Chapter 45: Fall

Weightlessness enveloped everyone, which made one felt that their feet got cold.

At the same time, their senses raised up, especially the sense of touch, making one scalp went numb.

Added up that their sense of sight was could only see the vast of darkness and the people they had been with.

They could feel the pressure that surrounding their body, and the thinning of the air made one suffocated. If not for the fact that their body was been changed by the game they all would have lost consciousness.

On the other hand, the egg noticed that it was falling much faster than everyone because the heaviness it had input a moment ago made its gravitational pull went faster, so it made itself light only to felt jittery.

It was then far from its owner, although it was higher the fact didn't change that the distance of the egg was far.

The egg wanted to be with its owner, if it had a pair of eyes right now, the pair of its eyes would be full of liquid.

It had been trying to change its mass from heavy to light.

"Ahh! You stupid egg! Doing whatever you want!" Reigan angrily roared at the egg who was busy balancing the right mass it should have so that it could go back to Reigan. The egg didn't even care about the visible anger in  Reigan.

Reigan never would have thought that the stupid egg would do such a thing.

What would happen now with the game? Didn't this mean that they lost?

Just thinking about the consequence of losing made him felt worried. Especially remembering the punishment.

They will be eliminated. And if they were eliminated, then...

He didn't even want to even know but seemed like he got no choice! And all because of this stupid egg, ah!

It made him wonder what's going on in its head! No, let's rephrase it, what's going on within its shell!

"Never would I thought that egg was so powerful." The demoness chuckled while hugging her hills.

"Waah! how could you guys still be calm when we are in this kind of situation?!" The spectacle girl said teary eyes, the water in it float, wetting some of her hair.

"Hahaha, you should stop worrying. By the way, the little baby was truly powerful. That child would do something amazing once it gets out of its shell! Your parents would surely proud of you!" Roland proudly stated at the busy egg. 

Roland wanted to grab it and pet the little egg.

Well, any species seeing the babies even whatever race they were from would touch the heart of any beings. More so for someone like Roland.

For beast-men, the egg was highly important because they are the new hot blood of their tribe, it means a new beginning, a new life

"Hey, this thing. Do you think that it was still part of the test?" The ninja man monologue, but his voice was heard by the armored guy.

"It might be," the armored man replied.

"Again! How could you guys still be calm! Aaaaah! We aren't even sure we won't die once we reach the bottom! I couldn't even use my elemental power!" the spectacle girl cried out.

"Even if you said that nothing would change," the demoness smoothly said, it only lacked the tea-drinking to make it more relax.

"Ugh! You stupid egg!" Reigan yelled. He thinks that his ribs were broken with the impact the egg did.

The egg just jumped on him and happily snuggled. It didn't care about the anger of its owner. Well, it actually didn't understand any word Reigan said.

What it only care about was that it was already with its partner. It won't travel on its own again!

But who knew if the little egg would remember these promises of it.

Reigan held the egg, making the egg in bliss. It rubbed itself in the hand of Reigan. Reigan belongs to the egg, no one else.

The egg thinking such decided that no one could be greater than it no matter what, and it would surely be a pain in the ass for Reigan in the coming future, and his dream would become harder to receive!

"Awww, so cute." Roland's eyes glittered, viewing the egg. "It actually like you," he said to Reigan but his eyes were on the egg. "Hey! let me also hold it." Roland reaching out with a fiery eye on it, but when the egg saw the claw of the beastman, it rolled toward Reigan's body, afraid that it would be apart from its owner once again.

Never would it agreed with such. Thinking these, it tried to sense any place to stay in and felt that there was one place it could enter inside.

Reigan tried to catch the stupid egg, he was not finished with it, but who would ever think that it would enter there!

There were already two, why did it suddenly decide to make it triad!

The beast-man on the other hand felt dejected, his eyes were on the egg *cough*, then pout at Reigan.

Reigan face twitched. If he didn't know that it wanted the stupid egg, he would roar at Roland.

And this little trouble maker, how could it suddenly enter inside his bloomer! Ah!

He reached inside his sole clothes only to stopped.

Who wouldn't? If someone in front of him was waiting for the little egg, watching his every action.

If he didn't know better, he would think that it swing on the other way.

Although he is very handsome, he still knew the word embarrassment! Ah!

Meanwhile, the ninja man and the armored guy were chatting like normal. They already disregard what was happening around them and the force was treated like nothing.

Everyone was like that, except for the paled face spectacle girl whose lips turning blue. "I felt like I am the normal one here." She said between her sob.

She didn't understand how could they treat what occurring like normal.

"Ah, what are you saying stupid human. How could you call yourself a Norman, when you're a human" the overlapping voice of the clown and an elderly voice replied.

The spectacles girl already felt pressured, and when she heard someone correcting her, ticked her ears in anger. "Am I talking to you?!"

"Hey, You! Learn to respect the elders! Youngster these days were so rude." the overlapping voice puffing said.

The spectacle girl was already felt irritated because of the people around her.

What respect to the elders? Which elders was this voice talking about?

She viewed the one who spoke to scold it only to paused.

It was like a cold basin of water splashed on her fire, and an inexplicable desire climbed inside of her.

She wanted to embrace the 3-year-old looking child. Its face looks so soft and white. Makes one bit of it.

His hair was deep dark blue-violet, just like the starry sky.

It just that, his attire was a bit wacky. It half was like that of a clown, while his pants were slacks, his foot was adorned with curly shoes.

Nevertheless, she wanted to get a full view of him because she could only see half of his body. She was certain that this child was handsome.

For someone like her, that felt worried about what's happening, the little kid was the best distraction.

Her eye stuck on the ripen cheeks, she really wanted to pinch it.

This thought became an action. She tried to reach for the kid's face and pinched it real hard. Wanting to know if it could produce juice.

The said kid felt someone trying to touch him. He showed full-faced to the spectacled girl, there she found that half of it face was crying and snot falling, as if aggrieve about something, and the thing was that half of the said face was smeared with thick makeup, just like a clown, it also had a small crown.

The place where the clown-like face, the body wore a scholarly shirt, and the lower half was silk pajama.

It was kinda wacky all over because everything about the said child was so mismatched. Plus the face showed two different emotions.

The clean half of the child's pupil looked down upon the spectacle girl who was in a daze and snorted.

But rather than feeling annoyed, she felt curious and weird.

"Who are you?" the spectacle girl asks.

The weird kid looked down upon her, then its eyes roamed to each one of them. Not caring to answer the spectacle girl.

The next thing that happens was their body fell flat on th ground, except for the weird child that was still floating in the air.

And the place where they were was the cave where they all first met. The place with 6 entrances.