chapter 67: beast hunting

Reigan then glanced at Roland. "I need to level up,"

Roland then touched his swiss knife. He remembered that Reigan was good at using it, but he could not always use the swiss knife he had. Reigan also knew that, so the two decided to make a weapon for him. As for the weapon, he described it to Roland.

Prince's face was already black. The female he fancy was talking happily with Roland. Their serious conversation turned different in the eyes of the jealous Leopard. He couldn't allow Roland to take the heart of the female. So when they talked about the materials needed and their appearance, he concentrated his wood element and made the said weapon Reigan wants.

"That was so cool, thanks, man." Reigan grinned at Prince then he tried to use the tonfa on his hand, punching and twirling the weapon. This was the weapon that made him comfortable as if he was used to practicing such a weapon giving him more confidence in leveling up.

Actually, he still has that treasure box in his storage space that came from the god of gnome. He had the feeling that what's in it was a weapon, but he didn't dare to bring it out.

Although the two beastmen had helped him, it was not enough to trust them. Especially remembering what that fairy queen did.

He still planned on taking that breastplate back, it was his after all. He just gave in at that time because he knew he couldn't win, but that didn't mean he would never win in the future.

As of now, his priority was to heal his soul and spirit, remembering what Lilia told him when they first met.

Even though the degenerating of his soul and spirit paused, who knew how long it was.

So he needed to level up. But higher than the egg's level.

He already thought of it, if the egg was the same level as him then his level was lower than the egg, he needed to fill that level to maintain the same level as the little egg. But if he was higher than the egg, even if it was lessened, wouldn't it give him any punishment once he died?

It was just his theory, but it was better than nothing.

He planned on making himself at least 5 levels higher than the egg before sharing his experience points with the little fellow.

He glanced at the two beastmen. He was gratified with the two beastmen, and when he had enough strength, he would definitely pay them back. Although most of the time he knew he was a goofy guy, he knew what it means to give back what was given to you.

Same with Lilia and Camilla. Although they had welcomed and helped him during his stay there, he already paid it by saving them, right?

Him, trying to befriend and be nice to Lilia was for him to gain more information from her. If he could gain information that would be great but if not, he will just take another way of payment in the future,

The sun rose and the three decided to hunt some beast for him to level up.

Lilia rubbed her eyes and viewed the three beastmen getting ready. "Where are you going?"

The two glared at her but Reigan smiled at her. We will just hunt down something to eat."

"Oh, then also take a bath." Lilia disgustingly said.

Reigan felt flabbergasted. He was about to say that he didn't smell, but then remembered that ever since he was in the fairyland, he only took at least 2 baths a week. He had never bathed since he fell from the trial of Knowledge.

Seemed like he was really smelly, add up the fact that he had stayed for a long time in the trials, according to the timer in the sky, that that would also mean he didn't take a bath for more than a month.

In the end, he nodded in front of Lilia with a face full of seriousness. "You are right. I will definitely take a bath!"

Lilia seeing Reigan's serious mouth twitched, in the end, chuckled and said. "Then take care," She waved her hand.

Reigan blinked his eyes.

He might say, the girl's smile really was beautiful, ah.

He smiled back, leaving Lilia who was still recuperating. Getting ready to engage the beast.

They decided to go toward the river, and Reigan also planned to bathe after fighting the beast in the water. The one they planned to find was called Watersnake. It was blue and white on the lower half of its body, and it had a horn on its forehead. They also said that it has the same face as the tiger but only had no fur nor whisk.

It was not that strong, but it used a water blast when it attacked. What made it their main prey was its bone.

They said that since its body was more watery, the bone had water components that could be used on attack and defense. He felt both skeptical and excited, but it was better than nothing!

They planned to capture the 3-eyed rabbit first. They said that once a week the water snake goes up the shore and captures its prey on the land, and its favorite was a three-eyed rabbit.

The three-eyed rabbit has normal fur, just that it was shiny. They are as big as a normal Maine cat and have the body of a typical rabbit with long ears, and a pair of pure red gems that seemed like a shiny oval pearl that formed like in trinity-shape because they meet in between. What made it different from the typical was its long ribbon-like tail that had the same color as its body and the tip was a cute ball of fur.

Their danger varied from its color. The white and black colors of such were said to be the most dangerous ones because the black one appears and disappears then attacked with a weird ball of darkness. The ball of darkness will corrode anything that touched it. While the white rabbit will fly but then will make the light appear below you and your feet will be imbued on the ground, what made it so dangerous was that it was so fast and it cut its prey until it died, and every cut made the pain raise and body turned numb.

If you see those two, you need to run because they will chase their prey until they get tired, but it was a small percentage to meet such a beast. The typical colors were blue, green, orange, and yellow. Blue for water abilities, 3-eyed rabbit, green for plants, orange for fire, and yellow for wind.

And what they were looking at, at this moment was a blue rabbit. It warily looked around, then with its tail, it fished on the river.

When its tail lifted up, a fish was hooked up. The rabbit used its water element and trapped the fish. After that, it turned its back.

Reigan was given a spear made of wood. With right precision, he shoots its body, but the weapon only passed through on the body of the rabbit.

Reigan felt flabbergasted. Wasn't it supposed to be easily captured? why did the spear just pass through its body?

"keep on attacking, we need to at least make sure the 3-eyed rabbit won't leave," Roland said.

"We won't capture it?"

"They couldn't be capture if they are full of energy. We need to keep on attacking it until it was unable to use its elemental power." Roland explained while throwing the spear.

Reigan nodded his head and also continue to attack the 3-eyed rabbit, where every last place it left, it also left a patch of water on the ground.

Every time their spear touched its body, it turned into a liquid state, and then back to a normal furry look. Reigan felt this annoying. He was about to shoot again when the two stopped him.

He glared at the two. "Let me go, that annoying thing needs to be killed." Reigan irritatingly said, but the two pointed toward the river.

Reigan looked at the side and saw the water was making a mountain shape, but what made it weird was the fact that the water didn't made a sound when it does so, even the flow of the river just went upstream and went downstream. As if the mountain shape water couldn't hinder its movement.

They hold their breath watching such a magnificent view, the next thing that happens was the water-like tongue grabbed the 3-eyed rabbit easily and open its a hole on the water surface that seemed like a mouth. The 3-eyed rabbit helplessly entered its mouth.

When the rabbit couldn't be seen anymore, the sound of running water falling on its body was heard, and a breathtaking beauty was revealed behind it, giving awe to the people watching its beauty.

This water snake.

It was so beautiful...