Chapter 47: Name

After the chapter of what happened,  They started to check their profile.

Reigan inhaled and exhale and then also called out his System profile.

Name: Reigan Dela Rosa

Age: 16

Race: Norman (hidden)

Status: Player, blood-pact, broken soul, broken spirit

Level: 38

HP: 10 000

MP: -

Strength: 700

Agility: 600

Intelligence: 25

Wisdom: -5

Luck: 5

Title: student of intelligence

Student of intelligence: Can learn the book being read faster.

Reigan face twitched.

He is a fast learner so what the use of this, ah.

But then how come his HP lowered ah! He was already level 50 so what with this unfair treatment of having low HP.

If others saw his Status Profile at this moment and heard his words, they would spurt out a lot of blood from their mouth. His Agility and Strenght were beyond normal, adds up that his HP was also almost OP for them because others lowered and it only half of his, well except for the three people whose HP was either higher or equal to Reigan, but their level was also higher.

Those who were higher than level 50 receive not a level up but an increase in Intelligence to 10, and they also got the status they needed. Player.

The two humans smile in relief, and eyes toward the weird child who been puffing and pouting. He was fooled by the system, ah!

The almighty being like him was fooled! It was so infuriating but all he could do was to sulk.

"It said that one of our rewards was that you answer any one question of us." The deep melodious voice that came from the armored guy was heard.

The child glared at the armored guy. "Bah, just entered where you came in first, and then you can ask anything. As long as it was not against the rule then your question would be answered."

"Then what was against the rule?" This time it was the ninja man who asked.

"If it was not according to the rule it would not answer and it would become invalid, then you can ask another question."

"How about the game?" this time it was spectacle girl.

"Why would I answer you?! Hmph hmph hmph. Baaaka. I hate you all!" then the child disappears.

All of them looked at each other.

"Hey, now that all of us would leave, won't you tell me your name?" Roland inquired.

"Karin." the spectacle girl introduces. "A mere human."

The ninja man eyed Reigan, then faced Roland. "Just call me Drew," Drew replied.

The armored guy on the other hand turned his back making Roland's brow knitted. "Hey, you didn't introduce yourself!"

The armored guy ignored him and left, making Roland mad. He planned to attack the armored guy only to be stopped by a demoness. "You will just kill yourself in doing such action."

"I am strong!"

"If you are strong then he is a monster. Take it as a sign of knowing each other. Call me Athena." the demoness introduced herself. "That guy is an angel, and they are too high and mighty being. Looking down on us."

Drew brow furrowed at how Athena bad mouth the armored guy. He knew the armored guy's name and was given a way to communicate with it.

He told him to be careful with the demons and devils, they are very capricious beings.

Reigan on the other hand also walked toward them.


"We never wanted to know the name of the pervert. Hmph!" Karin poutedly said.


"Your name?" It was Drew who asked, making Karin felt irritated and didn't want to listen.

"Ah, just call me King!" Well, it not that he didn't want to be known just that his name once reverberated in the whole Fania, what do you know, they might have been hunting him at this moment.

Drew's eyes showed dejected but then change back to normal. "I needed to leave. I hope we all meet again" Drew then left.

"See you, king. I hope we both meet in the future." Winked Athena.

"Hmph" Karin scoffing at Reigan and also left.

"See you again in the future, King!" Roland patted his shoulder but the force made him almost fall. "And Lil baby, I hope we would meet again." He caringly spoke toward the egg, but it only climbed back on the head of Reigan, making him felt more dismayed than before.

He walked back toward where he came from and disappeared.

Reigan who came in the unconventional matter made question where to go.

But then, in those six entrances, only one opening was not used.

But before that, he took things inside his system storage.

After dressing up, he never felt thankful than before.

He was glad he put most of his stuff in storage. Although he had still stuff in Fairyland, it was less valuable.

With his body fully armored, which he bought in Fairy Land he walked into the cave.

The word in front of him pops out. "Tell me your question, my little student."

Being called student make him twitched, but remembering the title he got he was able to calm himself.

Then another word popped out.

"Because you are my student, you are allowed to give me 3 questions!"

Reigan reading these felt ecstatic, hey being a student of knowledge was not bad but the reality was far from that.

The only reason he was able to get 3 questions was because of the egg. The egg had made a great contribution to winning so it got 2 questions, well even Reigan knew it, it won't change that the questioning went back to him.

"Tell me once you are ready to ask!" The words again popped out.

He thought hard about what to asked and when he was ready, he looked up at the words.

He had a lot of questions, who was he? Why did he receive the breaking of his spirit and soul? What should he do to stop it?

They are a lot more to ask.

He took a deep breath eyes on the floating words and said with clear eyes. "I am ready to ask."