Three Factions of the Tower

After a minutes of silence since he uttered those words. He at last breaks the silence by explaining to me the things that I need to know. 

According to him, there are groups here inside the capital that was created depends on what they are fighting for. 

Among them are the groups of those candidates whose only wish is to eliminate the existence of the Galdurium who is commonly known as the "Exstinguo" . 

However, there is also a faction wherein they are enjoying the current state of the world. Let us say that they are the kind of people who use the power of Galdurium for their own benefits. 

Those Favorites hunts down the members of the Exstinguo to eliminate the threat of removing the Galdurium in the world, they were commonly known as "Internuncio".

Unlike the members of the Internuncio, the Exstinguo don't kill anyone here in this tower, because they believed that all f

of the people in the world is just a victim of the Galdurium, that they were drowned by the power it emits, and they are also too focused on their goal to finished the tower first and ask the God to remove the Galdurium in the world. 

However, they always need to stay vigilant since the Internuncio is always looking for a perfect chance to kill them in the process. 

There is also a federation called the "Pacificatore" they are Favorite's who maintain the balance inside the capital. 

Specifically they are neither enjoying this world of fantasy nor wanted to eliminate it. 

The Goddess Frigg's camp is one of the camp who is widely known who has the most numbers of Favorite belongs to the Pacificatore, while minority is neither of the three. 

"Then brother, why don't you join us in the Goddess Frigg's camp so that they will not target you anymore? We both can become a Pacificatore, we don't to sacrifice ourselves during the process by announcing to the world what we fight for or what we are against for. "

I said in a pleasing manner since I really want to get him out of danger. 

"After three years of staying here, I don't I can leave my comrades back in the God Bishamonten camp anymore, besides, our diety is also kind to us that I don't think I can leave him just to safeguard my self from danger."

He said while looking outside the window. I know that he is that kind of person, a person who will not abandon his comrades despite being faced with lots of dangers. 

"I think you stay here is long enough, the Internuncio might suspect you of being a Exstinguo, so I guess I need you to leave this place before they target you." 

He said in a hurry as soon as he noticed those Favorites that circling the vicinity of his place. 

" Here, take this, use this to contact me whenever you need my help, I'll be there for you always whenever you need my help. Always remember that I am always here for you, all my brothers and sisters, and also, become stronger, become stronger not to defeat the enemy, but to defend yourself from danger."

As soon as he handed me the communication gem, he soon kicked me out his place, and makes it look like that he beat me in order to fool those Internuncio that I am just a victim of his scheme. 

After leaving his house, I unconsciously walk fast towards the main street, maybe because I was too afraid that the Internuncio might attack me for mistaking me to be one of the Exstinguo. 


[A killing intent from an unknown person is detected.]


[Temporary Skill has been added] 

[Fear Haste: Grants the owner a temporary additional agility  that will let him to travel twice the speed of the normal.]

[MP Cost: 5MP per minute] 

[The skill will automatically deactivated once the mana points of the Favorite is depleted] 

Once I reached the main street of the capital, I instantly browse the maps that Hanji gave me. 

The first place that I'd think that I will be safer was none other than the Goddess Frigg's camp. 

After I'd roll out out the scroll which contains the map of the Capital, I hurriedly browse it to locate where the camp is located at. 

Lucky me, It was only a few corners away from where I was.

I'd instantly activated the life saver temporary skill that my system gave me.

Step after step, my sweat is dripping all over my body because I can feel the intensity of power that the Internuncio is spreading out to intimidate me. 

But instead of trembling here in fear, I keep moving forward while hoping to bump into someone from the same camp. 

Comparing it to the intensity of power I felt from Hanji, this pursuer of mine might only be 2 levels away from him in terms of power. 

So for a newbie like, I am just an ant compared to his power. 

After a minutes of walking in fear while sweating a lot, the sight of the Goddess Frigg's camp registered into my eyes. 

And all the fear I felt inside instantly fade away as soon as I stepped inside the vicinity. 

When I'd enter the camp, I found no single person inside, the fear once again trembled in my body as I gaze upon the surrounding and found nothing but an empty camp with no one at all. 

I shouted, but no one came to greet me. 

That very same moment, I'd already accepted my fate that I will die here by the hands of the Internuncio. 

I hurriedly dashed towards the main door of the camp and catching my breath while Opening the door. 


After that heartwarming welcome from the camp, all I can reply to them was my smile, and suddenly, I passed out from where I was standing due to the deep exhaustion that I felt while running away, to escape my supposed to be death.