Goddess Frigg's Camp

"Where am I?" 

I muttered after I opened my eyes in an unfamiliar ceiling. 

"Hey Aziel, how are you? What happen, can you stand up? 

Hanji said while helping me to stand up from the couch where I was resting. 

Ah, I remember now, I have lost my consciousness right in front of the camp's main door after running non-stop to avoid my supposed to be death by those Exstinguo-hater faction.

"Hanji, I was being chased by the Internuncio, it seems like they mistakingly thought that I was a member of Exstinguo after I saw my brother back in the orphanage in the middle of the street on my way here, and have a little chat with him in his place." 

I explained to him while trying to gain my composure in front of the other Favorites.

It is still my supposed to be first day as a new member of the Goddess Frigg's camp, but I'd already made a scene like this that put in high alert all the members of the Goddess' family. 

Hanji explained to me that after I'd lost consciousness in front the main door, they Immediately recall all the Favorite's under the name of the Goddess to safeguard the camp from the possible attack of the enemy, including Hanji and Aria, who is supposed to clear Aria's 8th door. 

He also told me that since they need to rush back here as well to provide assistance in case a fight broke out right inside the came, the supposed to be Aria's ascension to the 9th door has been halted due to that incident. 

I don't know how to face them anymore since this is just my first day and I'd already give them a headache. 

So put my self together and I instantly went to Aria and to all the members of the camp to apologise since I disturbed their scheduled activities as well as to put them in High alert that gives them no time to relax. 

"Aziel, my child, It is I who needs to apologise to you, I overlook things in the future that is why all of this happens."

Suddenly the Goddess walk out of her room and explained to us while looking at me straight. I felt like I was about to fall into my knee when I saw that my Goddess has a teary while speaking to me. 

"I asked Hanji to train you but not to how the world works here in inside the capital, it is my fault not to remind you as well about the dangers coming from the same Favorites as you."

As soon as the Goddess finish to talking, Hanji and the others suddenly fall into their knee as if they were apologising for their incompetence. 

I instantly feel like guilty, I felt like I was the one who cause the commotion and also the one makes the reason why do they suddenly feel useless in the eyes of the Goddess. 

"It is I, my Goddess who fail you! Please forgive me my Goddess!" 

Hanji exclaimed while bowing in his knee.

"No my son, it is not your fault, no one fail me here in this Camp, you were all my chosen champions, you were all my precious child." 

The Goddess said while helping all the other Favorite to get on their feet. 

"I promise you my child, and to you Aziel, that this incident will never happen again." 

She said in confidence while walking toward her throne inside the camp.

After a minute of silence, when every one settled down, the Goddess ordered everyone to take their rest since today has been an exhausting day since they were on high alert since my collapsed in the main door. 

"Aziel, stay, there is something that you need to know" 

While I was walking towards the door, the voice of the Goddess suddenly registered into my brain.

At first, I thought that I'd just misheard a thing, however when I look back at her, she nods at like telling me that I hear it right. 

So instead of heading straight to the main door to get my way out, I took a reroute while wondering at the portraits hanging inside the main hall of the camp. 

I know that the Goddess doesn't want the other Favorites to hear or to know what is she going to reveal to me that is why she used a telepathy instead of ordering me to stay here using an actual voice. 

As soon as the last candidates left the main hall, I hurriedly walk near the Goddess, and there she handed me a seemingly familiar object. 

It is somehow as rusty as my Nandaka given by Hanji, as well as it emits the same flow energy. 

If my guess is correct, this shield is a part of the weapon set. 

"Take this for your journey Aziel, this shield changes it's shapes depends on the owners wish, this is a heavenly weapon that could protect from a powerful. Take this as a symbol of my love for you, my child." 

As soon as she handed the shield like object, it instantly registered into my systems and a notification suddenly pop up in front of my face


*You acquired "Sirvasta" (The Protector of Wisdom) 

[Please choose what of kind of protective equipment will the Sirvasta takes its shape] 

After I read the notification, I started to think what kind of protective equipment will be the most beneficial for me. 

I know that a Palladin type of Armor will definitely protect from a power attack however it will also decreased my speed which is my trump card. 

A shield type protection  is not good thing as well since I'd rather dodge than to receive my enemy's attack using the shield. 

After a minute of deciding whether what shape it will take, all I think about is that I need an armor that has has a high durability and a one that will not put a restrictions to my movement .

As soon I have managed to Imagine what would it be like, the Sirvasta glow brightly and instantly covered my whole body. 


*A protective suit has been perfectly materialized.