Chapter 68: Water snake

The said water snake body was shining under the sun. On a closer look, the shining skin was actually a fish scale formed properly that makes the sun reflected on its body, giving this glorious beauty. The half on the backside was oceanic blue, while the latter half was white. The face was u -shape with the pure same color of its backside and the eyes were like a pair of phoenix charming eyes that had a black-like eyeliner without eyelashes, looking around it.

On the top of its head was a horn, and the residue of the water curtain could be seen on it. and a rainbow at the same time.

Its eyes then stayed on the place where they were giving Reigan goosebumps. He even heard the two gulp while staring at the beautiful water snake.

The watersnake smiled like a human smirk, making Reigan's blood turn cold.

What was this? It made one think that this water snake was human, if not for its look.

The water snake moved the water around it and moved in their direction. like small tentacles trying to grab them.

Reigan finally noticed something, the two were in a daze, still unmoving. "Hey! hey!" he woke up the two, but they didn't budge.

He already had a feeling that this was not a normal action. They were charmed, it was just that he was easily able to get out of this charm while the other two were not. He didn't know why, but that was not important. He needed to fight the weird water snake.

Without a second thought, the remaining five spears were shot toward the watersnake but it only used its water tentacles to slap the spear away.

Reigan grabbed the tonfa from his storage room and cut the incoming water tentacles, it was cut but it easily regenerates.

This won't do.

Reigan punched the two on their stomach, with Prince on his face, remembering this guy always treats him as a woman.

The two woke up in pain. they looked at then watersnake, their eyes turned sullen. They never thought that they would be captivated by the water snake.

Roland clenched his fist and with a sound of anger, looking at the prey he said toward the two, "Concentrate on attacking its body, it has a high attack but its defense was low." he reminded him, with a glint in his eyes.

They dodge the incoming tentacles while trying to move toward the water snake.

Roland used his wind to cut toward the water snake, but a water curtain would be lifted up, every shot had been intercepted with it. Prince on the other hand was moving from one place to another. He held a seed, and with the right precision, he controlled the branches to go toward the body of the water snake, unlike what it did to the strike of Roland, the water snake dodge.

Reigan, seeing this, beamed. "Hey Leopard dude, keep on attacking,"

"What are you planning to do?" Prince asked, seeing that it was running toward the water snake.

"Just keep on attacking," Reigan said.

Prince gritted his teeth and did what Reigan said, but the water also made him their target, making it hard for Prince to properly control the wood element. It even shot Reigan in the process, if not for his nimbleness, he will surely die.

"What the heck do you think you are doing?! Are you planning to kill King?!" Roland roared while glancing and attacking the water snake.

Reigan, who was planning to use the branches to run to, almost fell because the branches had suddenly gone. He looked at the two who were stupid enough to fight at this moment, ah!

He was about to shut the two but saw that a big crumpled of water was forming in front of the water snake's mouth. "Stop fighting each other and dodge!"

The two hearing Reigan's words lay flat on the ground as great wind pressure and drops of rain fell on their bodies.

The water was like a hydronic pump shooting, Reigan took that opportunity to move and bolted toward the water snake, then used the knife from his storage to stab the watersnake.

The knife has hit its body, because of that Reigan felt the slippery body of it and the movement of it became sluggish, even the shot pressure became bearable to anyone.

The two, seeing Reigan, started to use their elemental power, while Prince used his wood element to save Reigan, but Reigan used the wood as a stepping stone to push himself toward its face, then hit precisely toward its eyes.

The water snake shrieked in pain and swayed its body to move Reigan away.

"King! Jump down!" Roland shouted, getting ready to catch him from the fall, but rather than getting down, he climbed up and hugged the body of the water snake. His hand slipped, but his eyes didn't show any fear rather it held to its horn.

He notices the horn lights up, and the body of the water snake follows.

His heart turned cold, he got the feeling if this light-up stopped, all their effort would be in vain.

"Roland, Leopard. start to shoot its eyes!"

"Get down first! I'll save you!" Roland

"Fire its eyes!"

"We won't compromise your life here, King!"

