Chapter 26: Broken soul and Spirit

Reigan woke up feeling that his body had been trampled down by a bulldozer. It was so painful that the pain was not coming from outside but inside. Not his internal organ, but something deeper that made him curl up in pain.

It was a pain that stirred him in, not able to focus on any other thing. He didn't know how he received such. All he knew was that it was painful. He tried to open his eyes and an egg came into his view. It was the same one that suddenly slid in his clothes, but why was it far from him?

Come from him? Ugh. H-how come this egg exists? Why did it follow him? Wait... Follow him? Follow him where?

He tried to remember but the pain inside of him stopped his track.

He takes a deep breath only to cough as the smell of charcoal, and over burned meat penetrates his nose. Now he didn't know what was so painful, as a small teardrop in the corner of his eyes from too much coughing.

When he stabilized himself, and carried himself in order to sit. "huh?"

The pain he felt a moment ago alleviates a bit, making him furrow, "Am I that amazing?" he whispered to himself. To be able to easily adjust from the pain. If he was not amazing then what is he?

He chuckled, feeling how great he could be only to flinch in pain once. "Shit, what are you mushroom poppin-?. oww." He closes his eyes trying to adjust again from the pain, when he opens it, a glimpse of red, blue, and green translucent boxes pop in front of his chest.

"What's this?" he read what's on it. It was a warning.

Does this thing have a connection to what is currently occurring in him?

⚠️ Warning! ⚠️

The player's host spirit is broken because of this the player can't use his special ability. Please find a spiritual healer within 50 days, unable to do so will make the player host will never be able to use its power ability.

⚠️ Warning! ⚠️

The player's host soul was broken because of it the memories of the player host will little by little vanish if not fixed.

"Player?" Reigan felt his head being tormenting trying to remember about this word, but no information could come up with his head. He touched the 'X' box on the upper right of those two transparent boxes making it disappear, then another thing popped up.

It was a reward box for capturing the "Orb of Identity". Reigan felt this name seems familiar. He just couldn't pinpoint how come.

When he chose the 'confirm', 4 items went inside him. his brow raised in surprise, it was like a deja vu.

Then something pops into his mind. It was 'System profile', 'System Exchange' and 'Storage'.

Not only that, he seems to know what are the uses of it. It was kinda creepy but "Is this normalcy?" he asked himself. It felt like it was not, but at the same time, it was not. He shivers at these things "freaky."

He looked down at the blue transparent box in front of him. It was inconspicuous because of the weird question on it. It was giving him a choice on turning on Level 50 instantly.

Everyone who sees it will choose 'yes' but because Reigan had this feeling of mistrust with the certain system for some unknown reason, he chose 'no.' After that, his body lights up as the feeling of his body energizes and his mind becomes lighter because the pain suddenly vanishes. Not only him, but the egg also lights up as the system gives him a notification.

Experience point shared with the blood-pact host partner.

He scrutinized the egg feeling complicated, then picked it up. "Blood-pact. What are you a pet? Am I a beastmaster?" A realization made him smile.

The egg, hearing that it was a beast, suddenly moved and jumped on his hand as if berating him. Reigan scratched his head why this weird thing was becoming jumpy. "Are you that excited seeing your master? Tsk tsk tsk. Maybe you are so happy because I will give you some experience points. Although I don't get what the use of those experience points is for you. Do you have any idea?"

The egg wanted to glare at its owner but couldn't. In the end, it jumped on his arm, shoulder at its nestles on its head, making Reigan twitched, he was certain that he looked comical with an egg on his head.

He tried to catch the egg but it was so good at evading, making him gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Behave you damn egg!"

When his hand had taken hold of the egg he was very satisfied, but when he tried to pick it up, its weight suddenly became heavier, almost making him kiss the floor in the process, but he used his hand so that he would not embarrass himself. "Stop-"

He felt his head will be deformed from what this damn egg was doing! "Shit, stop it! Else I won't give you any experience- shit-"

His face was planted on the floor as his arm gave in from the pressure above him, almost dizzying him, "What the hell is your- Ouch! stop stop stop! Okay okay, I will give you some of my experience points just don't press my handsome face on the ground!"

The egg lowered its mass, but it didn't go away from his head.

"Get out of my head." He tried to take a hold of the egg but it became heavier again, making him yelp in pain. "I give up! I give up! Stop becoming too heavy. I agree as long as I don't feel your weight on my head."

The egg feeling the satisfaction became light as a feather.

Reigan didn't know whether to laugh or cry with this egg. He never thought eggs were actually this smart ah!

He raised his head, patted the dirt on it, and stood up, feeling the top of his head, and touching the egg in the process but when the egg felt that the owner would take back its word, it suddenly became so heavy. "What the- Hey! stop making yourself heavy. I won't take you out of my head okay."

The egg then lightens itself.

What kind of sick joke was this? He was actually trying to compromise with a certain egg. This egg needs to know who the master is once it was out of his head. He will definitely throw it in his storage! See if he could do more naughtiness! heh.

Just thinking about such, made him feel all the unfairness gone.

He roamed his eyes, as he was able to adjust to the pain, and what he saw was the disastrous terrain.

Then he remembered the 'Orb of Identity' and experience point. He grinned with a sudden realization.

"So I have been fighting the 'Orb of Identity' and we have a great brawl, making the terrain like this. Then as we fought my soul and spirit were broken in the process. Tsk tsk tsk. I never thought that I was that strong. Sigh." he never felt so proud of himself.

The egg hearing lights up twice as if laughing at its owner.

Reigan pats its body, seeing that his garment had a lot of cuts from here and there. "Sigh, I should buy new clothes. On the other hand, Open storage!"

He saw a few clothes but more armor. It was a black breastplate that seemed to be made of some kind of gold and white metal. "Breastplate strengthening. It strengthens your body as you equip it. Well, that was so obvious. +300 permanent strength. cool." Reigan then brought it out and put it on, it looked too big to fit in at first but then it resizes itself, fitting on his body. "cool."

Then he checked out the shield, he didn't need it yet so he just ignored it, for now, then there were two chests inside. One is the chest he received from the orb of identity, while the other one was from the god of Gnomes. He first opened the chest from the 'Orb of Identity" as it brings out a weird-looking mask. It was a blank black in color that makes one wonder if you can breathe from it.

Reigan brings it out. The name of it was "Mask of Identity"

The Mask can change people's race, appearance, and aura. "Cool. Heh, so lucky. I never thought I was this lucky. heh." Reigan put it on him. Then a box appeared in front of him.

Name: (Please input name)

Race: (Please input race)

"What name should I use? wait... what is my name?" Reigan takes off the mask feeling a great thing was lost. He didn't remember his name, nor what race he was.

Although he can just look in his system profile, that fact still puts a pang in his heart.

"I need to find someone who could heal my soul and spirit." He whispered. He faced up and read the word in the sky. The name that etches and arrowed his heart. "Reigan Dela Rosa"