The week went pretty quick Charlotte and Gabrielle were spending most of their time together either with his friends or alone. They were convinced that there was something going on between the pair, but they both denied it. They all just shrugged and let it drop. They'd spent time doing their homework together in their rooms or at the library when they needed to research tonight it was research. They had a 5000 word essay on the gangsters in the U.K. for their history project and they had to choose one. Charlotte had decided to go with the Kray twins and their rule during the 1950's, whilst Gabrielle focused on the peaky blinders era during the 19th century. They'd had a pretty hectic week, she hadn't made any progress in finding his father and they were really looking for a ducking miracle. She knew her way around I the deepest parts of the web where the most evil hid form the world she hoped someone would know of his father but it seemed Kiel they were all running scared, but why? Well apart fr0m her father he had contacts everywhere and they'd do as he said by the click if his fingers would he stop so low into not letting her find this man his son so wanted to find redemption in?
They'd worked so hard their heads were hurting. 'I think we should call it a night Gabes.'
'Yeah you're right I have a pounding headache I don't know about you.'
'A cracker.'
He smiled laughing even the worst headache in the universe she always boring a smile to his face or laughter to the room. 'Let's go.'
She nodded and they picked up their books they'd do some more research tomorrow. For now he just wanted some pain killers and bed he reckoned she needed it to. She looked well and truly fucked they'd been in there four hours and had missed supper. They walked out of the library heading to their rooms. 'I'm sorry it's taking so long Gabes.'
'It's fine I know these things take their time I can wait. I trust you char.' He smiled.
She returned his smiled awkwardly. She hated to admit she who'd never be able to find his father unless she had help and she was sure her father had made sure she didn't get it and she wanted to know why.
He walked her to her door. 'I'll see you in the morning Char.'
'You will night Gabe.'
He leaned forward kissing her cheek. 'Night Char.'
She opened the door stepping in. He walked away and she closed her door.
Her mobile buzzed. She answered the call knowing it was her father. 'Papa.'
'Good evening my angel. I tired calling you earlier where were you that you were unable to pick up?'
'I was in the library papa. I have an essay to write.'
'I see.' He paused.
'What's wrong papa?'
"I understand that you are looking for someone.'
'I am.'
'I see.'
'Who told you?'
'It doesn't matter. All I want to know why you are searching for this particular person and why so I assure it goes to the right person angel I don't want scum to find out any information they can use against our family snd this person so I've put a hold on things until I knwo the reason.'
She thought just as much,
'I'm doing it for a friend papa he wants to find his father.'
'I see.' He paused again. 'And who's this friend?'
'Gabrielle Russo.'
He almost choked. 'I see.' He coughed. 'And who's his father?'
'Michele Russo.'
'I see.' He paused agian.
'What's wrong papa?'
'I need to ask you something and be honest with me Angel.'
'Always papa.'
'What is this boy to you?'
'He's my friend papa.'
'Nothing else?'
'No papa.'
'I'd like to speak to this boy. I need to know everything before I give the go ahead. Do you understand angel?'
'Yes papa.'
'No more going to the dark places it's dangerous Angel, come to me for now on do you understand?'
;yes papa.'
'Good girl. Tomorrow night I want to speak with this boy after your supper are we clear angel?'
'Yes papa I'll let him know.'
'Good girl. Night angel sleep tight.'
'You too papa.'
He hung up and she put her mobile down.
Shit shit shit
Gabriel's wouldn't agree to speaking with her father and fi he didn't there would b end way of finding his father.
Shit shit shit.