Chapter 44: The egg felt wronged

The egg seeing its owner wanted to cry and tell its grievance.

Without a second thought, it leaped toward the incoming Reigan and the incoming attack of the demoness hit the air.

Reigan on the other hand fell on the ground, with his head buzzing because of the impact of the fall.

The egg forgot to lessen its weight, ah!

He thinks he broke a few of his bones.

The sound of hitting on the ground was heard by everyone, so they All looked at the pitiful Reigan, were below him was the cracked floor.

The fight ceased, and all their eyes were on Reigan and the egg on the ground except for the Ninjaman who gave the paper to the armored guy and demoness.

"Write what was written behind your chair." The ninja man told to them.

The two nodded, and when the demoness eyes pass through the armored guy, she rolled her eyes and did what was told to her.

Both check behind the chair and wrote the weird lettering on the paper.

They were about to give it to the ninja man, unfortunately, their body once again popped on the chair.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Naughty little beings, sigh. And here I thought someone would die this time- Opsie my tongue slip! Hahaha," the clown spoke.

Everyone's face turned sullen.

Realizing that they were been fooled by this clown for the second time around.

It was not easy to break the thing the clown did. 

They wanted to call it an illusion, but they didn't see anything, and the clown and the old man voice only used words of information, and what made it hard to rebuke was that, every wor

d they said to them felt true that if they said it was a lie there was something inside of them felt being broken.

For example on what happened to the spectacle girl. She said it was impossible, the exchange was that her brain became muddle-headed plus she also spoke like a crazy person.

When the Beast man tried to also rebuke them not only he suffered from elemental shot out of nowhere and then he was easy to be controlled.

Although he was able to break free who knew how long.

Everyone was being affected, even the ninja man if Reigan didn't wake them up they might continue on such stupor.

It made them wonder if Reigan was able to neutralize the weird force controlling their mind.

Little did they knew, it had a connection with his pact partner.

Normally a being that had a pact partner wouldn't be able to enter the sphere-dimension(A/N: It was the Sphere that poped in every place in 3 realms, sees chapter 11 for more reference) because those that do are already a King candidate.

But Reigan was different, although he did have a blood-pact partner he was not an official king candidate, making him able to join in any sphere dimension.

"Okay, let's continue the game" two overlapping voice was heard, it was the old man and the clown.

The egg was still crying its grievances, thinking it was still in its owner's embrace

But stopped because the warmth from Reigan couldn't be felt.

The panic-stricken egg tried to sense its owner and found him sitting in its original place.

The egg wanted to go back where Reigan was.

This game was too much, it wanted to go back home (Reigan's hair nest).

That place was cozy, warm, and the feeling of being connected with its owner gave it both energy and satisfaction.

The more the egg thought about it, the more it wanted to leave its chair.

The egg tried to move out of the chair, but a weird force stopping it from getting out of the chair.

The egg felt more and more unfair, wanting to get the attention of its owner so that the little egg would be taken back by Reigan.

Unfortunately for the hopeful egg, Reigan was busy eyeing the ninja man.

The ninja man nodded his head, then shook it. His eyes went on the armored guy and demoness.

Reigan mouth went into thin lime.

Their body and voice were hindered by something that's why they could cooperate accordingly.

"Give me how the arrangement of the following. Natural Realm, Spiritual Realm, and Fantasy Realm." The old man lazily asked.

The six of them eyed each other, didn't knew who would answer.

They never knew about the existence of their realm counterpart except for this place so how was he supposed to answer?

The egg was still never noticed by the owner. It moved from its place. Not feeling the force anymore

It got excited that it lights up twice and planned to hop toward Reigan, but it was stuck.

The egg felt wronged. Why was this chair stopping it from going toward the owner?

The egg struggled and struggled, but it wasn't able to leave the seat.

The egg viewed the host, and the host turned pale.

Well, among all of them only the egg could see the elderly voice and clown voice.

"Ne-Next question!" The clown suddenly announced catching everyone off guard.

What the heck! They were still discussing who would go next why did it become the next question?

Everyone was flabbergasted, and then a thought entered their mind.

Did the egg answer?

"Okay okay okay!" There was a bit of shaking in the clown's voice.

Now all eyes were on the egg.

Even Reigan just didn't understand what the egg did, but he might say that the egg was kinda cool. Ehem.

The clown voice already sweating a bucket of cold water. He was just an avatar of the god of Knowledge, why did he need to be treated this way?

The egg kept on staring at the back of the clown, making it wanted to cry at this moment.

The next thing that occurs was that the sound of being destroyed.

The chair where the egg was fell flat on the ground and it was continuing on destroying the ground.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Wha-what do you think you were doing?!" The clown feeling jittery.

The egg didn't care as it continues to destroy the chair.

The demoness bit her lips, remembering what the egg did to her a moment ago. To think that it had more strength to push down the object, if that egg continued on harming putting its weight on her, she really gonna die.

The crack continued to move from where the egg was until to every chair.

The color was starting to fade and a small thing in the center was starting to show up.

"No no no!" The clown and the elderly voice spoke at the same time.

The whole place starting to deteriorate.

And everything fell into the pitch darkness.

It was so fast that everyone was unable to react fast, and all they felt was that their body gravity was absent.

Curses and shouting echoed as the players fell in the darkness.