Chapter 46: Grab the egg

Every one of them groaned in pain, and their stomach wanting to throw up everything they had eaten.

The feeling of weakness penetrated to their body, as their face turned pale.

Reigan didn't notice that the egg came out, and when it sees that it was far away from the owner, tries to find him then slips inside his hat, enjoying the place it belongs to.

Suddenly, a "heh" sound was heard. This sound was both sounded as the clown and the elder voice, making them raised their vigilance.

Now that the game were been ruined, they were not certain what gonna happen.

With the aching body, everyone gets up and held onto their weapon.

Trying to find that host but what came to their view was the weird, cute, 3-year old child.

And that kid, he was floating in the air, looking down on them.

If it was an adult who did it, it would make people wanted to either punch him or fear him, but because it was a little boy with a face that seemed mismatched, it was just a cute gesture.

"Little boy, are you lost?" Roland walked toward the said child but that child only glared at him, giving a scratching feeling of cuteness overload.

"What child?! I am older than you! You stupid beastman!" The sound of both clown and an elderly voice came out from his mouth, and his grumpy face didn't look even scary.

"Cute, makes me wanna made it cry, begging." The demoness whispered but the child still heard it.

He cast words in the air and shot the demoness but a system notification hindered it, making the child mad. His face was red, so doer his ears and eyes.

Then something funny came out from his nose and ears, it was both fire and smoke.

The people who were watching it just found it cute and funny, making the said child be like a fool.

Then a floating box was shown in front of them, the child wanted to hide it but it pops again to another place, making it a fascinating thing to watch.

A cute boy trying his best to hide his crime scene.

The hatred they had with the voice who played them for a fool lowered, and an arc at the corner of their lips could be seen.

Except for one person who glanced at the child with a serious face, the armored guy.

He inclined himself toward one of the walls, and wait.

Then the system notification turned to 4, making the little boy frown and turned his body into four after mumbling something, then 2 clowns and 2 scholarly children run after the 4 notification.

The next thing that happened was that it popped in front of each f them.


Congratulation to players for winning the knowledge test.


+5 intelligence

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Then a blue light covers the 3 people and even the egg that was on Reigan's head.

Then a lot of notifications popped out one after another in front of them.

Especially in front of Reigan, a lot of green boxes pop one after another.

Congratulation player Reigan Dela Rosa for turning level 50, because of that you are no longer the enemy of all races.

Congratulation player Reigan Dela Rosa for turning level 50, you are now part of the second game.

Congratulation player Reigan Dela Rosa for turning level 50, your broken soul and spirit would now stop from deteriorating.

Congratulation player Reigan Dela Rosa for achieving 25 in intelligence too, has unlocked the student of intelligence.

Congratulation player Reigan Dela Rosa for making your pact-partner to level 50

Reigan furrowed his brow.

Why was it only stop the breaking of his soul and spirit, it should just heal it, ah!

Sigh, doesn't matter. At least he would not be painful now, but the egg.

Reigan then put his hand inside his bloomer trying to get the stupid egg but didn't able to get it, making him knit his brow.

He was in that position when a yell and attack went in his direction.

"PERVERT! PERVERT! DISGUSTING PERVERT!" angrily roared the spectacle but unlike before she stopped herself from harming Reigan, it just her face turned red then harumph.

The others also show the face of disgust making Reigan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"This is not what you think, I was just grabbing the egg-"

"Shut up! Yu-you pervert!" The spectacle girl shouted back, her eyes were almost crying as if wrong.

The ninja man walked toward him and patted him on his shoulder. "You should not do that nor announce." He said in a serious face.

"No no no, I mean it, serious I am just grabbing the egg."


Reigan wanted to prove it but the only way to prove his innocence was by showing the stupid egg.

And because of the people gazed he didn't notice that the egg was not in his bloomer.

He wanted to put down his only clothing but logic stop him.

"You stupid egg, come out!" Reigan shouted.

The egg hearing that it was being called, showed its face from Reigan's hat.

It fell toward his shoulder and glanced around.

After that, it rolled in his neck and rubbed itself to the owner.

The egg was so sweet and innocent and the eyes darting at Reigan felt like a thousand arrows piercing into his skin.

He was innocent ah.

Then he remembered that Roland also saw where the egg went.

"Roland, the egg went to-" Reigan words paused because the face showed by Roland was so fierce. It was as if it wanted to attack him.

But the truth was far from that, what Roland wanted was the same treatment Reigan got from the cute little egg.

Reigan gulped but he wanted to prove his innocence.

When he walked toward Roland, everyone scattered as if he was a plague.

"Roland, you wanted to hold the egg, right?" Reigan asked receiving contempt from people around him.

Roland hearing such, eyes flickered, and the eyes of his went toward the little egg who was enjoying on Reigan's shoulder.

"Forget it, the egg loves you so let it stay there," Roland spoke dejectedly.

"No, you just need to tell them the truth-"

"You pervert! Stop making Roland on your side! What if he became a pervert because of you!" The spectacle girl spoke, not taking any more the fact that Reigan was scaring Roland on saying what Reigan wanted for him to speak.

Reigan being accused felt flabbergasted, he just wanted to prove his innocence.

This was all because of the stupid egg! Ah!

The egg: (OvO)?