion that he belongs in this place.

When he opened his eyes a beautiful young lady was seen. She had long wavy brown hair, chocolate-colored eyes that seem to pull you in with its long eyelashes, cherry-colored lascivious lips that smile sweetly at him, he thinks his heart has been shot by a cupid arrow. She also had pale white skin, wearing a long fluffy white dress and in her eyes were a pair of rimless eyeglasses. Really beautiful...

"Rei darling, where are you going?" A beautiful alluring voice was heard coming from those lips.

His heart skipped a beat. She called him darling, but it seems that was normal. They were husband and wife after all.

Reigan wanted to go near his wife, but the stupid force hindered him. He was trying to reach for her and speak but it seems like some kind of force was stopping him from speaking. He hated this. Why are they stopping him and his wife from being together?

"Darling, don't leave me!" The lady's eyes started to water. He wanted to wipe those tears away, to tell her that everything is alright, that he won't leave her but this damn force was hindering him. He wanted to roar at it to let him go but couldn't. He tried to break free. He wanted to reach for her.

He tried to reach as his heartfelt like being torn to pieces because of helplessness and being too powerless. He never had thought that for the first time he hated himself. Hated himself because he was a wimp, hated his lackness. His eyes started to feel warm, especially when his body was about to take out from this place, but before he could get out from that liquid, the woman that was supposed to be his wife's hair turned like seaweed, and her beautiful white skin turned wrinkled so that its skin made its bone visible. She was too thin that made one think where was her internal organ, her lower body was covered with a fishtail, her nails were black pointed that seemed could pierce one's body, she had pure white eyes without any pupil, her mouth was cut from ear to ear without any lips showing her zigzag teeth, and he breast was covered with shell.

Not just that, that mermaid that was supposed to be his wife was so ugly and swam fast in his direction, making him scared of his wits.

Why the fuck did he just thought this monster was his wife?! It was obviously a monster!

He never had hoped that the force who was taking him would go faster, because of the bolting of the certain monster siren.

His eyes widened in fear when the mermaid opened its big mouth and saw what was inside was also a couple more teeth on her palate.

This was not a mermaid! It was a teeth monster! He had taken in some water in his mouth, clogging his lungs. His body felt so heavy, and his brain started to lack oxygen.

He didn't know if he was dead or alive. If he's dead, what could have killed him. The lack of oxygen or the teeth monster, but before he even loses his consciousness a sting of pain felt on his right eye before the darkness once more took him. He even wonders how many times this darkness keeps on taking him.

He seemed to be loved by it. But he didn't like it.

He never and would never, because of him. Darkness means letting yourself give in, letting your life and virtue plummeting.

When he was a kid, his light was also taken by this darkness, now once more this stupid thing wanted to even envelope him.

If ever he could get away if he could get out of this. He will make sure this thing would never once again take over him. His mind became dizzy that thinking became a burden, as he drowns and the memories of his past form in front of him.