Chapter 34: Maybe, I am lucky

"You are very smart, I am surprised. Indeed, there is an exchange for it." The queen said, smiling.

Reigan peered at the queen but the cloth was hiding her and only the lining could be seen. It made one curious move but he knew that with these many guards, even if he wanted, only death would await him pushing his luck.

When he was able to regain his strength, he stood up, seeing the larva-like shape, it made him wonder. Was the queen really a larva, but all the ladies he had seen in these places so far were beauties, so the Queen was surely a beauty herself.

Maybe the Queen was actually shape-shifter, then he would be offered for her bound on the altar, watching the larva crawl on him. Okay, that was a bit disgusting...

But the larva turned to a devil-like beauty, with a fang on its teeth, asking him to offer his blood.

Just thinking about such brought him an indistinguishable heat, trying to crawl downward.

'Little Reigan relaxed, calm down.' he reminded himself.

He was worried that his little brother would begin to salute for everyone to see. And if that happened, that would be more embarrassing than anything else! He didn't know how he would explain it, ah!

These people might think that he only thinks with his lower half, but that was not true! He was a true gentleman, okay!

He nodded his head with such thought, garnering him with a weird gaze around him.

He coughed to hide his embarrassment and spoke. "Then what was the exchange?" His voice almost sounded hoarse, hopefully, it was not that obvious.

"Bring it out." the queen ordered.

Then the small fairies at the side flew away, and when they came back, they brought the breastplate armor that was black in color, but the lining seemed made of gold and white metal.

It was so majestic and the feeling of familiarity was felt.

Wait... Isn't that the armor he was wearing, the gift he had received?! Why was it in their hands?

It couldn't be that they undress him because-

"We know you know this thing. We took a fancy to it. What do you say? In exchange for the free access to our library, we would want this thing." The queen said.

"Oh," Reigan spiked with a tint of disappointment. He viewed the armor, then the fairies, Treants around him.

He looked at himself because his body changed into a beast girl, his appearance was thin. Wearing only the shirt, and a small hill in front of him.

He thought hard, if he disagreed what would happen? Wouldn't they still kill him? so it was better to give way, for now, he could always take it back in the future, right?

Besides, he still valued his life, although having that thing was great, but that was if he could protect himself. Another thing, he was much more interested in the things about this world, and!

And his top priority, for now, was his life! Finding a way to heal his soul and spirit. After all, you only live once!

"I agree!" Reigan smiled in agreement.

The queen chuckled in amusement, there was a glint in her eyes but it was because she was hindered by a veil, Reigan didn't:t saw it. If he did, he would surely be wary about the queen.

"Then, Camilla." The Queen called out.

Camilla walked forward with an aggrieved face. "Your highness."

"Bring the Beast girl to the Library," The queen commanded.

Camilla glared at Reigan, her hand was curled into a fist. "Yes, your highness."

Reigan raised his hand like a student wanting to ask permission to go to the bathroom during class, gaining the attention of his surroundings once more.

The queen's brow arcs up. "What is it?"

"Can I have paper and pen?" If he forgot everything, at least he had paper and pen with him. He would take notes and then if he forgot, he could always read them to remember.

Maybe, he should also buy a notebook and write all that he had been doing. So that he won't forget it.

The queen turned silent then replied "Deserie, please give our guest what he wanted,"

"Yes your highness," bowed the golden Dryad.

'So the beauty's name was Deserie," Reigan thought.

"You are dismissed," The Queen told them, "as for you priestess. Please stay."

Lilia bowed, her hands were clenched, while in her peripheral vision watched Reigan leave with Camilla and the Dryad. 'An idiot.' was the label Lilia gave Reigan, feeling disappointed with him.

Reigan, who was labeled as an idiot, felt so handsome.

To think he would be escorted by beauties, if others learned about it they would surely be envious about his situation.

They had brought him to the west side after coming out of the gate, moving in different ways as if making sure he wouldn't know where they would go. Reigan didn't really care much, in the first place he had no idea about the place, even though they misled him it didn't change much.

The street section was the same in every rural area. Each plot had only 6 houses, and each plot for the houses had different unique looks to them.

All of them were made of wood, It had unique appearances. Some were like a tavern, others were a wood that was shaped in a triangle, some were cylindrical. There were also houses on the top of the trees while the others were inside.

In every street, you could see the symbols. Although he couldn't read the words, he could distinguish them by their shape.

An example was bread showing it was a bakery store, while for the weaponsmith was a hammer and a shirt and dress for clothing stores. He was actually enjoying it.

Until they walk to an open space, near the playground for some small fairies and Treant. But when he tried to step he was stuck, unable to continue forward.

Why couldn't he keep on going?

He tried to move forward, but his body felt like being pulled at his back. He had experienced this before, he just didn't know where, but it was the same strength.

Why couldn't he move forward? What was happening?

He forced his body but he was pulled back.

The two ladies who were walking in front of him stop, looking at Reigan who was laying on the grass.

Camilla wanted to roar at Reigan, but seeing the people surrounding them, she just glared at him. On the other hand, Deserie glanced at Reigan in question.

"Haha," he awkwardly laughed. "This was- woah-"

His body was pulled in a certain direction, and he couldn't even stop it.

"Stop fooling around, you wretched being," Camilla whispered in anger, enough for the three of them to be heard.

"I was not- ah!" his body was really being pulled away.

The Dryad used the little lights around her toward Reigan pulling him up. That was the time Reigan discovered that the little light was actually a tiny fairy. They looked like a teenage girl, with a leaf for attire, and their 4 wings were transparent, in which the glitter and lining were visible on it.

These glitters had that luster of light, lighting up their bodies.

Those small Fairies pulled his clothing, some even pushed him at the back but rather than being tugged upfront, they were dragged along with him.

The two glowered at him, but he was innocent, ah! he didn't even know what's going on!

"Stop messing around and stand up!" Camilla berated him.

Deserie also gazed at him, as if agreeing with what Camilla told him.

"It was not that I wanted to stay like- Woah, why the heck I was being dragged!"

"Stop fooling-" Camilla stopped her word, seeing that they were starting to get a crowd. "Stand up, we need to leave." She smiled at him.

Even if he wanted to, He just can't!


Reigan stood up, not feeling the force he felt a moment ago. He had no idea how it happened, but feeling that force away from him felt nice.

Camilla's smile grew wider, giving goosebumps all over him.

"Priestess," called out Deserie.

Reigan faced behind him, seeing Lilia flying toward him. "This was yours if I am not wrong-"

The egg jumped away from Lilia's grasp and leap at Reigan's hair. The egg missed the owner very much, when it woke up it was in a different place, and the owner's place was so far from it.

Although it had no eyes, it could still sense its surroundings, and not feeling its partner scared it. Although someone tried to copies Reigan's constitution, still the blood that it connected to was gone, and it hated that feeling.

The egg moves at Reigan's head. He wanted to scold the stupid egg, but hearing the cute giggled from the girls stop him from doing so.

It didn't matter, at least these girls were happy.

"If you didn't mind, I wished to join you," Lilia spoke.

"Of course you can/ Forgive us but you can't" Camilla and Deserie stated at the same time.

"You can, you can," repeated Camilla. She wanted to be with her twin sister, and she wouldn't let the opportunity slip. Before Deserie reprimanded her, she pulled Lilia, which she allowed herself to drag, while Deserie and Reigan walked side-by-side helplessly.

"You are a very lucky person," whispered Deserie.

"What do you mean?" Reigan wondered.

Deserie just eyed him and moved forward, making him scratch his head.

Lucky huh?

Seeing this beauty made him smile. maybe he was. He was luckily handsome.