Chapter 25: Time Rule

Reigan felt his consciousness falling apart, but a sound that reverberated inside of him pushed his eye open, only to be blinded by it.

'Am I dreaming?' Reigan looked at the light as if he knew it full well. And then a form of a lady with 6 wings behind her, and long wavy hair, wearing a fluttery dress into his view.

"Reigan sama..." Said the voice in an enchanting manner coming from that being. This voice sounds too familiar. It was as if he had heard it and this voice saved him over and over again. He tried to reach out for it, but he couldn't see his hands nor arm anymore.

'Where did my body parts go?' This thought makes him go to thinking in almost scary thought but stop halfway when he hears the voice once more spoken.

"Reigan sama..."

'Who are you?' He wanted to say it out but couldn't. It was that feeling of his voice being hindered or maybe, his voice was taken away from him. Whatever it was... He didn't like it even a bit.

He wanted to talk with this lady, he wanted to at least express his thanks for saving him over and over again and sorry because he couldn't keep on fighting anymore. Sorry because he was too weak, but if he was given a chance he promises that someday he will also help her the best way he can't. But what does a promise count if he ended up not breathing anymore?

Maybe that stupid system will give him a chance just like making him a player.

It was a funny thought because that damn system also put him in this predicament. To think he will also hope for that thing to help him out.

"Reigan sama... Please say, Time Rule..." Spoke to the lady.

"T...time... Ru... the rule..." He was surprised that there was a sound that came out from him when a moment ago he couldn't. Although saying every word felt like a burden for him.

He was in shock when everything paused. His vanishing. The place, the pain, everything pauses. It was as if a strong power stopped all things.

He looked at his body that was supposed to be disintegrated and also stopped.

Reigan didn't know what's going on but this was so cool!

After that, a system pops in front of him giving him choices. It was between; Egg, Orb of identity, or Guardian of light.

"Reigan sama, please choose Orb of Identity." Enchanted the voice

Reigan peered at the shadow of the angel in front of him that had been trying to enchant him. He didn't actually feel enchanted by her words but his guts told him to trust this lady. Besides that, her voice was the same as that one who kept on helping him. So without a second thought, he spoke. "Orb of Identity." Repeating the same words without having a hard time spitting out that phrase.


Meanwhile, in the Fantasy Realm. The whole place was almost ruined. Especially the Forest where Reigan was. You couldn't even call it a forest anymore. Especially with no more greenery 50 meters around him.

But after Reigan, who was stuck in his consciousness proclaimed the word 'Time Rule' just like in his consciousness, time also stops. The Orb of identity who was using Reigan's body mouth opened like a madman, while the third shot was about to fire.

The bird, the sky. The wind and the clicking time on the sky. Everything stopped as if waiting while holding one's breath on whatever judgment that would fall upon the land.

Then the Orb of Identity sense of time suddenly noticed things. Everything freezes and a system blue box pops in front of him.


Identity swap...

The orb of identity seeing this only chuckled. Using the time rule against him when Reigan only has the luck of -10. If he was not a fool then what else could he be? But he must say that this power was so great for this world to be put to a halt.

What he didn't know was that this power was absolute, that even if he wanted to disobey he couldn't. And also this power was enough for the real Reigan to take back his body.

Once Reigan has swapped the body with the Orb of Identity, he will wait for a long time to take hold of Reigan's body. That is if Reigan would allow him.

The Orb of identity felt its body being pulled out from its place-making his eyes stared at the egg which was shooting the light on his forehead. If he had known that these things would occur, he would not laugh like a madman, nor be at ease. He was actually beaten by a weak egg that couldn't even use its power.


In the real Reigan side...

Reigan's consciousness also felt the force that pulled him in. It was so strong that his weakened body was unable to struggle anymore. He also had no idea what happened next, all Reigan knew was that he was too tired of everything that happened and wanted to just take a rest. He closed his eyes, not caring anymore if he will survive or not. Or what does the time rule conclude?

On the other hand, the Orb of Identity was once again inside of Reigan, its body almost disintegrates, but it uses all its strength to stop from vanishing making it unable to take back the body of Reigan and to run amok. He couldn't even change his fate nor do anything. He thought that when the timer was done, he would also be able to occupy Reigan's body once more, but he was wrong. Not only he wasn't able to take it back, but he also couldn't even do anything.

He never thought that stupid 'time rule' ability was this strong, that even he couldn't disobey.

Reigan's body fell on the ground along with the white egg whose shells turned red and black. The once energetic egg seems like it turned lifeless.

At the same time, the black sphere below the bat skeleton wing had vanished, and the wing behind him turned to particles as if the air was taking it away.

In front of the unconscious Reigan was a reward for the killing of the Orb of identity.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the global announcement changed, making everyone didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They couldn't celebrate nor get mad. It was as if the world system was making a fool out of them.

It didn't even take 3 hours, but the event was already done! What kind of sick joke was this?!

Then another thing pops out in the sky.

🌐World System Announcement🌐

Congratulations to Reigan Dela Rosa on stopping the 'Orb of Identity' from running amok.

Reigan Dela Rosa...

It was the very first name that pops in the sky. The name that already etches in the mind and heart of the people who live in the Fantasy Realm.


In the Central City of Fantasy Realm...

"Reigan Dela Rosa, huh?" Chuckled the handsome fae elven prince. "I can't wait to see you."

On another plane...

In the Mercenary guild...

A lady with red hair brings down the beer she had been drinking. "Pwaah~ that's one great beer ya got there. One more! I want to at least drink to my heart content before we all gone." She was a hybrid between a human, orc, and an elf. With her green skin, a beautiful face, and ears that pointed like every elf. Nevertheless, her beauty made everyone look in her direction, every now and then, but no one dares to.

Cause this beautiful orc is the boss of the strongest mercenary in the town.

"Boss! Boss!" Run toward her the kid whose skin color is green, and a muscular physique.

"Oh shut up your trap Archilles! I am drinking here! Drink if you want to!"

"But but but"

"But-but. Do you want that ass of ya to spank until it is beaten red! Huh!"

Archilles shivered in fear. "No-no-no, i-it just Conrad told me to tell you that the S-mission was done."

His boss stopped herself from drinking another cup. "Go on." Then she finished another cup full of beer. "Ah!"

"A guy named Reigan Dela Rosa reverberated in the sky. The weird system announces it."

"Oh." The lady sneered. "Reigan Dela Rosa huh. I wonder if he is also a king candidate like me." She grinned.


In another place...

The slum where the most wanted thief lives, eyes shine in excitement. "Boys, I got an order for you." Said the small man with an eyepatch in one of his eyes. No one will believe that this small man, the dwarf, was actually the leader of the thieves. "Find Reigan Dela Rosa, whether dead or alive. I want that equipment of his, to be in my hand!"

"Yes, boss!" shout the different species under this leader.


In another place...

A fairy flies toward the lady with violet hair. "Your highness..."

"Reigan Dela Rosa. I don't know who he is, but, once you find him. Protect him. I don't want our savior to perish."

"Yes, your highness!"

"Reigan Dela Rosa... Thank you our savior for saving us."


On the other hand...

The cause of all this was flattened on the ground. Sleeping soundly, while the unnoticed warning floating in front of him...