chapter 57: Uncontrollable

Reigan glanced at the orb but before he could speak out, a huge force took him away, and his consciousness went back to where the torturous environment was.

His body which was inside the elemental orb was like an arrow that was launched out of its bowstring.

It was so fast and strong that the elements punning him in the center couldn't contain him. Every wood behind him turned to ruined and some of it even pierce to his body, taking the last ounce of consciousness, and his HP became lower in visible rate.

On the outside. You could notice that the big surging ball of the element that couldn't enter the forest on the other side of the bridge. It was as if some kind of mystical power was hindering it to enter the territory. Even though the fairies, trents, and the dryads move forward with a serious but pale face, the big ball wasn't able to go into the forest.

Some were already down, showing that their mana was depleted, and another one had change who was fallen.

The queen was behind them seeing what was occurring, when she saw a moment ago how Reigan being suck inside, a smug was shown on her face, but the unexpected happening made her face turned sullen.

"Stop using your element on maintaining that thing and concentrate your attack that beast girl!"

The queen people complied but something unexpected happened, because they stop their surging power to be input into the elemental ball, the elements in it went amok.

It discriminately attacks the dryad, Trent, and the fairies that were near the elemental ball, making them fall toward the bottomless cliff.

As for the queen, the soldiers surrounding her lift their shiel making sure their queen was safe.

Reigan on the other hand, HP turned 1. A mechanical voice sounded in his ears and a bloody mist covered his body. And the tattoo from his chest travels on his skin, all over his body.

The wound on his body was healed at a visible rate, and the wood that pierces his skin fell on the ground one after another.

Reigan felt a hunger for something. It was unbearable hunger. It was the hunger to kill and to destroy.

He tried to stop the strong pulse that pulling his body by stepping on the ground and planting his feet on the ground.

He won't allow anything to contain him! He is the most powerful being, no one could make him submit!

Meanwhile, the Leopard and Roland meet who were stagnant in a fight.

You could see the murderous intention between the two, and the fairies, Lilia and Camilla, were on the ground, sleeping under the tree.

Roland felt bad about the fact that as a male he left the female. He wanted to go back, and so when he met the Leopard he asked him to take the girls and he will find the Reigan.

The leopard hearing this got mad and said he will be the one to go after Reigan.

The two transformed back to their original look, animal beast, standing with two legs.

The two decided to fight who would go and save Reigan, making them in such a predicament.

They were about to use their element only to pause because of an impending danger that could be felt in a certain direction.

It was a danger that telling them that if they wished to live, they need to leave.

The two have a tacit understanding, took the two girls.

Even though the two fairies were ugly in their eyes, because they look like some kind of weird insects, but they were saved by Reigan. For that reason, they will make sure the girls are safe, else they will lose the opportunity to court the female, and would gain its hatred if the girls were to die.

The danger was so near and was pulled along in their direction.

The Leopard felt that his pocket was moving, to be exact, it was the hat he had caught during his run.

He knew it was Reigan, so he kept it and would give it to her once they met, but who would have thought that it would suddenly move!

The egg felt suffocated inside the pocket, and let itself fall.

Roland seeing this catch the little egg and with a surprise in his eyes, the same familiar egg, with the familiar pattern on its body welcomed him.

The egg move as if looking at Roland along with the running Leopard.

It tried to look around and when it didn't see Reigan, it became jittery.

It was taken away again from Reigan!

The egg slipped out from Roland's hand, making Roland stop.

The egg ran toward where Reigan was!

Reigan on the other hand thought a moment ago that the force stops thinking that he had won against the force only to be pulled again.

He staggered but still tried to fight back but the force was too strong.

He was pulled out from the ground and along with the trees he holds onto.

He was fighting back and fell on his butt when that force stop and his body felt light.

A sinister glint could be seen in his eyes and the hunger to kill was imbued in his mind.

Then suddenly a bear with six eyes prop itself and glared at the beast girl with red eyes.

The grizzly bear was furious because its territory have been exposed when the trees were pulled out, and the main culprit was no other than the man who was smirking at it, Reigan.

The bear turned fierce and it suddenly roared with an unbearable sound.

Then behind the trees, one after another, a bunch of bears with six eyes showed their faces.

They all glanced at Reigan, and with anger, they roaring at him.