Chapter 59: The White Child

Two spheres were glaring at each other.

The first one was red in color and surrounded by a sinister red, violet, and black mist, but unlike the other, its light was a bit dim, trying to fight back against the green orb that covered with 4 white wings, and behind it was a pair of the wing, and ribbon in a shape of a halo on its head, Just like the other it was covered with white, yellow, and blue. It was the orb of identity and the guardian of light.

"Little devil, you should give it up. I already decided that this body is mine." Spoke guardian of light.

"Heh, It was me who found him first, so why would I agree. Even if my power depleted, I will still not allowed a halfling like you to take over this body!"

"Oh, calling me a halfling when you are a halfling yourself. Aren't you being sarcastic?"

" Yeah I am, this body is mine."

"Who owns who, lets just see-"


The two stop and then glared at the person who was shouting, only to see a wisp that bolted in their direction.

The two get ready to attack the incoming being, but the space around the man was distorted, and his pace was hard to catch.

When the wisp was near the two weird orbs, the orbs felt the space around them distorted, and they couldn't use their power. The next thing that happens was that the wisp had passed through them.

The two didn't give up, if they did, who knew when would they take over this body again.

They had waited for centuries for this event, they even disregard the rules, and went to the human realm just to be with the man of prophecy, and get the power with its body, and now that they had this opportunity, the wisp planned to get ahead of them.

They never thought that the wisp was Reigan, for they had jailed him in the darkroom.

It was the sub mind and the place where his true desire could be seen. A place where you can do anything because it is your world of imagination. Unfortunately, these orbs didn't know that they trigger another thing, making Reigan meet the chainman in the process.

If the two didn't disrupt the inner world of Reigan, they would have a greater chance to take over his body. But they didn't, making their chance of taking it this time become null.


Meanwhile, in the place where Reigan was killed. The 6-eyed bear was about to devour him, but halt and move as if giving way for some high being.

It was a child with pointy ears and pure white. He walked in the direction of Reigan's body.

It would make you wonder if the child was albino, his hair, eyelashes, eyes were pure white. Only his lips and clothes were not.

He was wearing green long sleeves, and brown long pants, showing his thin and tender ankle of his. And his feet were adorned by the black dwarf-like boots, where the point was twirled up.

On his forehead was a gem, that was black.

The child seemed to be around 12 years old. It made you wonder if he was a fairy, but he had no wings because his clothes were touching the back that was supposed to sprout out wings. He couldn't even be a dwarf, for he is tall to become one.

He might be a fae elven child with albinism.

When the child passes through the 6-eyed bears who gave him the way they all bow their heads as if looking unto their god.

The child sat in front of the female beast girl because Reigan's mask was still properly intact. The only way for it to be taken out was through the use of mana of the owner making it impossible for anyone else to take it off.

The child touches the tigress face with eyes full of love. "Hey~ Maman, I want her!" The child said in the air. "I want to take her as my bride!"

The Maman he was talking about couldn't be seen by the eyes. It was only those King Candidates that could see it.

And this child was one of those King Candidate.

"Then take him,"

"Her!" Corrected the child.

"You know, he is not a woman. And not a beastman." Maman said.

The child glanced at Reigan, no matter how he looks at him, he was a girl. How could Maman say that he is a she?

He glances at Reigan's body. No matter how he looks at it, he is a she.

The child had touched its ears, and happily gobble it up, making Maman looks at him in disgust.

After enjoying the tigress, he decided to carry it but his strength was not enough, making the albino child felt bad. "My wife, you are too heavy!"

If Reigan was awake at this moment, he will punch this child and see who is his wife, and regret creating the beastman as an avatar, no it was supposed to be a beast girl!

The child couldn't help but just smile helplessly and viewed the 6 eyed bears around him. "You, Carry my wife, carefully."

The 6-eyed bear obeyed the child without a second thought, but before the bear could go near Reigan, it fell on the ground.

The child stood up and looked around him, but see no one.

"Sigh, how troublesome." The child spoke.

The trees suddenly went in the child's direction and tried to pierce the said child, but he was fast. Faster than a normal fae elven.

Even fairies were not that fast.

The wood didn't stop and covered Reigan's body, after that it covers it and pull it in.

The child seeing this, whispered in the air, then a 4 white light sprout. After that, the child pointed toward where the wood was.

From those small lights, a white chain popped out, breaking the wood that pulling Reigan's body.

But a beastman pops out, and catches the falling Reigan, after that he ran fast.

The child falls on his feet and looks at the back of the beastman, along with the Leopard beastman.

He couldn't help but chuckle.

"Won't you chase them?" made Maman

"Don't wanna. We will meet again, anyway. And by that time, I will take my wife from them. As of now, let my wife enjoy being with those beastmen." The child said with a smirk on his face.