Reigan cussed in his mind, these two, rather than just doing what he told them to do, they had actually insisted on making him jump. If they just do what he told him now, then this will be done already. Even though Reigan felt frustrated, he did what he told the two. With the right timing, he let go and held the knife, and pulled it out.

The searing pain of the water snake reverberates, and the glowing of its body halts and gray liquid gushed out of its eyes. If Reigan didn't know the truth, he will think that it was liquid that put some cement, but the liquid came from its eyes so he was certain it was blood.

Reigan, who was falling from its body grinned and Roland accelerated to save him.

Although feeling annoyed, Prince kept on attacking the water snake.

"Hey bro, attack that big blue worm!" Reigan excitedly told Roland.

Roland looked at him, feeling complicated, but he must say that was amazing. He just smiled while shaking his head and brought him beside Prince.

"Protect-/ make a spear for me!" Roland and Reigan spoke at the same time, with the latter, said halfway through.

Roland glanced at the seriousness and excited eyes of Reigan, while Prince smiled and started to create the said spear.

"Roland, concentrate on attacking the other eye so I could attack. We shouldn't allow it to glow again." Reigan commanded Roland who just did so, ``Create me as many spears as you can, and assist us from the rear."

Prince frowned, not liking the idea. He was also a warrior, hiding behind the female was not how beastman should be. "But I could-"

"You will need more seed and time to create the wood element, right. And for you to properly control it, you need to concentrate properly. You go and assist and we will do the rest." Reigan cut off Prince's words.

Prince turned silent. He did need to properly concentrate for it to control it. He glanced at Reigan once more and said "If you are in danger, I will fight to protect you."

"Thanks, bro. Don't worry, I am strong." Reigan smiles while patting Prince's shoulder.

Prince smiled at Reigan then started to create 20 spears that Reigan input into his storage.

Reigan glared at the water snake that was giving Roland the trouble, then ran in its direction.

Roland was trying to attack the other eye, but the water snake kept on putting on its water shield, protecting its eye.

Reigan used this opportunity to shoot its body, enraging the water snake. It shot indefinitely at it and shouted, "Leopard!"

"It's Prince." Corrected Prince while he assists Reigan.

Reigan used the wood element and stepped on them while leaping, finding the right timing to shoot at the other eye.

He first used the 3 spears and the 4th one was the knife. The 2 just bounced off, while the third one was halfway through, when the knife went on the back of the spear, it cut until it went to the only vision the water snake had.

The angry water snake couldn't find its enemy anymore, even if it wanted to hide but the bombardment on its surroundings hindered it.

With the strong wind cutting off Roland, it passed through the body of the water snake, cutting its flesh.

In the end, the water snake was killed because of bleeding. Even if it wanted to fight back, it couldn't anymore.

Reigan never felt so happy. He was this strong with only a quarter of his strength, what more if it was complete. Just the mere thought of it excites the man,

He waited for the reward prompt to show but there was none.

He felt both confused and a preceding danger entered his heart. He cussed in his heart and glanced in fear at the water snake. "Why didn't I think of that when Roland explained to me what it eats?" He glanced at the two who were already tired, and like him, their faces showed confusion. "Let's get out of here!" He told the two and ran toward the forest.

The two was confused but they still follow,

"What's the problem?" Roland ask

"I got the feeling that it was not a water snake, but only one of its heads," Reigan explained between its gritted teeth.

"What- Woah!" The ground shook, and they almost lost balance.

"Just keep on running, don't look back!" Reigan commanded the two.

The sound of roar was heard behind them, and 3 more that looked like a water snake popped out, it was just that their texture and color were different from what the water snake was. They were green, orange, and yellow, and like the blue ones, their bellies were white.

The green had some moss and plants on its back, while the orange had some lava on its body, the yellow one was just a plain color but you could see the air current covering it

When it stood up, you will see that their body was connected to a turtle-like shell, with a weird symbol on its shell.

Reigan glimpsed at it. He should have noticed when what it wanted to eat was some kind of weird elemental rabbit. That was no ordinary water snake, It was worse than it!